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Results for "Samuel Paschall"

1 - 25 of 131 Records

Samuel Paschall - 1815 to 1874

Birth: 1815 Tennesseebirth0

Death: 6 Jun 1874 Harris, TXdeath0


Father: Eli Paschall

Mother: Margaret Thompson

Samuel Paschall - 1815 to 1874

Birth: 1815 Tennesseebirth1

Death: 6 Jun 1874 Harris, TXdeath1


Father: Eli Paschall

Mother: Margaret Thompson

Samuel D. Paschall - 1871 to 1937

Birth: 25 May 1871 Henry, Tennessee, USAbirth2

Death: 6 Dec 1937 Henry, Tennessee, USAdeath2


Father: James Alvin Paschall

Mother: Rebecca Emiline Nichols Paschall

Samuel D. Paschall - 1871 to 1937

Birth: 25 May 1871 Henry, Tennessee, USAbirth3

Death: 6 Dec 1937 Henry, Tennessee, USAdeath3


Father: James Alvin Paschall

Mother: Rebecca Emiline Nichols Paschall

Samuel D. Paschall - 1871 to 1937

Birth: 25 May 1871 Henry, Tennessee, USAbirth4

Death: 6 Dec 1937 Henry, Tennessee, USAdeath4


Father: James Alvin Paschall

Mother: Rebecca Emiline Nichols Paschall

Samuel H. Paschall - 1870 to 1941

Birth: 4 March 1870 Tennesseebirth5

Death: 27 Dec 1941 Lebanon, Wilson County, Tennesseedeath5


Father: Joshua Paschall

Mother: Mary Elizabeth SMARTT Paschal

Samuel Paschall - 1800 to 1881

Birth: 18 Dec 1800 Wilkes County, Georgia, USAbirth6

Death: 31 Dec 1881 Franklin, Heard, Georgia, USAdeath6


Father: Samuel Dennis Paschall

Mother: Ann LEVERETT Paschall Reason

Samuel H. Paschall - 1870 to 1941

Birth: 4 March 1870 Tennesseebirth7

Death: 27 Dec 1941 Lebanon, Wilson County, Tennesseedeath7


Father: Joshua Paschall

Mother: Mary Elizabeth SMARTT Paschal

Samuel Horace Paschall - 1905 to 1978

Birth: 14 May 1905 , Wilkes, Georgia, USAbirth8

Death: 3 December 1978 Washington, Wilkes, Georgia, USAdeath8


Father: Samuel Horace Paschall

Mother: Berta Louise Thorton

Samuel Edward Paschall - 1853 to 1938

Birth: 22 November 1853 Merion Station, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth9

Death: 9 June 1938 Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, USAdeath9


Father: Stephen Paschall

Mother: Ann Sharples

Samuel Edward Paschall - 1853 to 1938

Birth: 22 November 1853 Merion Station, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth10

Death: 9 June 1938 Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, USAdeath10


Father: Stephen Paschall

Mother: Ann Sharples

Samuel N Paschall - 1811 to 1894

Birth: 08 Nov 1811 Lebanon, Wilson, Tennessee, USAbirth11

Death: 29 Sep 1894 LaCrew, Lee Iowa, United Statesdeath11


Father: Isaiah Paschal

Mother: Agnes Freeman

Samuel Horace Paschall - 1905 to 1978

Birth: 14 May 1905 , Wilkes, Georgia, USAbirth12

Death: 3 December 1978 Washington, Wilkes, Georgia, USAdeath12


Father: Samuel Horace Paschall

Mother: Berta Louise Thorton

Samuel P Paschall - 1856 to 1915

Birth: Aug 1856 North Carolinabirth13

Death: 29 Sep 1915 South Carolinadeath13


Father: John Paschal

Mother: Martha Ann Horsford

Samuel Fred Paschall - 1896 to 1955

Birth: 2 Feb 1896 MO, USAbirth14

Death: 1955 Montrose, Montrose, Colorado, United Statesdeath14


Father: John W Paschall

Mother: Emily Cora Wilson

Samuel P Paschall - 1856 to 1915

Birth: Aug 1856 North Carolinabirth15

Death: 29 Sep 1915 South Carolinadeath15


Father: John Paschal

Mother: Martha Ann Horsford

Samuel Fred Paschall - 1896 to 1955

Birth: 2 Feb 1896 MO, USAbirth16

Death: 1955 Montrose, Montrose, Colorado, United Statesdeath16


Father: John W Paschall

Mother: Emily Cora Wilson

Samuel L Paschall - 1842 to 1862

Birth: 1842 Pontotoc, Mississippi, USAbirth17

Death: 18 Aug 1862 Howard's Grove, Richmond, Virginiadeath17


Father: Samuel Paschall

Mother: Leah Calhoun Speed

Samuel Paschall - 1878 to 1932

Birth: 25 Oct 1878 Kaufman Co., Texasbirth18

Death: 14 APR 1932


Father: Daniel A Paschall

Mother: Virginia Hought

Samuel PASCHALL - 1858 to 1900

Birth: FEB 1858 Wake, NCbirth19

Death: 1900


Father: Amassa Mason Paschall

Mother: Nancy Mary Mangum

Samuel A. Paschall - 1836 to 1871

Birth: 1836 Warr, NCbirth20

Death: 03 Mar 1871


Father: Green Berry Paschall

Mother: Mary Perkinson

Samuel A. Paschall - 1836 to 1871

Birth: 1836 Warr, NCbirth21

Death: 03 Mar 1871


Father: Green Berry Paschall

Mother: Mary Perkinson

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