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Results for "Samel Paylor"

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Samuel TAYLOR - 1826 to 1912

Birth: 1826 Little Sutton, Cheshire, Englandbirth0

Death: 26 Sep 1912 Willaston, Wirral, Cheshiredeath0


Father: Samuel Taylor

Mother: Mary Royle

Samuel Frederick Taylor - 1866 to 1934

Birth: July 1866 Birmingham, Warwickshire, Englandbirth1

Death: 8 Jan 1934 Troy, Rensselaer County, New York, USAdeath1


Father: Frederick Taylor

Mother: Sarah Harrison

Samuel Hayden Taylor - 1927 to 2004

Birth: 1 Jan 1927 Mount Pleasant, Taylor, Texasbirth2

Death: 28 Jun 2004 Fort Worth Tarrant County, Texasdeath2


Father: Rutherford Bennett Taylor

Mother: Roma Dee Chester Taylor

Samuel Huston Taylor - 1872 to 1923

Birth: 14 Feb 1872 TNbirth3

Death: 20 Oct 1923 Sevier County, Tennessee, United Statesdeath3


Father: James P. Taylor

Mother: Eliza J. Burrell

Samuel Arthur Taylor - 1891 to 1971

Birth: 16 Oct 1891 Tennessee, USAbirth4

Death: August 1971 Knox County, Tennessee, United States of Americadeath4


Father: Richard W Taylor

Mother: Mary E Dagley

Samuel Arthur Taylor - 1891 to 1971

Birth: 16 Oct 1891 Tennessee, USAbirth5

Death: August 1971 Knox County, Tennessee, United States of Americadeath5


Father: Richard W Taylor

Mother: Mary E Dagley

Samuel Taylor - 1771 to 1867

Birth: 1771 Lincolnshire, Englandbirth6

Death: 1867 Tibberton, Gloucestershire, Englanddeath6


Father: William Taylor 5th G/GF

Mother: Mary Garret

Samuel Cox Taylor - 1830 to 1887

Birth: February 20, 1830 North Carolina, USAbirth7

Death: April 12, 1887 Austin, Travis, Texas, United Statesdeath7


Father: William Barnett Taylor

Mother: Deborah Catherine Taylor

Samuel F. Kaylor - 1842 to 1916

Birth: 27 Nov 1842 Monroe, Richland, Ohio, United Statesbirth8

Death: 11 Aug 1916 Perkins, Erie, Ohiodeath8


Father: Frederick Samuel Kaylor

Mother: Susanna Furry

Samuel L Taylor - 1905 to 1972

Birth: 1905 Havre De Grace, Maryland, USAbirth9

Death: 1972 Havre De Grace, Harford, Maryland, United States of Americadeath9


Father: John Howard Taylor

Mother: Lucretia R Arthur

Samuel Taylor - 1841 to 1897

Birth: 16 Oct 1841 Ashton-Under-Lyne, Lancs, Englandbirth10

Death: 25 Nov 1897 Magna, Salt Lake, Utah, United Statesdeath10


Father: Joseph H Taylor

Mother: Harriet (Booth) Barnes

Samuel Saylor - 1822 to 1907

Birth: 1 Sep 1822 Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth11

Death: 12 Jan 1907 Todd, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath11


Father: Mathias Saylor

Mother: Elizabeth Pheasant

Samuel L Taylor - 1926 to 2006

Birth: 17 Feb 1926 District of Columbiabirth12

Death: 14 Feb 2006 York, York, Pennsylvania, USAdeath12


Father: LeRoy Gustave Taylor

Mother: Helen Lee Chism

Samuel James Taylor - 1862 to 1923

Birth: 12 November 1862 Birmingham, Warwickshire, Englandbirth13

Death: 7 Jul 1923 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAdeath13


Father: Henry Taylor

Mother: Selina Agnes Evans

Samuel TAYLOR - 1838 to 1915

Birth: March 1844 or 1838 Washington Co., VA.birth14

Death: 12/23/1915 Virginia, USAdeath14


Father: Benjamin F. TAYLOR

Mother: Mary Booher

Samuel R Taylor - 1879 to 1916

Birth: 30 JAN 1879 Texasbirth15

Death: 13 Nov 1916 Conway, Faulkner, Arkansas, United Statesdeath15


Father: Gideon P Taylor

Mother: Minerva Henderson

Samuel Morton Baylor - 1867 to 1941

Birth: 18 Nov 1867 Tippecanoe, Indiana, USAbirth16

Death: 1941 Lake, Michigan, USAdeath16


Father: Samuel Martin Bailor

Mother: Sarah Ann McCoy

Samuel Taylor - 1820 to 1905

Birth: 6 Jul 1820 Laurens, Laurens, South Carolina, USAbirth17

Death: 4 April 1905 Laurens County, South Carolinadeath17


Father: John Taylor

Mother: Jane Little

Samuel Taylor - 1917 to 2005

Birth: 15 Apr 1917 Merrilltown, Travis, Texas, USAbirth18

Death: June 23, 2005 Texas, USAdeath18


Father: Charles Pinckney TAYLOR

Mother: Eurilda Estelle Williams

Samuel Edwin Taylor - 1821 to 1915

Birth: Abt 1821 Cranbrook, Kent, Englandbirth19

Death: January 1915 Maidstone, Kentdeath19


Father: Stephen Taylor

Mother: Martha Rose

Samuel Albert Taylor - 1872 to 1923

Birth: 12 May 1872 nabirth20

Death: 3 Nov 1923 nadeath20


Father: William Jacob Taylor

Mother: Susan Laura Jones

Samuel Taylor - 1878 to 1961

Birth: 24 November 1878 Sheffield, Yorkshire, Englandbirth21

Death: 1961 Toronto, Ontario, Canadadeath21


Father: William Taylor

Mother: Sarah Standish Robinson

Samuel Joseph TAYLOR - 1916 to 1999

Birth: 31 DEC 1916 gainsville floridabirth22

Death: 26 MAR 1999 lakeland polk, floridadeath22




Samuel TAYLOR - 1858 to 1937

Birth: 19 Apr 1858 W Union Twp Fayette County, Pennsylvaniabirth23

Death: feb 25 1937 North Union, Fayette, Pennsylvaniadeath23


Father: Jacob Taylor

Mother: Elizabeth Hewitt

Samuel Taylor - 1893 to 1968

Birth: abt 1893 Missouribirth24

Death: 23 Feb 1968 Scottsdale, Maricopa, Arizona, USAdeath24


Father: John Major Taylor

Mother: Alzora Brummet

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