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Results for "Sally Partington"

1 - 20 of 20 Records

Sally Partington - 1773 to 1827

Birth: 1773 Lancashire Englandbirth0

Death: abt 1827


Father: John Partington

Mother: Sarah

Sally Partington - 1826

Birth: Abt. 1826 Lancashire, Englandbirth1

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Partington

Mother: Ann Schofield

Sally Partington - 1807 to 1807

Birth: 31 JUL 1807 Gee Cross United, Hyde, Cheshire, Englandbirth2

Death: 1807 Gee Cross United, Hyde, Cheshire, Englanddeath2


Father: John Partington

Mother: Mary Smith

Sally Partington - 1757 to 1758

Birth: ABT 1757 Astley, Lancashire, Englandbirth3

Death: JUN 1758 Astley, Lancashire, Englanddeath3



Mother: Jane Sharples

Sally (Sarah) PARTINGTON - 1802 to 1804

Birth: 1802 Middleton, Lancashirebirth4

Death: 1804


Father: Ralph PARTINGTON

Mother: Jenny (Jane) Dawson

Sally PARTINGTON - 1807

Birth: 1807 Heap, Bury, Lancashire, Englandbirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Charles PARTINGTON

Mother: Mary Mally SCHOLFIELD

Sally PARTINGTON - 1815

Birth: 1815 Pilsworth, Lancashire, Englandbirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: James PARTINGTON

Mother: Sarah Sally Woolstenholme

Sally Partington - 1785

Birth: Apr 1785 Poulton Le Fylde, Lancashire, Englandbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Ralph Partington

Mother: Mary Blevin

Sally Partington - 1848

Birth: abt 1848 Middleton, Lancashire, Englandbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: John Partington

Mother: Ann Halliwell

Sally Partington - 1815

Birth: 1815 Heap, Bury, Lancashire, Englandbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Solomon Partington

Mother: Mally Kay

Sally Partington - 1780

Birth: abt 1780 Lancashire, Englandbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Ralph Partington

Mother: Mary Cookson

Sally Partington

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert Partington

Mother: Betty Harrison

Sally Partington - 1947 to 1964

Birth: 1947 Wrexham, Denbighshirebirth12

Death: 1964 Wrexham, Denbighshire (aged 17


Father: Edward William Partington

Mother: Not Available

Sally Partington - 1804

Birth: 1804 Middleton, Lancashire, Englandbirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sally Partington - 1857

Birth: 1857 Mainebirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sally Partington - 1787 to 1821

Birth: 1787

Death: 1821


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sally Partington

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sally Partington - 1804 to 1874

Birth: 1804

Death: 1874


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sally Partington

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Sally Partington

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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