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Results for "Sallie Page"

1 - 25 of 220 Records

Sallie Page - 1887 to 1968

Birth: 30 Sep 1887 Fairmont, Robeson, North Carolina, USAbirth0

Death: 12 Aug 1968 Douglas, Coffee, Georgia, USAdeath0


Father: Berry Lafayette Page

Mother: Annie Spivey

Sallie May Page - 1885 to 1953

Birth: 2 Apr 1885 Kentuckybirth1

Death: 19 Apr 1953 Muhlenberg County, Kentuckydeath1


Father: Melvin Briggs Page

Mother: Nancy Ellen Fike (Page)(Fox)

Sallie Paulyn Page - 1905 to 1976

Birth: 1905 Missouribirth2

Death: 4 Dec 1976 Butler, Bates, Missouri, USAdeath2


Father: John Page

Mother: Minnie C. (Goodrum) Page

Sallie Page - 1856 to 1929

Birth: 26 Sep 1856 Wilson County, North Carolina USAbirth3

Death: 11 Jan 1929 Wilson, Wilson Co North Carolinadeath3


Father: Henry W Boswell

Mother: Martha Patsy Tomlinson

Sallie Page - 1888 to 1952

Birth: abt 1888 Kentuckybirth4

Death: 1 Sep 1952 Petoskey, Emmet, Michigandeath4


Father: Hendricks Broadnax

Mother: Hannah Slaughter

Sallie Page - 1856 to 1929

Birth: 26 Sep 1856 Wilson County, North Carolina USAbirth5

Death: 11 Jan 1929 Wilson, Wilson Co North Carolinadeath5


Father: Henry W Boswell

Mother: Martha Patsy Tomlinson

Sallie Paulyn Page - 1905 to 1976

Birth: 1905 Missouribirth6

Death: 4 Dec 1976 Butler, Bates, Missouri, USAdeath6


Father: John Page

Mother: Minnie C. (Goodrum) Page

Sallie Page - 1874 to 1960

Birth: 5 Nov 1874 Stewart, Tennessee, United Statesbirth7

Death: 25 Mar 1960 Big Rock, Stewart, Tennessee, United Statesdeath7


Father: Joshua Peircely Page

Mother: Ernestine Emeline Wallace

Sallie Page - 1891 to 1974

Birth: 18 May 1891 , North Carolina, United Statesbirth8

Death: 28 Jun 1974 Pinehurst, Moore Co, North Carolinadeath8


Father: Leonard Garner

Mother: Mary Ella Maness

SALLIE J Page - 1885 to 1966

Birth: AUG 1885 Morrisville, Wake, North Carolina, USAbirth9

Death: 26 Mar 1966 Durham, Durham, North Carolina, United Statesdeath9


Father: John Page

Mother: Delia Jane Howard

Sallie D. Page - 1876 to 1955

Birth: Sep 1876 Texas, USAbirth10

Death: 21 Jul 1955 Deleon, Comanche, Texas, USAdeath10


Father: James Wilmont Magness

Mother: arminta "maam" wood

SALLIE J Page - 1885 to 1966

Birth: AUG 1885 Morrisville, Wake, North Carolina, USAbirth11

Death: 26 Mar 1966 Durham, Durham, North Carolina, United Statesdeath11


Father: John Page

Mother: Delia Jane Howard

Sallie Page - 1886 to 1917

Birth: Jan 1886 Tennesseebirth12

Death: 22 Jun 1917 Santa Fe, Maury, Tennessee, USAdeath12


Father: William Page

Mother: Anna Elizabeth Thompson

Sallie Lee Page - 1885 to 1920

Birth: 24 Nov 1885 Kentuckybirth13

Death: 19 Dec 1920 Monroe, Kentucky, USAdeath13


Father: Samuel Jefferson Page

Mother: Mary Francis Hagan

Sallie Lee Page - 1885 to 1920

Birth: 24 Nov 1885 Kentuckybirth14

Death: 19 Dec 1920 Monroe, Kentucky, USAdeath14


Father: Samuel Jefferson Page

Mother: Mary Francis Hagan

Sallie Page - 1866 to 1962

Birth: Oct 1866 Tennesseebirth15

Death: 16 Feb. 1962 Smith County, Rome, Tennesseedeath15


Father: George Maxwell Burton

Mother: Susan Jane Bradley

Sallie Ada Page - 1868 to 1924

Birth: 28 Jul 1868 Richmond MObirth16

Death: 9 May 1924 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USAdeath16


Father: Henry Page

Mother: Amadora "Emma" Thompson

Sallie Rosalyn Page - 1935 to 1988

Birth: 2 Feb 1935 Dallas, Texasbirth17

Death: 15 Apr 1988 Pensacola, Escambia County, Florida, USAdeath17


Father: Clarence Egbert Page

Mother: Bonnie Nell McKinney

Sallie Rosalyn Page - 1935 to 1988

Birth: 2 Feb 1935 Dallas, Texasbirth18

Death: 15 Apr 1988 Pensacola, Escambia County, Florida, USAdeath18


Father: Clarence Egbert Page

Mother: Bonnie Nell McKinney

Sallie Page - 1817 to 1872

Birth: 7 Aug 1817 Clarke County, Virginia, USAbirth19

Death: 27 Nov 1872 Randolph, Cumberland, Virginia, USAdeath19


Father: John White Page

Mother: Jenne Byrd

Sallie Page - 1915

Birth: abt 1915 Virginiabirth20

Death: Not Available Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, USAdeath20


Father: Shedrick Page

Mother: Bertha Lee Thomas

Sallie P Page - 1916 to 1950

Birth: 1916 South Carolinabirth21

Death: 8 April 1950 York, South Carolina, USAdeath21


Father: Robert Perry

Mother: Eliza Perry

Sallie Page - 1862 to 1926

Birth: 25 Nov 1862 South Carolinabirth22

Death: 16 MAR 1926


Father: Randolph Page

Mother: Martha Cole (Page)

Sallie Page - 1841 to 1863

Birth: 3 Mar 1841 Guilford, New Haven, Conn.birth23

Death: 10 May 1863 Stony Creek, New Haven, Connecticut, United Statesdeath23


Father: Dennis Smith Page

Mother: Almira Louisa Hull

Sallie W Page - 1863 to 1924

Birth: Abt. 1863 Georgiabirth24

Death: 05 Nov 1924 Oconee County, South Carolina, USAdeath24


Father: Jno Paige

Mother: Not Available

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