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Results for "Ruby Joplin"

1 - 13 of 13 Records
Female IconMale Icon

Ruby Lucille Joplin

Birth: abt 1917 Oklahoma

Death: 25 Oct 2006 Wichita Falls, Wichita, Texas, USA


Father: Raymond Gordon Longnecker

Mother: Leona Terrell

Female IconMale Icon

Ruby Lucille Joplin

Birth: abt 1917 Oklahoma

Death: 25 Oct 2006 Wichita Falls, Wichita, Texas, USA


Father: Raymond Gordon Longnecker

Mother: Leona Terrell

Female IconMale Icon

Ruby Joplin

Birth: 27 Mar 1903 Williamson County, Illinois, USA

Death: 31 Dec 1984 Carbondale, Jackson,County. Illinois


Father: Mark Joplin

Mother: Rettie Smothers

Female IconMale Icon

Ruby Marie Joplin

Birth: 17 Oct 1912 Noodle, Jones, Texas, USA

Death: 21 Jan 2006 Graham, Young, Texas, USA


Father: James Osborn Joplin

Mother: Mary Jane Riffe

Female IconMale Icon

Ruby Claire Joplin

Birth: 13 Feb 1912 Oklahoma

Death: 26 Apr 2008 Muskogee, Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA


Father: William Alonzo Joplin

Mother: Pearlie Mae Byrd

Female IconMale Icon

Ruby Joplin

Birth: 09/05/1921 Timpson, Shelby County, Texas

Death: 23 Jul 2006 Center City, Shelby, Texas, United States


Father: Allen Nelson Jopling

Mother: Ethel L Butler

Female IconMale Icon

Ruby Inette Joplin

Birth: 8 September 1898 North Carolina, United States of America

Death: 16 August 1986 Kannapolis, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, United States of America


Father: Hugh John Plyler

Mother: Hessie Josephine Walters

Female IconMale Icon

Ruby Florence Joplin

Birth: abt 1916 Arkansas

Death: 22 Nov 1993


Father: Bias Joplin

Mother: Florence Rodgers

Female IconMale Icon


Birth: 14 Apr 1938 Chesterfield County, South Carolina, USA

Death: 28 Jul 2010 Kannapolis, Cabarrus, North Carolina, USA


Father: Edward L. JOPLIN

Mother: Nettie JORDAN

Female IconMale Icon

Ruby Leona Joplin

Birth: 12Jan1894 Garrison, Nacodoches County, Texas

Death: 7O/ct/1894 Garrison, Nacodoches County, Texas


Father: Henry Franklin Jopling

Mother: Annie Jopling

Female IconMale Icon

Ruby Dell Joplin

Birth: 24 Apr 1935 New Mexico, United States

Death: 29 Apr 1935


Father: Charles Oliver Joplin

Mother: Lois Merytal Bain

Female IconMale Icon

Ruby Joplin

Birth: AFT 1900

Death: Not Available


Father: Eli Hugh Joplin

Mother: Paralee Whitman

Female IconMale Icon

Ruby Marie Joplin

Birth: Oct. 17, 1912 Rockwall Rockwall County Texas, USA

Death: Jan. 21, 2006 Wichita Falls Wichita County Texas, USA


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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