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Results for "Rpsa Jackson"

1 - 25 of 2,589 Records
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Rosa J Jackson - 1879 to 1969

Birth: 1879 Tennesseebirth0

Death: 21 Jul 1969 Athens, Limestone, Alabamadeath0


Father: Joseph S JACKSON

Mother: Eunice Alsup

Rosa A Jackson - 1900 to 1973

Birth: 14 Oct 1900 Missouri, USAbirth1

Death: 26 May 1973 Springfield, Green County, Missouri, USAdeath1


Father: Needham G. Jackson

Mother: Mary Ann Drumright

Rosa Belle Jackson - 1915 to 2008

Birth: 05 Dec 1915 Nevada County, Arkansas USAbirth2

Death: 23 Nov 2008 Oklahoma USAdeath2


Father: John William Jackson

Mother: Minnie Helen Tomlin

Rosa Lily Jackson - 1869 to 1927

Birth: 3 Feb 1869 Liberty, Union, Ohiobirth3

Death: 10 Jul 1927 Union, Ohio, United Statesdeath3


Father: William Fredrick Jackson

Mother: Deborah Culver Jackson

Rosa E Jackson - 1870 to 1955

Birth: abt 1870 South Carolinabirth4

Death: 11 June 1955 Rochelle, Wilcox County, Georgia, United States of Americadeath4


Father: James William Jackson

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Arline Jackson

Rosa Lee Jackson - 1889 to 1942

Birth: abt 1889 Georgiabirth5

Death: 1942 Saginaw, Gennesse, Michigan, USAdeath5


Father: Abram Jackson

Mother: Carolina Hudson

Rosa Mae Jackson - 1887 to 1966

Birth: 18 Jun 1887 Indiana USAbirth6

Death: 02 Aug 1966 Indiana USAdeath6


Father: James Barton Jackson

Mother: Viola M. Campbell

Rosa Belle Jackson - 1904 to 1966

Birth: 1904 Georgiabirth7

Death: 8 Oct 1966 Savannah, Chatham, Georgia, USAdeath7


Father: Charles Jackson

Mother: Etta Matlida Varnedoe

Rosa Mae Jackson - 1887 to 1966

Birth: 18 Jun 1887 Indiana USAbirth8

Death: 02 Aug 1966 Indiana USAdeath8


Father: James Barton Jackson

Mother: Viola M. Campbell

Rosa Belle Jackson - 1904 to 1966

Birth: 1904 Georgiabirth9

Death: 8 Oct 1966 Savannah, Chatham, Georgia, USAdeath9


Father: Charles Jackson

Mother: Etta Matlida Varnedoe

Rosa Jackson - 1890 to 1970

Birth: 07 Apr 1890 Mexicobirth10

Death: 19 Jan 1970 Weslaco, Hidalgo, Texas, USAdeath10


Father: Cristobal Martinez

Mother: Jesusa Cantu

Rosa Mae Jackson - 1918 to 2009

Birth: 19 MAY 1918 Strauss, Cotton Co, Oklahoma, USAbirth11

Death: 14 Oct 2009 Walters, Cotton, Oklahomadeath11


Father: Luther Lee Jackson

Mother: Ina Zena Scott

Rosa Bell Jackson - 1911 to 1971

Birth: abt 1911 South Carolinabirth12

Death: 15 Oct 1971 Dallas, Texasdeath12


Father: Henry Posey

Mother: Annie Mae Posey

Rosa E Jackson - 1910 to 1975

Birth: abt 1910 Virginiabirth13

Death: Mar 1975 Bridgeton, Cumberland, New Jersey, USAdeath13


Father: John Jackson

Mother: Hester J Trader

Rosa Bell Jackson - 1908 to 1976

Birth: abt 1908 Kentuckybirth14

Death: Aug 1976 Sheridan, Grant, Arkansas, United States of Americadeath14


Father: Tobias "Bias" Jackson

Mother: Myrtle G Bonner

Rosa M. Jackson - 1869 to 1933

Birth: 29 Oct 1869 Missouribirth15

Death: 24 JAN 1933 Ralls Co., MOdeath15


Father: John Andrew Jackson

Mother: Ann Catherine Kraft

Rosa Lee Jackson - 1917 to 1989

Birth: 11 December 1917 Carterville, Jasper, Missouri, United Statesbirth16

Death: 01/18/1989 Clearlake Oaks, Lake, California, United States of Americadeath16


Father: Birt Jackson

Mother: Sarah Butcher

Rosa M. Jackson - 1869 to 1933

Birth: 29 Oct 1869 Missouribirth17

Death: 24 JAN 1933 Ralls Co., MOdeath17


Father: John Andrew Jackson

Mother: Ann Catherine Kraft

Rosa E Jackson - 1870 to 1955

Birth: abt 1870 South Carolinabirth18

Death: 11 June 1955 Rochelle, Wilcox County, Georgia, United States of Americadeath18


Father: James William Jackson

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Arline Jackson

Rosa Ellen Jackson - 1882 to 1980

Birth: 30 Mar 1882 Texasbirth19

Death: Sep 1980 Butler, Custer, Oklahoma, USAdeath19


Father: John Marion Jackson

Mother: Margret Christian

Rosa Leta Jackson - 1927 to 2013

Birth: 09 February 1927 West Pawlet, Rutland, Vermont, USAbirth20

Death: 02 January 2013 Bennington, Bennington, Vermont, USAdeath20


Father: Bernice Nelson Jackson

Mother: Natalie Woodard

Rosa JACKSON - 1873 to 1962

Birth: abt 1873 Mississippibirth21

Death: 21 Jun 1962 Memphis, TNdeath21


Father: Andrew Elsaphane Jackson

Mother: Josiphean Paralee Jennings

Rosa L Jackson - 1894 to 1981

Birth: abt 1894 Alabamabirth22

Death: Dec 1981 Pensacola, Escambia, Florida, USAdeath22


Father: Henry Daniel Jackson

Mother: Willie Ozelle Prior

Rosa Jackson - 1883 to 1962

Birth: 29 JUL 1883 North Carolina, United Statesbirth23

Death: 12 SEP 1962 Laurinburg, Scotland, North Carolinadeath23


Father: William M Rachels

Mother: Catherine Ann Pate

Rosa Ann Jackson - 1866 to 1925

Birth: 9 Apr 1866 New Yorkbirth24

Death: 16 Nov 1925 Lone Rock, Richland, Wisconsin, USAdeath24



Mother: Eveline Leone Wood

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