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Results for "Rosina Jansen"

1 - 14 of 14 Records

Rosina Violet Jansen - 1903 to 1954

Birth: 10 July 1903 St George in the East, London, Englandbirth0

Death: Jan/Feb/Mar 1954 Wrexham, Denbighshire, Walesdeath0


Father: Henry Jansen

Mother: Eliza Klintworth

Rosina Jansen - 1842 to 1903

Birth: 25 MAY 1842 Maartensdijk, Utrecht, Netherlands.birth1

Death: 13 May 1903 Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlandsdeath1


Father: Gerhardu(I)S Jansen

Mother: Wilhelmina Everharda Slager (Sleger)

Rosina Jansen - 1842 to 1903

Birth: 25 MAY 1842 Maartensdijk, Utrecht, Netherlands.birth2

Death: 13 May 1903 Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlandsdeath2


Father: Gerhardu(I)S Jansen

Mother: Wilhelmina Everharda Slager (Sleger)

Rosina Jane Jansen - 1908 to 1996

Birth: 15 Feb 1908 St George in the East, Londonbirth3

Death: Sep 1996 Bromley, Kent, Englanddeath3


Father: Harry Jansen

Mother: Rosina Jane Blanking

Rosina Christina Jansen - 1874 to 1937

Birth: 16 SEP 1874 Highland, Iowa, Wisconsin, USAbirth4

Death: 22 MAY 1937 Muscoda, Grant, Wisconsin, USAdeath4


Father: Henry Jansen

Mother: Maria Christina Haselhoff

Rosina Dorothea Jansen - 1802 to 1875

Birth: 6 März 1802

Death: 16 Nov 1875


Father: Philipp Gottlieb Jansen

Mother: Johanna Veronika Gügenhahn Jansen

Rosina Jansen - 1840 to 1843

Birth: 29 Jul 1840

Death: 13 Nov 1843 Groningendeath6


Father: Reinder Jansen

Mother: Agatha van Doon

Rosina Jansen - 1896

Birth: ABT 1896 Arnhem, Gelderland, Niederlandebirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Johannes Jansen

Mother: Klasina Jansen

Rosina V. Jansen - 1902

Birth: 1902 Pike County, Missouri, United Statesbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: John Barnard Jansen

Mother: Mary Adelheid Grote

Rosina Jansen - 1859

Birth: 11 May 1859

Death: Not Available


Father: Friedrich Jansen

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Rosina Jansen - 1890

Birth: 27 Feb 1890 Wienbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Rosina Jansen

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Rosina Jansen

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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