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Results for "Rose Janowiak"

1 - 10 of 10 Records

ROSE P JANOWIAK - 1894 to 1949

Birth: Oct 1894 Illinoisbirth0

Death: 22 Jun 1949 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath0


Father: Walter Janowiak

Mother: Ella Novak

ROSE P JANOWIAK - 1894 to 1949

Birth: Oct 1894 Illinoisbirth1

Death: 22 Jun 1949 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath1


Father: Walter Janowiak

Mother: Ella Novak

Rose Janowiak - 1889 to 1950

Birth: August 4, 1889 Bay City, Michiganbirth2

Death: November 4, 1950 Bay City, Michigandeath2


Father: Andrew Janowiak

Mother: Frances Kotewa

Rose Joan Janowiak - 1889 to 1973

Birth: 04 Aug 1889 Chicago, Illinoisbirth3

Death: October 1973 Elmwood Park, Cook Co, Illdeath3


Father: Albert A/K/A Adalbert Janowiak


Rose Cathryn Janowiak - 1903 to 1981

Birth: 13 JAN 1903 Shawnee, Oklahomabirth4

Death: 18 MAR 1981 Kansas City, Clay, Missouri, USAdeath4



Mother: Agnes M Kusek

Rose Janowiak - 1866 to 1952

Birth: 1866 Polandbirth5

Death: 6 Aug 1952 Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USAdeath5


Father: Tomasz (Thomas) Janowiak

Mother: Frances Janowiak

Rose Janowiak - 1888 to 1903

Birth: 1 Aug 1888 Michiganbirth6

Death: 5 Apr 1903 Manistee, Manistee Co, Michigandeath6


Father: Simon Peter Janowiak

Mother: Malvina Barbara Wieczorek

Rose Janowiak - 1870 to 1958

Birth: 1870

Death: 1958


Father: Frances

Mother: Thomas Janowiak

Rose Janowiak - 1893

Birth: abt 1893 Polandbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: John Janowi??

Mother: Not Available

Rose M Janowiak - 1898 to 1977

Birth: 22 Jan 1898 Marylandbirth9

Death: 01/06/1977 Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland, USAdeath9


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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