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Results for "Ronnoug Jacobsdatter"

1 - 25 of 36 Records
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Ronnoug "Rosemary" Jakobsdatter - 1828 to 1907

Birth: 25 Nov 1828 Farm Rokvamslien, Norway

Death: 7 Mar 1907 Chippewa, Wisconsindeath0


Father: Jakob Gudmon Gudmundson

Mother: Synnov Pedersdtr

Rønnaug Jakobsdatter - 1891

Birth: 10 Jan 1891 Lesje

Death: Not Available


Father: Jakob Eriksen

Mother: Ragnhild Toresdatter

Rønnaug Jakobsdatter - 1789 to 1865

Birth: 1789 Brekken, Nord-Sel, Oppland

Death: 1865 Sel, Opplanddeath2


Father: Jacob Olsen Brekken Selsjord

Mother: Kari Simensdotter Olstad

Rønnoug Jacobsdatter - 1812 to 1902

Birth: 21 Aug 1812 Fåberg, Oppland, Norwaybirth3

Death: 8 Mar 1902 Ullensaker, Akershus, Norwaydeath3


Father: Jacob Engebretsen Jongerud/Galtrudsveen

Mother: Sidsel Petersdatter Lundgren

Rønnaug Jacobsdatter - 1830 to 1910

Birth: 1 JUN 1830 Kjørum, Nord-Fron, Oppland, NObirth4

Death: 31 OCT 1910 Storrusten, Kvam, Oppland, NOdeath4


Father: Jacob Olsen

Mother: Anne Olsdatter

Ronnog Jacobsdatter - 1837

Birth: 29 Mar 1837 Gven, Vaaga, Oppland, Norway

Death: Not Available Gven, Vaaga, Oppland, Norway


Father: Jacob Knudsen Storvig

Mother: Anne Christensdatter

Rønnaug Jakobsdatter - 1834 to 1912

Birth: 15 January 1834 Mangnes, u. Mangset, Strøm, Sør-Odal, Hedmark, Norway

Death: 1912 Sjønnerud, Strøm, Sør-Odal, Hedmark, Norway


Father: Jakob Jørgensen Venstad

Mother: Mari JOHANSDTR

Rønnaug Jacobsdotter - 1829

Birth: 1829 Nedre Eide, Norwaybirth7

Death: Not Available Nedre Eide, Norwaydeath7


Father: Jacob Hansen Kolloen

Mother: Anne Christiansdotter Vangen

Rønnaug Jakobsdatter - 1891 to 1943

Birth: 12 May 1891 Stamstadberget, Lom, Oppland, Norgebirth8

Death: 1943


Father: Jakob Johannesson

Mother: Marit Olsdatter

Ronnaug Jacobsdatter - 1737

Birth: 1737 Lier, Buskerud, Norwaybirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Jacob Hansen

Mother: Ingeborg Andersdatter

Rønnaug Jacobsdatter - 1727 to 1727

Birth: 1727 Nordistugu Bjøkne, Lesja, Oppland, Norgebirth10

Death: 1727 Nordistugu Bjøkne, Lesja, Oppland, Norgedeath10


Father: Jakob TOSTENSEN Bjokne

Mother: Marit Jørgensdatter Nord-Hole

Rønnaug Jakobsdotter - 1797 to 1849

Birth: 1797

Death: 1849


Father: Rønnaug Jakobsdotter

Mother: Rønnaug Jakobsdotter

Rønnug Jacobsdatter - 1798 to 1875

Birth: 1798

Death: abt 1875


Father: Jakob Halvorsen

Mother: Anne Povelsdatter

Rønnog Jacobsdatter - 1797

Birth: 1797 Vågå, Oppland, Norwaybirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Jacob Knudsen Flatum

Mother: Mali Jonsdatter Hollan

Ronnou Jacobsdatter - 1832

Birth: 15 Sep 1832

Death: Not Available


Father: Jacob Jacobsen

Mother: Kari Larsdr

Rønnaug Jakobsdatter - 1895

Birth: 17 Febr 1895

Death: Not Available


Father: Jakob Hansen

Mother: Kari Johannesdtr.

Ronnog Jacobsdatter - 1799

Birth: Abt. 1799

Death: Not Available


Father: Jacob Baardsen

Mother: Marte Olsdr

Ronnov Jacobsdatter - 1781

Birth: 1781 <Lille Moen, Bragernes, Drammen, Baskard, Norway>birth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ronnov Jacobsdatter - 1781

Birth: 1781 <Lille Moen, Bragernes, Drammen, Baskard, Norway>birth18

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ronaug "Rachel" Jacobsdatter - 1860 to 1941

Birth: Jan 1860 Norwaybirth19

Death: 1941


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Rønnaug Jakobsdotter - 1635

Birth: ABT 1635 Avdem

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Rønnaug Jakobsdatter - 1860 to 1928

Birth: 1860 Nord-Fron, Opplandbirth21

Death: 1928 Granslåen, Nord-Fron, Opplanddeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ronnaug Jacobsdatter

Birth: unknown

Death: unknown


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Ronnaug Jacobsdatter

Birth: unknown

Death: unknown


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Rønnaug Jakobsdatter - 1768 to 1824

Birth: 1768 Nordre Asak, f.Arteid

Death: 1824


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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