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Results for "Robert Jarecki"

1 - 17 of 17 Records

Robert Jarecki - 1878 to 1965

Birth: 24 Mar 1878 Erie, Pennsylvaniabirth0

Death: 30 June 1965


Father: Charles W Jarecki

Mother: Louise Becker

Robert Jarecki - 1878 to 1965

Birth: 24 Mar 1878 Erie, Pennsylvaniabirth1

Death: 30 June 1965


Father: Charles W Jarecki

Mother: Louise Becker

Robert John Jarecki - 1928 to 1985

Birth: 13 Oct 1928 Ohiobirth2

Death: 21 Jun 1985 Los Angeles, California, USAdeath2


Father: Casimir Jarecki

Mother: Clara Rita Rody

Robert David Jarecki - 1922 to 2010

Birth: 20 Dec 1922 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USAbirth3

Death: 09/23/2010 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USAdeath3


Father: John Theodore Jarecki

Mother: Irene P Kryszak

Robert Jarecki - 1942

Birth: 19 Jul 1942 That, Rajasthan, Indiabirth4

Death: Not Available Ohio, USAdeath4


Father: Leo Jarecki

Mother: Mary Kozic

Robert Jarecki - 1942

Birth: 19 Jul 1942 That, Rajasthan, Indiabirth5

Death: Not Available Ohio, USAdeath5


Father: Leo Jarecki

Mother: Mary Kozic

Robert Leo Jarecki - 1939 to 2014

Birth: 3 September 1939 Lexington, Dawson, Nebraska, USAbirth6

Death: 23 Jul 2014 Napa, Napa, California, USAdeath6


Father: Leo Jarecki

Mother: Clara Ziemba

Robert J. Jarecki - 1935 to 2014

Birth: 19 Apr 1935 cook Illinois, USAbirth7

Death: 12 Feb 2014 Crown point, Lake, Indiana, USAdeath7


Father: Leon Jarecki

Mother: Estelle Lesniak

Robert William Jarecki - 1915 to 1997

Birth: 11 Jun 1915 Erie, PAbirth8

Death: 27 Dec 1997 Pittsburg, Allegheny, PAdeath8


Father: Robert Jarecki

Mother: Eleanor M Caughey

Robert Jarecki - 1879

Birth: 1879 Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Nicholas Constantine Gianakos

Mother: Theonie Annie Kokolis

Robert Jarecki - 1940 to 1975

Birth: 23 May 1940

Death: January 1975


Father: James Ozra Clawges

Mother: Stella Jarecki

Robert Jarecki - 1963

Birth: 1963

Death: Not Available


Father: Robert David Jarecki

Mother: Kathleen C Kreps

Robert Jarecki

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Robert Jarecki

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Robert Jarecki

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Robert Jarecki

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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