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Results for "Richard Quigley"

1 - 25 of 311 Records
Female IconMale Icon

Richard Quigley

Birth: 31 Oct 1925 Indiana

Death: 2 Feb 2001 Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, USA


Father: Edward Quigley

Mother: Cora Edith Pennell

Female IconMale Icon

Richard S. Quigley

Birth: 27 Sep 1904 Wayne, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: Sep 1984 Herrick Center, Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, United States of America


Father: Richard Augusta Quigley

Mother: Barbara Mullikin

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Quigley

Birth: abt 1898 Grand Rapids, Michigan

Death: November 18, 1973 High Point, Guilford County, North Carolina, United States of America


Father: Isaac Jacob QUIGLEY

Mother: Sarah Mabel Langdon

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Quigley

Birth: 31 Oct 1925 Indiana

Death: 2 Feb 2001 Las Vegas, Clark, Nevada, USA


Father: Edward Quigley

Mother: Cora Edith Pennell

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Quigley

Birth: 12 Feb 1893 Kendall County, Texas

Death: Nov 11, 1977 Sinton, San Patricio County, Texas


Father: John Quigley Quigly

Mother: Cyrena Insall

Female IconMale Icon

Richard P Quigley

Birth: abt 1911 Michigan

Death: Dec.12,1985 Warren, Michigan


Father: Robert William Thomas

Mother: Wilsie Myrtle Penrose

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Quigley

Birth: 6 Jul 1928 Idaho

Death: 15 Mar 1994 Castle Rock, Cowlitz, Washington, United States of America


Father: Gazelle Eldred Quigley

Mother: Martha Anna Hodgen

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Quigley

Birth: 6 Jul 1928 Idaho

Death: 15 Mar 1994 Castle Rock, Cowlitz, Washington, United States of America


Father: Gazelle Eldred Quigley

Mother: Martha Anna Hodgen

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Charles Quigley

Birth: 4 Sep 1933 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 28 May 2018 Bensalem, Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA


Father: William Hunt Quigley

Mother: Dorothy Lillian Kearney

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Quigley

Birth: 4 Jan 1930 Texas

Death: 18 Feb 2014


Father: Richard Quigley

Mother: Velma King

Female IconMale Icon

Richard S. Quigley

Birth: Oct 1865 New York

Death: 22 May 1937 Baldwin, Nassau, New York, USA


Father: Richard Quigley

Mother: Catherine McGlynn

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Augusta Quigley

Birth: Nov 1876 Pennsylvania

Death: 12 Feb 1921 222 W Wayne Ave, Radnor, Delaware, Pennsylvania, USA


Father: John Quigley

Mother: Eliza J Bloomer

Female IconMale Icon

Richard S. Quigley

Birth: Oct 1865 New York

Death: 22 May 1937 Baldwin, Nassau, New York, USA


Father: Richard Quigley

Mother: Catherine McGlynn

Female IconMale Icon


Birth: about 1830 Ireland

Death: 26 January 1892 New York, NY USA


Father: Thomas Quigley 3GGF

Mother: Dorothea Brennan

Female IconMale Icon

richard quigley

Birth: July 1880 Bradford, Yorkshire, England

Death: 1943 Bradford, West Yorkshire, England


Father: Richard Quigley

Mother: Margaret Ann O'Donnell

Female IconMale Icon


Birth: 9 Aug 1881 Dundalk, Louth, Ireland

Death: Apr 1967 Fairhope, Somerset, Pennsylvania, USA


Father: James QUIGLEY

Mother: Alice FLYNN

Female IconMale Icon


Birth: 1861 St Louis MO USA

Death: 24 Dec 1899 St. Louis, MO


Father: Thomas Quigley

Mother: Catherine Mullamby

Female IconMale Icon

Richard James Quigley

Birth: April 1906 Birkenhead, Cheshire, England

Death: Sep 1985 Birkenhead, Cheshire, England


Father: Thomas Richard Quigley

Mother: Martha Bollans

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Thomas Quigley

Birth: 1919 Victoria Australia

Death: 1978 Warragul


Father: Patrick James Quigley

Mother: Lilley Mabel Evans

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Quigley

Birth: May 16 1925 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Death: Jun 3 1975 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Father: John Quigley

Mother: Mary Gaw

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Thomas Quigley

Birth: 1919 Victoria Australia

Death: 1978 Warragul


Father: Patrick James Quigley

Mother: Lilley Mabel Evans

Female IconMale Icon

Richard (Dick) Quigley

Birth: abt 1908 Illinois

Death: 18 Dec 1963


Father: John H. Quigley

Mother: Catherine Kennedy

Female IconMale Icon

Richard (Dick) Quigley

Birth: abt 1908 Illinois

Death: 18 Dec 1963


Father: John H. Quigley

Mother: Catherine Kennedy

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Donald Quigley

Birth: abt 1931 Minnesota

Death: Not Available


Father: Donald E Quigley

Mother: Margaret Mary Wicherski

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Oliver Quigley

Birth: 21 May 1880 Swan Lake, Bannock, Idaho, United States

Death: 5 Nov 1925 Pocatello, Bannock, Idaho, United States


Father: Andrew Quigley

Mother: Elizabeth Ellen Miller

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