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Results for "Richard Narramore"

1 - 25 of 49 Records

Richard Thomas Narramore - 1845 to 1882

Birth: 1845 Harberton, Devon, Englandbirth0

Death: 1882 4th Qr Exeter District Devondeath0


Father: Richard Thomas Narramore

Mother: Louisa Noseworthy

Richard Thomas Narramore - 1845 to 1882

Birth: 1845 Harberton, Devon, Englandbirth1

Death: 1882 4th Qr Exeter District Devondeath1


Father: Richard Thomas Narramore

Mother: Louisa Noseworthy

Richard Farrent Narramore - 1882 to 1951

Birth: July 1882 Harberton, Totnes, Devonbirth2

Death: 16 May 1951 Totnes, Deondeath2


Father: Elkanah Narramore

Mother: Mary Ann Gilpin

Richard Farrent Narramore - 1882 to 1951

Birth: July 1882 Harberton, Totnes, Devonbirth3

Death: 16 May 1951 Totnes, Deondeath3


Father: Elkanah Narramore

Mother: Mary Ann Gilpin

Richard P Narramore - 1854 to 1932

Birth: 1854 Missouribirth4

Death: 28 Dec 1932 Oceanside, San Diego, California, USAdeath4


Father: Nelson Madison Narramore

Mother: Dolly J G Smith Narramore

Richard Narramore - 1676 to 1726

Birth: 10 Sep 1676 Boston Massachusetts, United Statesbirth5

Death: 1726 Ideford, Devonshire, Englanddeath5


Father: Richard Narramore

Mother: Elizabeth Hoyle

Richard Daniel Narramore - 1898

Birth: 1898 Paigntonbirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Herbert James Narramore

Mother: Elizabeth Grant

Richard Thomas Narramore - 1815 to 1844

Birth: abt 1815 Devon, Englandbirth7

Death: 28 May 1844 Harberton, Devon, Englanddeath7


Father: William Narramore

Mother: Ann Trist

Richard Narramore - 1735 to 1785

Birth: abt 1735 Devon, Englandbirth8

Death: 1785 West Teignmouth Devon, Englanddeath8


Father: Walter NARRAMORE

Mother: Jone Rowell

Richard Narramore - 1744

Birth: ABT 1744 Diptfordbirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: William Narramore

Mother: Susanna Putt

Richard Narramore - 1744

Birth: Abt. 1744 Diptfordbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: John Pain


Richard Narramore - 1744

Birth: ABT 1744 Diptfordbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: William Narramore

Mother: Susanna Putt

Richard Narramore - 1665

Birth: 1665 Boston, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Americabirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Walter Northmore

Mother: Richord Warren

Richard Narramore - 1649 to 1726

Birth: 1649 Ideford, Devon, Englandbirth13

Death: 1726


Father: John Narramore

Mother: Elizabeth Hoyle

Richard Narramore - 1785 to 1792

Birth: 1785 Newton Abbot, Devon, Englandbirth14

Death: 06 MAY 1792 Newton Abbot, Devon, Englanddeath14


Father: Andrew NARRAMORE

Mother: Mary PINSENT

Richard Narramore - 1650 to 1725

Birth: 1650 Chudleigh, Gloucestershire, Englandbirth15

Death: 1725


Father: John Narramore

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Richard N Narramore - 1977

Birth: Jul 1977 Exeter, Devonbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Matthew Narramore

Mother: Not Available

Richard Narramore - 1643 to 1728

Birth: 07 Jan 1643 Ideford, Devon, Englandbirth17

Death: Dec 1728


Father: Walter Narramore

Mother: Not Available

Richard Narramore - 1570 to 1654

Birth: 1570 Ideford, Devonbirth18

Death: 20 Nov 1654 Ideford, Devondeath18


Father: Andrew Narramore

Mother: Not Available

Richard Duane Narramore - 1957 to 2018

Birth: 5 January 1957 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, United States of Americabirth19

Death: 5 March 2018 Midwest City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, United States of Americadeath19


Father: Lee Roy Narramore

Mother: Not Available

RICHARD NARRAMORE - 1670 to 1750

Birth: est 1670 Englandbirth20

Death: est 1750 South Carolina Colonydeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

RICHARD NARRAMORE - 1660 to 1730

Birth: est 1660 Probably Englandbirth21

Death: est 1730 South Carolina Colonydeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Richard Narramore - 1599

Birth: 1599 Devonbirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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