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Results for "Richard Jamison"

1 - 25 of 279 Records

Richard Howard Jamison - 1889 to 1963

Birth: 10 Sep 1889 Virginiabirth0

Death: May 1963 Farmville, Cumberland, Virginia, USAdeath0


Father: William Daniel Jamerson

Mother: Nancy James Wright

Richard Alvey Jamison - 1912 to 1991

Birth: 02 Sep 1912 Maryland, USAbirth1

Death: 10 Aug 1991 Maryland, USAdeath1


Father: John Vincent Jamison

Mother: Anna Elder Alvey

Richard Belt Jamison - 1868 to 1949

Birth: abt 1868 Californiabirth2

Death: 13 Mar 1949 Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, USAdeath2


Father: Tobias Belt Jamison

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Cooksey

Richard Alvey Jamison - 1912 to 1991

Birth: 02 Sep 1912 Maryland, USAbirth3

Death: 10 Aug 1991 Maryland, USAdeath3


Father: John Vincent Jamison

Mother: Anna Elder Alvey

Richard Raymond Jamison - 1918 to 2002

Birth: 8 Nov 1918 Elkhart, Indianabirth4

Death: 30 Apr 2002 Elkhart, Indianadeath4


Father: Frank Raymond Jamison

Mother: Donnabelle Murphy

Richard Howard Jamison - 1889 to 1963

Birth: 10 Sep 1889 Virginiabirth5

Death: May 1963 Farmville, Cumberland, Virginia, USAdeath5


Father: William Daniel Jamerson

Mother: Nancy James Wright

Richard Stewart Jamison - 1928 to 2018

Birth: 22 Feb 1928 Colorado Springs, Colorado, USAbirth6

Death: 2018 San Diego, CAdeath6


Father: Lee Dare Jamison

Mother: Elizabeth M Whittenbeck

Richard H Jamison - 1885 to 1964

Birth: 27 Feb 1885 Pennslvania, USAbirth7

Death: 3 Jan 1964 Ventura, Californiadeath7


Father: Richard R Jamison

Mother: Mary Hunker

Richard H Jamison - 1885 to 1964

Birth: 27 Feb 1885 Pennslvania, USAbirth8

Death: 3 Jan 1964 Ventura, Californiadeath8


Father: Richard R Jamison

Mother: Mary Hunker

Richard S Jamison - 1909 to 1995

Birth: 1 1 1909 Massachusettsbirth9

Death: 19, May 1995 Massachusetts, USAdeath9


Father: Richard B Jameson

Mother: Harriet J Blackmer

Richard Edgar JAMISON - 1928 to 2004

Birth: 16 NOV 1928 Franklin County, VAbirth10

Death: 19 Apr 2004 Henry, Virginia, USAdeath10


Father: Samuel Marshall Jamison

Mother: Florence Gertrude Belton

Richard Brooks Jamison - 1920 to 2011

Birth: 26 Jun 1920 Homedale IDbirth11

Death: 27 Feb 2011 Portland, Multnomah, Oregon, USAdeath11


Father: Charles Pro Jamison

Mother: Ellamae Holland

Richard H. Jamison - 1929 to 2009

Birth: 30 Aug 1929 Ohio, United States of Americabirth12

Death: 22 Jun 2009 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USAdeath12


Father: Clyde Elwin Jamison

Mother: Leora Ida Walter

Richard Farris Jamison - 1933 to 2014

Birth: 21 Jan 1933 Dyersburg, Dyer County, Tennessee, USAbirth13

Death: 20 Jul 2014 Sumter, Sumter County, South Carolina, USAdeath13


Father: Farris Jamison

Mother: Edna Earl Wilson Jamison

Richard Farris Jamison - 1933 to 2014

Birth: 21 Jan 1933 Dyersburg, Dyer County, Tennessee, USAbirth14

Death: 20 Jul 2014 Sumter, Sumter County, South Carolina, USAdeath14


Father: Farris Jamison

Mother: Edna Earl Wilson Jamison

Richard H. Jamison - 1929 to 2009

Birth: 30 Aug 1929 Ohio, United States of Americabirth15

Death: 22 Jun 2009 Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USAdeath15


Father: Clyde Elwin Jamison

Mother: Leora Ida Walter

Richard H. Jamison - 1849 to 1908

Birth: Mar 1849 Pennsylvaniabirth16

Death: 28 Jun 1908 Wilkinsburg, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath16


Father: John Jamison

Mother: Elizabeth Jane Williams (Jamison)

richard holmes jamison - 1927 to 2000

Birth: jan 1927 District of Columbia, USAbirth17

Death: june 21 2000 Silver Spring, Montgomery, Maryland, USAdeath17


Father: Roger Edward Jamison

Mother: Bertha Keys

Richard H. Jamison - 1849 to 1908

Birth: Mar 1849 Pennsylvaniabirth18

Death: 28 Jun 1908 Wilkinsburg, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath18


Father: John Jamison

Mother: Elizabeth Jane Williams (Jamison)

Richard A Jamison - 1919 to 1995

Birth: 10 Sep 1919 Corsicama Na, Texasbirth19

Death: 10 Jun 1995 Texas, USAdeath19


Father: William Parks Jamison

Mother: Donie Ristell Followwell-Jamison

richard holmes jamison - 1927 to 2000

Birth: jan 1927 District of Columbia, USAbirth20

Death: june 21 2000 Silver Spring, Montgomery, Maryland, USAdeath20


Father: Roger Edward Jamison

Mother: Bertha Keys

Richard Jamison - 1858 to 1935

Birth: 31 Mar 1858 West Wyalong, New South Wales, Australiabirth21

Death: 1935 West Wyalong, New South Wales, Australiadeath21


Father: William Jamison

Mother: Mary Annetta Dower

Richard E Jamison - 1954 to 2007

Birth: 15 November 1954 Ohio, United Statesbirth22

Death: 20 Oct 2007


Father: James Wilfred Jamison

Mother: Grace Lucille Cooper

Richard Jamison - 1873 to 1936

Birth: abt 1873 South Carolina, USAbirth23

Death: 2 Sep 1936 Lykesland, Richland, South Carolina, USAdeath23


Father: Richard Jamison

Mother: Rose Anna Green

Richard E Jamison - 1954 to 2007

Birth: 15 November 1954 Ohio, United Statesbirth24

Death: 20 Oct 2007


Father: James Wilfred Jamison

Mother: Grace Lucille Cooper

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