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Results for "Richard Inge"

1 - 25 of 121 Records
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Richard INGE

Birth: 21 October 1878 Alabama

Death: 20 Feb 1912 Greensboro, Hale Co, AL


Father: William Bullock Inge, Jr

Mother: Tunstall

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Inge

Birth: 30 Dec 1892 Mobile, Alabama

Death: 07 Aug 1950 Penecrest Cemetary, mobile alabama


Father: Harry Tutwiler Inge

Mother: Belle Inge

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Inge

Birth: abt 1605 Hadlow, Kent, England

Death: Abt. 1694 Kent


Father: Richard Inge

Mother: Jone Fene

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Lawson Inge

Birth: 1944 Lunenburg, Lunenburg, Virginia, USA

Death: 2 Dec 2009 Victoria, Lunenburg, Virginia


Father: John Gregory Inge

Mother: HELENE Williams

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Mack Inge

Birth: 7 Aug 1922 Granville, Nottawaya County, North Carolina

Death: 3 Apr 2005 Virginia


Father: Lewis McDonald Inge

Mother: Emma Jean Walker

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Mack Inge

Birth: 7 Aug 1922 Granville, Nottawaya County, North Carolina

Death: 3 Apr 2005 Virginia


Father: Lewis McDonald Inge

Mother: Emma Jean Walker

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Inge

Birth: 1758 1679480, Wiltshire, England

Death: 22 Oct 1836 1679480, Wiltshire, England



Mother: Hannah Pain

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Dabney Inge

Birth: 21 Mar 1916 Appomattox County

Death: 14 Apr 2009 Farmville


Father: Dabney Richard INGE

Mother: Mildred Bedford PAULETTE

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Inge

Birth: 1758 1679480, Wiltshire, England

Death: 22 Oct 1836 1679480, Wiltshire, England



Mother: Hannah Pain

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Inge

Birth: 1758 1679480, Wiltshire, England

Death: 22 Oct 1836 1679480, Wiltshire, England



Mother: Hannah Pain

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Inge

Birth: 06/01/1845 Alabama

Death: 2 JUN 1891 San Francisco County, California, USA


Father: Samuel Williams Inge

Mother: Louisa E. Hill

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Inge

Birth: Aug 1859 Louisiana

Death: 24 Jan 1919 Mt Sylvan, TX


Father: Inge

Mother: Elizabeth Elzira Anderson Inge

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Freer Inge

Birth: 12 Mar 1830 Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Death: 23 Sep 1863


Father: Richard Inge

Mother: Rebecca Eaton Brownlow

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Inge

Birth: Aug 1859 Louisiana

Death: 24 Jan 1919 Mt Sylvan, TX


Father: Inge

Mother: Elizabeth Elzira Anderson Inge

Female IconMale Icon

Richard INGE

Birth: 1724 Berkesbourne, Kent

Death: 28 Jul 1841 Greene County, Alabama, USA


Father: Richard Inge

Mother: Mary Fuse

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Kenneth Inge

Birth: 1945/1947 Croydon, Surrey, England

Death: 25 May 2005 Croydon, Surrey, England


Father: John Inge

Mother: Margaret Jane Bennett

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Inge

Birth: 23 APR 1758 Benn Hill Leics

Death: 07 Jan 1841


Father: William INGE

Mother: Elizabeth Fowler

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Inge

Birth: 1595 England

Death: abt 1641


Father: Jonas Inge

Mother: Brigett Holman

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Inge

Birth: 31 Oct 1619 St Mary, Leicestershire, England

Death: 1701 Knighton, Leicestershire, England


Father: Richard Inge

Mother: Mary Watts

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Inge

Birth: 18 Jan 1851 Forkland, Greene, Alabama, USA

Death: 15 Dec 1920 Mobile, Mobile, Alabama, USA


Father: William Bullock Inge

Mother: Elizabeth Brock Herndon

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Inge

Birth: 1592 Knighton, Leicestershire, England

Death: Sep 1663 Knighton, Leicester, England


Father: William Inge Ainge

Mother: Katherine Anderton

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Inge

Birth: 1849 Tensas Parish, Louisiana

Death: Abt 1866 Mississippi, USA


Father: Haley I Inge

Mother: Mary Jane Galtney

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Inge

Birth: 29 Jul 1790 Eutaw, Greene, Alabama, USA

Death: 28 Jul 1841 Greene, North Carolina, USA


Father: Richard Inge, Sr, Judge

Mother: Sarah "Sally" Johnson

Female IconMale Icon

Richard Inge

Birth: 31 Oct 1619 St Mary, Leicestershire, England

Death: 1701 Knighton, Leicestershire, England


Father: Richard Inge

Mother: Mary Watts

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