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Results for "Rex Barlow"

1 - 11 of 11 Records

Rex Graham Barlow - 1935 to 1987

Birth: 30 Aug 1935 Adelaide, South Australia, Australiabirth0

Death: 4 JUL 1987


Father: Verdi Newman Barlow

Mother: Phyllis Eileen Martin

Rex Ford Barlow - 1918 to 1919

Birth: 31 Jan 1918 Bountiful, Davis, Utah, USAbirth1

Death: 5 Sep 1919 Burley, Cassia, Idaho, USAdeath1


Father: Myron Call Barlow

Mother: Viola Rollins Ford

Rex Douglas Barlow - 1943 to 2000

Birth: 13 Oct 1943 Wilkes, North Carolina, USAbirth2

Death: 16 Jan 2000 Other, Wilkes, North Carolinadeath2


Father: George Washington Barlow

Mother: Gladys Fenner

Rex William Barlow - 1949 to 1949

Birth: 04 May 1949 Wilkes County, North Carolina, United States of Americabirth3

Death: 06 May 1949 Wilkes County, North Carolina, United States of Americadeath3


Father: James William Barlow

Mother: Ruth Sarah Bentley

Rex Barlow - 1919

Birth: abt 1919 Utahbirth4

Death: Not Available


Father: William W Barlow

Mother: Ella M Barlow

Rex Howard Barlow - 1918 to 1989

Birth: 29 Jun 1918 Adelaide, , South Australia, Australiabirth5

Death: 22 Jan 1989 Tweed Heads, , New South Wales, Australiadeath5


Father: Thomas Barlow

Mother: Ethel Elizabeth Langsford

Rex Graham Barlow - 1935 to 1987

Birth: 30 AUG 1935 Adelaide, South Australiabirth6

Death: 4 JUL 1987


Father: Verdi Newman Barlow

Mother: Phyliss Martin

Rex William Barlow - 1949 to 1949

Birth: 4 May 1949 Boomer, Wilks, NCbirth7

Death: 6 May 1949 Boomer, Wilks, NCdeath7


Father: Not Available

Mother: Ruth Sarah Bentley

Rex Barlow - 1914 to 2006

Birth: 1914

Death: 19 Feb 2006 Paris, Ark.death8


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Rex Leonard Barlow - 1919 to 2006

Birth: 19 Apr 1919

Death: 21 October 2006


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Rex Barlow

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available Yuba City, Sutter, California, USAdeath10


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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