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Results for "Reva Jenkins"

1 - 25 of 28 Records

Reva Lorraine Jenkins - 1949 to 2008

Birth: 02 May 1949 Warrenton, Fauquier, Virginia, USAbirth0

Death: 05 June 2008


Father: Clyde Randolph Jenkins

Mother: Viola Waldron Jenkins

Reva Jean Jenkins - 1937 to 2014

Birth: 19 Feb 1937 Belgrade, Washington County, Missouri, USAbirth1

Death: 20 August 2014 Belgrade, Washington County, Missouri, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Elzie Ernest Gipson

Mother: Annie BERRY

Reva Jean Jenkins - 1937 to 2014

Birth: 19 Feb 1937 Belgrade, Washington County, Missouri, USAbirth2

Death: 20 August 2014 Belgrade, Washington County, Missouri, United States of Americadeath2


Father: Elzie Ernest Gipson

Mother: Annie BERRY

Reva E Jenkins - 1909

Birth: 7 JUN 1909 Indianabirth3

Death: Not Available Richmond, Indianadeath3


Father: John B. Jenkins

Mother: Gertrude Victoria Cox

Reva Jean Jenkins - 1935 to 2012

Birth: 14 Jun 1935 Kingston, Roane, Tennesseebirth4

Death: 22 Oct 2012 Knoxville, Knox, Tennessee, USAdeath4


Father: John Kenneth Jenkins

Mother: Geneva Louise "Mamaw" Abbott

Reva Grace Jenkins - 1913 to 1998

Birth: 1 Dec 1913 Rigby, Jefferson, Idaho, USAbirth5

Death: 26 Mar 1998 Idaho Falls, Bonneville, Idaho, USAdeath5


Father: Daniel Jenkins

Mother: Florence Ida Bush

Reva Jenkins - 1920 to 2007

Birth: 17 Jan 1920 Robeson, North Carolinabirth6

Death: 12 May 2007


Father: Theophilus Jenkins

Mother: Catherine Mitchell

Reva Maxine Jenkins - 1920 to 1928

Birth: 15 NOV 1920 TERRA HAUTE, VIGO, INDIANAbirth7

Death: 12 FEB 1928 TERRA HAUTE, VIGO, INDIANAdeath7


Father: Lewis Ervin Jenkins

Mother: Lela Helen James

Reva Lee Jenkins - 1925 to 2014

Birth: 11/05/1925 Bluff City, Tennessee, USAbirth8

Death: 8 Nov 2014 Johnson City, Washington County, Tennessee, United States of Americadeath8


Father: Berlie McNew Jenkins

Mother: Bertha Groves

Reva Maxine Jenkins - 1920 to 1928

Birth: 15 NOV 1920 TERRA HAUTE, VIGO, INDIANAbirth9

Death: 12 FEB 1928 TERRA HAUTE, VIGO, INDIANAdeath9


Father: Lewis Ervin Jenkins

Mother: Lela Helen James

Reva Maxine Jenkins - 1920 to 1928

Birth: 15 NOV 1920 TERRA HAUTE, VIGO, INDIANAbirth10

Death: 12 FEB 1928 TERRA HAUTE, VIGO, INDIANAdeath10


Father: Lewis Ervin Jenkins

Mother: Lela Helen James

Reva Nell Jenkins - 1933 to 2005

Birth: 2 May 1933 Anniston ALbirth11

Death: 11 June 2005 Los Angeles CAdeath11


Father: Leamon Jenkins

Mother: Edna Mae Jenkins Brown

Reva Nell Jenkins - 1917 to 2004

Birth: 19 Jan 1917 Rosewood, Muhlenberg, Kentucky, USAbirth12

Death: 27 Jul 2004 Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, USAdeath12


Father: Victor Hugo Jenkins


Reva Jenkins - 1945 to 2012

Birth: 13 Jun 1945 Cocke County, Tennesseebirth13

Death: 24 Aug 2012 Cocke County, Tennesseedeath13


Father: Miles Roscoe Jenkins

Mother: Zora Ramsey

Reva Jenkins - 1924 to 2009

Birth: 7 Feb 1924 Lapoint, Utah, United Statesbirth14

Death: 2009


Father: David Franklin Jenkins

Mother: Nancy Mable Harrison

Reva Jenkins - 1913 to 2005

Birth: 22 Jul 1913 Miser Station, Blount, Tennessee, USAbirth15

Death: 19 Feb 2005 Miser Station, Blount, Tennessee, USAdeath15


Father: Decator Casper Jenkins

Mother: Bessie Humphreys

Reva Lee Jenkins - 1924 to 2010

Birth: 28 Jun 1924 Lebo, Coffey, Kansas, USAbirth16

Death: 07 Jul 2010 Lebo, Coffey, Kansas, USAdeath16


Father: Thomas Jefferson Jenkins

Mother: Gwendolyn Lillie McGuire

Reva W Jenkins - 1907 to 1916

Birth: 21 Dec 1907 Anderson County, Kentucky, USAbirth17

Death: 20 April 1916 Anderson County, Kentucky, USAdeath17


Father: Lud Christopher Jenkins

Mother: Melva Jane Trent

Reva Jane Jenkins - 1930 to 1995

Birth: 30 Apr 1930 Decatur, Macon County, Illinois, United States of Americabirth18

Death: 31 December 1995 Frankfort, Franklin County, Kentucky, United States of Americadeath18


Father: Bishop C Jenkins

Mother: Virginia E Sale

Reva Lorraine Jenkins - 1949 to 2008

Birth: 02 May 1949 Warrenton, Fauquier, Virginia, USAbirth19

Death: 5 Jun 2008


Father: Clide R Jenkens

Mother: Viola Gladys Waldron

Reva Jenkins - 1882

Birth: 1882 Floridabirth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Angeline Randolph

Reva Jenkins - 1896

Birth: abt 1896 Fish Pond, Bamberg, South Carolina, USAbirth21

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Reva Jenkins

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Reva Jenkins

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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