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Results for "Reuben Barkley"

1 - 12 of 12 Records

Reuben Thomas Barkley - 1881

Birth: 08 Jan 1881 Mountain Twp, Dundas Cnty, Ontario, Canadabirth0

Death: Not Available


Father: John Henry Barkley

Mother: Ellen Cassidy Barkley

Reuben Abraham Barkley - 1842 to 1926

Birth: 1 Dec 1842 Williamsburg, Dundas, Ontario, Canadabirth1

Death: 27 Jan 1926 Glen Becker, Williamsburg, Ontario, Canadadeath1


Father: Henry H Barkley

Mother: Catherine Dawley

Reuben Thomas Barkley - 1881

Birth: 08 Jan 1881 Mountain Twp, Dundas Cnty, Ontario, Canadabirth2

Death: Not Available


Father: John Henry Barkley

Mother: Ellen Cassidy Barkley

Reuben Eli Barkley - 1866 to 1949

Birth: Dec 1866 Williamsburg, Dundas, Ontario, Canadabirth3

Death: abt 1949 Rochester, Monroe, New York, USAdeath3


Father: George Hiram Barkley

Mother: Mary Ann Grant

Reuben W. Barkley - 1847 to 1929

Birth: December 1847 Matilda, Dundas, Ontario, Canadabirth4

Death: Jan. 07, 1929 Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, USAdeath4


Father: Soloman Barkley/Bearkley

Mother: Mary Coons

Reuben Jett Barkley - 1891 to 1976

Birth: 03 Jan 1891 Kingman Co., KSbirth5

Death: 05 Dec 1976 Sacramento, Californiadeath5


Father: John Calvin "Jack" Barkley

Mother: Isabelle Caroline Moffitt

Reuben Wellington Barkley - 1897 to 1929

Birth: 23 Apr 1897 Morrisburg, Dundas, Ontario, Canadabirth6

Death: 7 Feb 1929


Father: Rufus Sylvester Barkley

Mother: Eliza Ellen Maude Tinkess

Reuben Barkley - 1855

Birth: Abt. 1855 Ontario, Canadabirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Joachim Barkley

Mother: Catherine Marquette

Reuben H. Barkley - 1900

Birth: June 15, 1900 Canadabirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Emerson Wharton Barkley

Mother: Cynthia Jane Charlotte Warren

Reuben Barkley

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Micajah Barkley

Mother: ELIZABETH Smarr

Reuben Barkley - 1907

Birth: 1907 Floridabirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Mary Jacoson

Reuben Barkley - 1800

Birth: abt 1800

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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