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Results for "Renest Nay"

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Ernest Robert May - 1899 to 1956

Birth: 12 Jun 1899 Nebraska, United Statesbirth0

Death: 6 Feb 1956 Salem, Marion, Oregon, USAdeath0


Father: Robert Henry MAY

Mother: Lelah E Willett

Ernest Adolph MAY - 1900 to 1977

Birth: abt 1900 Michiganbirth1

Death: 12 November 1977 Manistee, Manistee, Michigan, USAdeath1


Father: William May

Mother: Ida May

Ernest Porter May - 1918 to 2003

Birth: 23 Mar 1918 Onaga, Pottawatomie, Kansas, USAbirth2

Death: 06 May 2003 Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansasdeath2


Father: Arba Porter May

Mother: Cora E Mitchell-May

Ernest D. May - 1883 to 1958

Birth: 28 Aug 1883 Michiganbirth3

Death: 7 February 1958 Tuscola County, Michigan, United States of Americadeath3


Father: George Henry May

Mother: Florence Cooley

Ernest E Day - 1857 to 1929

Birth: abt 1857 Ohiobirth4

Death: 25 Nov 1929 Madison, Dane, Wisconsin, USAdeath4


Father: Calvin Scott Day

Mother: Martha Day

Ernest Day - 1850 to 1932

Birth: June 7, 1850 Montreal, Québec, Quebec, Canadabirth5

Death: 7//6//1932 Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Michigan, USAdeath5


Father: Joseph Charles Lejour

Mother: Odile Thuot

Ernest May - 1905 to 1963

Birth: 1 Apr 1905 Oregonbirth6

Death: 27 NOV 1963 Lane Co., Oregondeath6


Father: William Sylvester May

Mother: Lille Belle Rouse

Ernest Fitzgerald May - 1923 to 2000

Birth: 1 Jun 1923 Botetourt, Virginia, United Statesbirth7

Death: 27 Oct 2000 Botetourt Co VAdeath7


Father: Arthur Francis May

Mother: Lois Mae Spradlin

Erenest John Day - 1905 to 1972

Birth: 20 Nov 1905 Kitsap co., Washingtonbirth8

Death: 10 MAY 1972 Bainbridge Island, Kitsap, Washington, USAdeath8


Father: Eugene L DAY

Mother: Mabel Irene Parker

ERNEST DAY - 1918 to 2002

Birth: 18 Dec 1918 Coffee County, Georgiabirth9

Death: 04 Dec 2002 Ambrose, Coffee, Georgia, USAdeath9


Father: James Henderson Day

Mother: Boyce Carver Day

Ernest George Lay - 1892 to 1968

Birth: Apr 1892 Missouribirth10

Death: 25 Oct 1968 Missouri, USAdeath10


Father: Gottfried Lai/Lay

Mother: Clara Marie Diekmann

Ernest Lawrence Day - 1873 to 1959

Birth: October 1, 1873 Calhoun County, Iowabirth11

Death: 30 Dec 1959 Marysville, Snohomish, Washington, United Statesdeath11


Father: Josiah Day

Mother: Corinthia Ann Winslow / Day

Ernest L NAGY - 1930 to 2015

Birth: 15 January 1930 Lincoln Park, Wayne, Michigan, USAbirth12

Death: 11 February 2015 Marco Island, Florida, USAdeath12


Father: Charles K Nagy

Mother: Margaret Hegedus

Ernest GAY - 1901 to 1987

Birth: 14 Jun 1901 Adams Township, Iowabirth13

Death: July 14 1987 Forrest Cemetary Mahaska County Iowa USAdeath13


Father: Samuel Tuttle Gay

Mother: May Gertrude Ruby

Ernest MAY - 1879 to 1947

Birth: 21 Aug 1879 Dedham, Hancock, Maine, USAbirth14

Death: 19 Nov 1947 Norwood, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USAdeath14


Father: Joseph Edgar May

Mother: Ida Nickerson

Ernest Sell Day - 1909 to 1985

Birth: 07 November 1909 Niangua, Webster, Missouri, USAbirth15

Death: about 1985 Springfield, Greene, Missouri, USAdeath15


Father: Frank James Day

Mother: Esther June Sell

Ernest Sell Day - 1909 to 1985

Birth: 07 November 1909 Niangua, Webster, Missouri, USAbirth16

Death: about 1985 Springfield, Greene, Missouri, USAdeath16


Father: Frank James Day

Mother: Esther June Sell

Ernest Lee May - 1885 to 1946

Birth: 16 Dec 1885 Marion, Illinois, USAbirth17

Death: 2 Feb 1946 Marion, Williamson County, Illinois, USAdeath17


Father: Stephen Monroe May

Mother: Mary Virginia Lee

Ernest H Lay - 1914 to 1987

Birth: 7 May 1914 Lowell, North Carolinabirth18

Death: March/10/1987 Lowell, Gaston County, North Carolina USA Buried Edgewood Cemetery Lowell N.C.death18


Father: Mathew Armstrong Lay

Mother: Carrie Lee Parker

Ernest Arthur Day - 1856

Birth: October 1856 Walsall, Staffordshire, Englandbirth19

Death: Not known Birmingham, Warwickshire, Englanddeath19


Father: John Day

Mother: Fanny Cox

Ernest GAY - 1901 to 1987

Birth: 14 Jun 1901 Adams Township, Iowabirth20

Death: July 14 1987 Forrest Cemetary Mahaska County Iowa USAdeath20


Father: Samuel Tuttle Gay

Mother: May Gertrude Ruby

ERNEST ALFRED HAY - 1916 to 1953

Birth: 28 Aug 1916 Vigo, Indiana, USAbirth21

Death: 1953 Indianadeath21


Father: Charles Elmer Hay

Mother: Clora May Leatherwood

Ernest Bel Fay - 1914 to 1986

Birth: 26 July 1914 New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, United States of Americabirth22

Death: 16 Aug 1986 Houston, Texasdeath22


Father: Charles Spencer Fay

Mother: Marie Dorothy Bel

Ernest Lealtes May - 1878 to 1953

Birth: 30 Jun 1878 Big Holler, Monroe, INbirth23

Death: 3 Feb 1953 Monroe County, Indiana, USAdeath23




Ernest Day - 1890 to 1947

Birth: 11 Feb 1890 Champion, Chase, Nebraska, USAbirth24

Death: 31 Oct 1947 Denver, Denver, Colorado, USAdeath24


Father: Alexander Day

Mother: Eliza Ann Shryer

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