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Results for "Rene Nageli"

1 - 25 of 203 Records
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Irene Nagel - 1908 to 1999

Birth: abt 1908 Michiganbirth0

Death: 31 May 1999 Fort Myers, Lee, Florida, USAdeath0


Father: Julius Nagel

Mother: Bertha Carolyn Marks

Rene MacBeth ANGELL - 1897 to 1953

Birth: Jun 1897 Michiganbirth1

Death: 26 Feb 1953 San Diegodeath1


Father: Charles Phillip Angell

Mother: Hattie Everett

Irene Nagel - 1914 to 1978

Birth: 26 May 1914 Bentleyville, Washington County, PA, USAbirth2

Death: Oct 1978 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath2



Mother: Mary Salata (Nagel / Romanesky)

Irene Nagel - 1908 to 1999

Birth: abt 1908 Michiganbirth3

Death: 31 May 1999 Fort Myers, Lee, Florida, USAdeath3


Father: Julius Nagel

Mother: Bertha Carolyn Marks

Irene Nagel - 1883 to 1981

Birth: May 1883 Virginiabirth4

Death: 24 May 1981 San Antonio, Texas, USAdeath4


Father: Charles Heinz Nagel

Mother: Ida Lee Walker

Irene Nagel - 1914 to 1978

Birth: 26 May 1914 Bentleyville, Washington County, PA, USAbirth5

Death: Oct 1978 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath5



Mother: Mary Salata (Nagel / Romanesky)

Irene M Nagel - 1897 to 1977

Birth: 17 Nov 1897 Webster City, Iowabirth6

Death: May 1977 Georgia, USAdeath6


Father: John Nagel

Mother: Mary Flowers

Irene M Nagel - 1897 to 1977

Birth: 17 Nov 1897 Webster City, Iowabirth7

Death: May 1977 Georgia, USAdeath7


Father: John Nagel

Mother: Mary Flowers

Irene A Nagel - 1908 to 1948

Birth: 28 Jul 1908 Ohiobirth8

Death: 2 Jul 1948 Tempe, Arizona, USAdeath8


Father: William Nagel

Mother: Mary Boerger/ Nagel

Irene M ANGELL - 1897 to 1978

Birth: 4 Jun 1897 Michiganbirth9

Death: Mar 1978 Livonia, Wayne, Michigan, United Statesdeath9


Father: Charles Phillip Angell

Mother: Hattie Everett

Rene Nagel - 1926 to 1995

Birth: 05 Mar 1926 Moline, Rock Island, Illinois, United Statesbirth10

Death: 24 Jun 1995 East Moline, Rock Island, Illinois, United States of Americadeath10


Father: Francisus Petrus Nagel

Mother: Alice Dinnewet

Irene Wilhemina Nagel - 1922 to 1978

Birth: 17 Oct 1922 Tonica, La Salle, Illinois, USAbirth11

Death: Jan 1978 Ottawa, La Salle, Illinois, USAdeath11


Father: Wilhelm Friedrich Nagel

Mother: Caroline Amelia Giese

Irene Florence Nagel - 1895 to 1988

Birth: 6 Sep 1895 Fremont, Huron, Ohio, USAbirth12

Death: 18 OCT 1988 Olympia, Washingtondeath12


Father: Edward Joseph Nagel

Mother: Catherine Kramer

Irene Angelo - 1897 to 1975

Birth: 15 Aug 1897 Ottawa, Ontario, Canadabirth13

Death: Oct 1975 Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, USAdeath13


Father: Santo Caliguiro

Mother: Anna Bellville

Irene Wilhemina Nagel - 1922 to 1978

Birth: 17 Oct 1922 Tonica, La Salle, Illinois, USAbirth14

Death: Jan 1978 Ottawa, La Salle, Illinois, USAdeath14


Father: Wilhelm Friedrich Nagel

Mother: Caroline Amelia Giese

Irene Angelo - 1920 to 2014

Birth: 20 Jun 1920 Clarksburg, Yolo, California, USAbirth15

Death: 09 Jul 2014 Stockton, San Joaquin, Califorina, USAdeath15


Father: Manuel J Angelo

Mother: Mary D Leal Manica

Irene Jean Nagel - 1913 to 1991

Birth: 20 MAY 1913 Maryborough, Queenslandbirth16

Death: 12 SEP 1991 Brisbane, Queenslanddeath16


Father: Albert Nagel

Mother: May Barlow

Irene Jean Nagel - 1913 to 1991

Birth: 20 MAY 1913 Maryborough, Queenslandbirth17

Death: 12 SEP 1991 Brisbane, Queenslanddeath17


Father: Albert Nagel

Mother: May Barlow

Irene Angelo - 1897 to 1975

Birth: 15 Aug 1897 Ottawa, Ontario, Canadabirth18

Death: Oct 1975 Phoenix, Maricopa, Arizona, USAdeath18


Father: Santo Caliguiro

Mother: Anna Bellville

Irene Nagel - 1932 to 2005

Birth: 14 Dec 1932 Bayard, , Saskatchewan, Canadabirth19

Death: 6 June 2005 Regina, Saskatchewan, Canadadeath19


Father: Carl Nagle

Mother: Johanna Evelyn Dietrich

Irene May Nagel - 1913 to 1994

Birth: 25 May 1913 Ohiobirth20

Death: 28 Oct 1994 Tyrone, Livingston, Michigandeath20


Father: Fred Walter Nagel

Mother: Mary “Eva” Poupard


Birth: 23,August,1918 New Bedford, Massachusetts, USAbirth21

Death: 15,April,1984 Miami, Arizona, USAdeath21


Father: Matthew Angelo

Mother: Elvira Silva

Irene M Angell - 1918 to 1995

Birth: 27 Mar 1918 Bristol, Avon, Englandbirth22

Death: Oct 1995 Bristol, Avon, Englanddeath22


Father: Angell

Mother: Ada warland

Irene Cameli - 1918

Birth: 2 Jun 1918 Chicago Heightsbirth23

Death: Not Available Chicago, IL, United Statesodeath23


Father: Vincenzo Cameli

Mother: Marietta Maoloni

Irene Nagel - 1922 to 2011

Birth: 26 Apr 1922 Polandbirth24

Death: 10 Jan 2011 Montréal Quebec, Canadadeath24


Father: Karol Nagel


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