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Results for "Rene Jarriau"

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Irene Barrieau - 1913 to 1966

Birth: Jan 06, 1913 New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts, USAbirth0

Death: 25 August 1966 Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USAdeath0


Father: Livain Pierre Barrieau

Mother: Lydia LeBlanc

Irene Rose Carreau - 1879 to 1919

Birth: November 1879 Quebecbirth1

Death: 1919 Ste-Marie-de-Monnoir (Marieville)death1


Father: Joseph MARTEL

Mother: Victorie Martel

Reine GARREAU - 1816 to 1876

Birth: 14 APR 1816 Blancey,21082,Côte-D'Or,Bourgogne,FRANCE,birth2

Death: 30 APR 1876 Blancey,21082,Côte-D'Or,Bourgogne,FRANCE,death2


Father: Pierre Garreau

Mother: Marie Buret

Reine JARREAU - 1734 to 1786

Birth: AFT 4 FEB 1734 Cessy-les-Bois,58220,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCE,birth3

Death: FEB 1786 Colméry,58350,Nièvre,Bourgogne,FRANCEdeath3


Father: Jean-Jacques JARREAU (JARRAUD)

Mother: Edmée Marie CENDRE

Rene GARREAU - 1900 to 1975

Birth: 01 DEC 1900 Civray, 86078, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France, 1900 acte n° 36 page 120/145birth4

Death: 18 OCT 1975 Paris XIV ème, Île de Fra, , France, , death4


Father: Constant GARREAU

Mother: Marie Douifoux

Irene Jarbeau - 1898 to 1946

Birth: 24 Dec 1898 Ompha Ontariobirth5

Death: 21 Jan 1946 New Liskeard Ontario, Canadadeath5


Father: John B Jarbeau

Mother: Mary Etta Payea

Rene Ernest Barrieau - 1926 to 1969

Birth: 10 FEB 1926 New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusettsbirth6

Death: 26 Sep 1969 Sidney, Delaware, New York, USAdeath6


Father: Alyre Barrieau

Mother: Delima Barrieau

Rene Joseph Jarreau - 1937 to 1988

Birth: 5 Jun 1937 Lakeland, Pointe Coupee, Louisiana, United Statesbirth7

Death: 1 Nov 1988 Torbert, Pointe Coupee, Louisiana, United Statesdeath7


Father: Paul Joseph Jarreau

Mother: Constance Marie Jarreau

Rene Jarreau - 1914 to 1996

Birth: 23 Oct 1914 Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisianabirth8

Death: 30 Jul 1996 Jarreau, Pointe Coupee, Louisiana, USAdeath8


Father: Lucien Elie JARREAU

Mother: Noelie Olinde

Reine JARDEAU - 1806

Birth: 2 NOV 1806 Villeferry,21350,Côte-D'Or,Bourgogne,,birth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Jean JARDEAU

Mother: Marie MOREAU

Reine Barreau - 1790 to 1867

Birth: 4 Avril 1790 Massilly Saône et Loire

Death: 12 Décembre 1867 Château Saône et Loire


Father: Jean-Baptiste Barreau

Mother: Marie MARDON

Reine GARREAU - 1814 to 1843

Birth: 23 SEP 1814 Semur en Auxois, 21, Côte d'Or, Bourgogne, Francebirth11

Death: 28 JUN 1843 Semur en Auxois, 21, Côte d'Or, Bourgogne, Francedeath11


Father: Antoine GARREAU

Mother: Marguerite MEUGNOT

Irene Barrieau - 1929 to 2018

Birth: 21 Apr 1929 Acadieville, Kent, New Brunswick, Canadabirth12

Death: 12 Oct 2018


Father: Leonard Barrieau

Mother: Léonie Richard

Irene B Barreau - 1871 to 1970

Birth: Aug 1871 Paris, Francebirth13

Death: 1970 Evanston, Cook, Illinoisdeath13


Father: Henri BARREAU

Mother: Juliet Barreau

Rene Jules Garreau - 1901

Birth: 25 Aug 1901 Buitenzorg, Netherlands Indiesbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Albert Garreau

Mother: Marie Cordelet

Rene Clement Theophile GARREAU - 1900 to 1975

Birth: 01 DEC 1900 Civray, 86078, Vienne, Poitou-Charentes, France, 1900 acte n° 36 page 120/145

Death: 18 OCT 1975 Paris XIV ème, Île de Fra, , France


Father: Constant GARREAU

Mother: Marie POINFOUX

Rene BARREAU - 1828 to 1888

Birth: 1828

Death: ABT 1888


Father: René Barreau

Mother: Jeanne Delache

Rene jacques GARREAU - 1785

Birth: 22 JAN 1785 ST DENIS DE GASTINES, 53, Mayenne, , France, -birth17

Death: Not Available


Father: Julien GARREAU

Mother: Marie DENIAU

Rene E. Jarbeau - 1899 to 1977

Birth: Jan 29 1899 Warwick, Kent, Rhode Islandbirth18

Death: 18 May 1977 Miami, Miami-Dade, Florida, United States of Americadeath18


Father: Ludger Jarbeau

Mother: Emma Fortier

Irene JARREAU - 1919 to 2010

Birth: 2 Jul 1919 Louisianabirth19

Death: 13 Nov 2010 New Roads, Pointe Coupee, Louisianadeath19


Father: Aristide Jarreau

Mother: Marie Blanche GUIDROZ

Reine GARREAU - 1705

Birth: 1705 Thorey-sous-Charny,21350,Côte-d'Or,Bourgogne,FRANCE,birth20

Death: Not Available


Father: Jean GARREAU

Mother: Anne DROUIN

Irene Jarreau - 1915 to 1970

Birth: 20 Jul 1915 Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana, United Statesbirth21

Death: 6 Jun 1970 Alexandria, Rapides Parish, Louisiana, USAdeath21


Father: Joseph Philibert Jarreau

Mother: Marguerite Sicard

Reine GARREAU - 1834 to 1902

Birth: 13 MAY 1834 Châteauneuf-sur-Loire,45110,Loiret,Centre,FRANCE,Petite rue du Port

Death: 6 MAY 1902 Châteauneuf-sur-Loire,45110,Loiret,Centre,FRANCEdeath22


Father: Pierre, Louis GARREAU

Mother: Anne, Françoise DOLLÉ

Reine, Marie, Blanche GARREAU - 1864 to 1867

Birth: 8 AUG 1864 Châteauneuf-sur-Loire,45110,Loiret,Centre,FRANCEbirth23

Death: 4 FEB 1867 Châteauneuf-sur-Loire,45110,Loiret,Centre,FRANCEdeath23


Father: Paul, Félix GARREAU

Mother: Julie, Alexandrine MERCIER

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