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Results for "Rene Batteux"

1 - 13 of 13 Records
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Irene Lillian Battene - 1918 to 1999

Birth: 23 Nov 1918 Newport, Rhode Islandbirth0

Death: 30 Jan 1999 Live Oak, Suwannee, Florida, USAdeath0


Father: George Macy BATTENE

Mother: Marie Isilda Morin

Irene Adeline Boiteux - 1914 to 1995

Birth: 5//9//1914 London, Englandbirth1

Death: Jan 1995 Exeter, Devon, Englanddeath1


Father: Louis Boiteux

Mother: Emily Skelton

Irene Arnsworth Battrum - 1911 to 1994

Birth: 10 Oct 1911 Battrum, Saskatchewan, Canadabirth2

Death: 19 Jan 1994 Raymond, Alberta, Canadadeath2


Father: William Edward Battrum

Mother: Mary Ainsworth Taylor

Irene Arnsworth Battrum - 1911 to 1994

Birth: 10 Oct 1911 Battrum, Saskatchewan, Canadabirth3

Death: 19 Jan 1994 Raymond, Alberta, Canadadeath3


Father: William Edward Battrum

Mother: Mary Ainsworth Taylor

Irene Lillian Battene - 1918 to 1999

Birth: 23 Nov 1918 Newport, Rhode Islandbirth4

Death: 30 Jan 1999 Live Oak, Suwannee, Florida, USAdeath4


Father: George Macy BATTENE

Mother: Marie Isilda Morin

Rene Fauteux - 1780 to 1781

Birth: 6 Jun 1780 L'ile-Dupas, Berthier, Quebec, Nouvelle Francebirth5

Death: abt 1781


Father: Pierre Fauteux

Mother: Marie Elisabeth Desorcy

Irene Battell - 1811 to 1877

Birth: 14 Nov 1811 Norfolk, CTbirth6

Death: 5 May 1877 New Haven, Connecticutdeath6


Father: Joseph Battell

Mother: Sarah Robbins

Irene Lucy Batters - 1914

Birth: 1914 Saskatchewan, Canadabirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Marshall C. Estabrooks

Mother: Mabel Blanche BARNES


Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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