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Results for "Rene Bastiere"

1 - 25 of 82 Records
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Irene R Bussiere - 1932 to 2006

Birth: 08 JAN 1932 Derry, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USAbirth0

Death: 05 AUG 2006 Manchester, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, USAdeath0


Father: Eddimore Bussiere

Mother: Corrina Cournoyer

Rene E Barriere - 1899 to 1975

Birth: 3/18/1899 La Habana, Cubabirth1

Death: 5/10/1975 Brooklyn, New York, USAdeath1


Father: Jorge Barriere

Mother: Angela Valdez

Irene Bussiere

Birth: unk Manchester, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United States of Americabirth2

Death: Sept 1973 Manchester, Hillsborough, New Hampshire, United States of Americadeath2


Father: Armand Bussiere

Mother: Carmeline Diana Jutras

Rene E Barriere - 1899 to 1975

Birth: 3/18/1899 La Habana, Cubabirth3

Death: 5/10/1975 Brooklyn, New York, USAdeath3


Father: Jorge Barriere

Mother: Angela Valdez

rene barriere - 1922 to 2005

Birth: 11 juin 1922 Gours, Aquitaine, Francebirth4

Death: 25 janvier 2005 libournedeath4


Father: felix barriere

Mother: marie dubourdy

Rene BARRIERE - 1698 to 1750

Birth: 3 SEP 1698 Saint-Privé,89220,Yonne,Bourgogne,FRANCE,birth5

Death: ABT 1750


Father: Claude BARRIERE

Mother: Edmée BEDIN

Irene Bussiere - 1934 to 1994

Birth: 17 OCT 1934 Dolbeau, St Therese d'Avila, Lac St Jean, QCbirth6

Death: NOV 1994


Father: (Jean-Baptiste) Johnny Bussière

Mother: Simone Paradis

Irene Bussiere - 1903 to 1972

Birth: 12 Nov 1903 Canada Frenchbirth7

Death: 24 Oct 1972 Cranbury, Middlesex, New Jersey, United States of Americadeath7


Father: Saline Bussiere

Mother: Rose Anna Thurier

Irene Elizabeth Basilere - 1934 to 1996

Birth: 3 Oct 1934 Lynn Hospita, Massachusettsbirth8

Death: 15 Sep 1996 Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts, USAdeath8


Father: Clarence U. Basiliere

Mother: Marie A Comeau

Irene Rita Bussiere - 1922 to 2008

Birth: 30 Oct 1922 New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts, USAbirth9

Death: 2 Sep 2008 Fall River, Bristol, Massachusettsdeath9


Father: Joseph George Bussiere

Mother: Marie L. Bélanger

Irene Bussiere - 1946 to 1989

Birth: 17 JAN 1946 Val Alain, Lotbiniere, QCbirth10

Death: 20 AUG 1989 Val Alain, Lotbiniere, QCdeath10


Father: Conrad Bussiere

Mother: Yvette Labonte

Rene Barriere - 1787 to 1787

Birth: 30 mars 1787 St-Jean-François-Régis, Laprairie, Québecbirth11

Death: 5 juillet 1787 St-Jean-François-Régis, Laprairie, Québecdeath11


Father: Rene Barriere

Mother: Genevieve Giroux

Rene Barriere - 1787 to 1787

Birth: 30 mars 1787 St-Jean-François-Régis, Laprairie, Québecbirth12

Death: 5 juillet 1787 St-Jean-François-Régis, Laprairie, Québecdeath12


Father: Rene Barriere

Mother: Genevieve Giroux

Irene Bussiere - 1946 to 1989

Birth: 17 JAN 1946 Val Alain, Lotbiniere, QCbirth13

Death: 20 AUG 1989 Val Alain, Lotbiniere, QCdeath13


Father: Conrad Bussiere

Mother: Yvette Labonte

Irene Barriere - 1911

Birth: 23 JUL 1911 Mont-Saint-Gregoire, co. Iberville, Quebec. Canada,birth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Arthur Barriere

Mother: Marie Jette

Reine Bussiere - 1914

Birth: 25 JAN 1914 Breakeyville, St Helene, Levis, QCbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: George Bussière

Mother: Annie Samson

Reine Bussiere - 1914

Birth: 25 JAN 1914 Breakeyville, St Helene, Levis, QCbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: George Bussière

Mother: Annie Samson

Rena Barbiere - 1913 to 1997

Birth: 04/14/1913 Pennsylvania, USAbirth17

Death: 11/18/1997 Vineland, New Jersey, USAdeath17


Father: Antonio Barbieri

Mother: Catterina Ernesta Sterchele

Irene Bertha Bussiere - 1908 to 1995

Birth: 04 Sep 1908 Northfield Falls, VTbirth18

Death: 3 Feb 1995 Glendale, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath18


Father: Jean Bussiere

Mother: Marie Celina (Lea) Prévost

Reine Suzanne BARRIERE - 1781 to 1860

Birth: 9 JAN 1781 Saint-Martin-des-Champs,89170,Yonne,Bourgogne,FRANCEbirth19

Death: 3 DEC 1860 Saint-Privé,89220,Yonne,Bourgogne,FRANCEdeath19


Father: Claude BARRIERE

Mother: Francoise BACHELLIER

Irene Bussiere - 1904 to 1983

Birth: 6 Jul 1904 Quebecbirth20

Death: 25 Jun 1983 Attleborodeath20


Father: Solyme Bussiere

Mother: Rose Anna Thurier

Irene Lucy Bassiere - 1907 to 1991

Birth: 21 Feb 1907 Chatswood, New South Wales, Australiabirth21

Death: 8 June 1991


Father: Louis Philip Bassiere

Mother: Elizabeth G Finney


Birth: 1814 CONDE-SUR-HUISNE (61

Death: Not Available




Rene Barriere - 1756 to 1813

Birth: May 1756 Pointe Olivier, , Quebec, Canadabirth23

Death: 1813 Quebec, Canadadeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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