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Results for "Rene Baril"

1 - 13 of 13 Records

Rene Baril - 1947 to 1998

Birth: 2 Oct 1947 St-Boniface-de-Shawinigan , Quebec, Canadabirth0

Death: 1998 Maskinonge QCdeath0


Father: Jean Baptiste Baril

Mother: Marie Rousseau

Rene Bernard Baril - 1918 to 1919

Birth: 31 dec. 1918 St-Damien de Brandon Qcbirth1

Death: 8 mars 1919 St-Damien de Brandon Qcdeath1


Father: Ildège Baril

Mother: Exérina Brault

Rene Baril - 1903 to 1990

Birth: 10 Mai 1903 St-Charles-de-Mandeville, Québecbirth2

Death: 1990


Father: Joseph Baril

Mother: Cordelie Marie Bergeron

Rene Baril - 1903 to 1990

Birth: 10 Mai 1903 St-Charles-de-Mandeville, Québecbirth3

Death: 1990


Father: Joseph Baril

Mother: Cordelie Marie Bergeron

Rene Baril - 1914 to 1995

Birth: 1914 Lorrainville, Témiscamingue, Québec, Canadabirth4

Death: 1995




Rene Baril - 1916 to 1994

Birth: 1916

Death: 1994


Father: Louis (Aloysius) Baril

Mother: Virginie "Regina" Robitaille

Rene Baril - 1916

Birth: 6 DEC 1916

Death: 21 MAY 9994


Father: Louis Baril

Mother: Virginie "Regina" Robitaille

Rene Baril - 1911

Birth: ABT 1911

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Honorat Baril

Mother: Maria Charland

Rene Baril

Birth: Not Available

Death: Deceased


Father: Joseph Honorat Baril

Mother: Maria Charland

Rene Baril - 1953 to 1953

Birth: 26 DEC 1953

Death: 1953


Father: Romeo Raymond Baril

Mother: Not Available

Rene Baril

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Wilfred Baril

Mother: Not Available

Rene Baril - 1953 to 1953

Birth: 26 DEC 1953

Death: 1953


Father: Roméo Baril

Mother: Not Available

Rene Baril

Birth: Not Available

Death: 10 May 2012 Saint-Jean-de-Matha, Matawinie, Quebec, Canadadeath12


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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