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Results for "Rene Baradel"

1 - 12 of 12 Records
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Irene Cornelia Barager - 1910 to 1989

Birth: 12 Jul 1910 Yellow Medicine, Minnesota, USAbirth0

Death: 9 December 1989 Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota, USAdeath0


Father: Chester Barager

Mother: Hilda Waller

Rene Henri Bardel - 1894 to 1973

Birth: Jan 6, 1894 Paris, Francebirth1

Death: June 1973 Little Falls, Passaic, New Jersey, USAdeath1


Father: Henri Louis Bardel

Mother: Aline Ernestine Barrue

Irene Daisy Barager - 1943 to 1995

Birth: 7 NOV 1943 Thorsby Alberta Canadabirth2

Death: 1 Aug 1995 Edmonton, Alberta, Canadadeath2


Father: George Bernard BARAGER

Mother: Ida Grace Burgess

Irene Daisy Barager - 1943 to 1995

Birth: 7 NOV 1943 Thorsby Alberta Canadabirth3

Death: 1 Aug 1995 Edmonton, Alberta, Canadadeath3


Father: George Bernard BARAGER

Mother: Ida Grace Burgess

Irene Baranek - 1924

Birth: 20 Jan 1924 Cleveland City, Cuyahoga, Ohiobirth4

Death: Not Available Cleveland City, Cuyahoga, Ohiodeath4


Father: Joseph Baranek

Mother: Anna F Hadbavny

Rene George Bardel - 1923 to 1993

Birth: 14 Oct 1923 Jersey City, Hudson, New Jerseybirth5

Death: 21 Aug 1993 Pompton Lakes, Passaic, New Jersey, USAdeath5


Father: Rene Henri (Reiner) Bardel

Mother: Beatrice Stacey

Irene Barahal - 1904

Birth: abt 1904 Polandbirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Oscar Barahal

Mother: Pearl Reitman

Reine Bardel - 1774 to 1855

Birth: 1774

Death: 20 Jun 1855


Father: Pierre Bardel

Mother: Adelaïde Onfroy

Rene A Baradet - 1894 to 1912

Birth: 5 Mar 1894 Manhattan, New York, USAbirth8

Death: 18 Apr 1912 Manhattan, New York, USAdeath8


Father: Leon Alfred Bernard Baradet

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Reine Bardel

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Rene Henri Bardel - 1894 to 1973

Birth: 1894

Death: 1973


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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