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Results for "Regula Naef"

1 - 12 of 12 Records

Regula Naef - 1666 to 1669

Birth: 2 October 1666 Wangen, Dubendorf, Zurich, Switzerlandbirth0

Death: 23 September 1669 Wangen, Zurich, Switzerlanddeath0


Father: Caspar Naef

Mother: Elsbeth Hug

Regula Naef - 1666 to 1669

Birth: 2 October 1666 Wangen, Dubendorf, Zurich, Switzerlandbirth1

Death: 23 September 1669 Wangen, Zurich, Switzerlanddeath1


Father: Caspar Naef

Mother: Elsbeth Hug

Regula Naef - 1795 to 1796

Birth: 29 Nov 1795 Wangen, Zurich, Switzerlandbirth2

Death: 21 Dec 1796 Wangen, Zurich, Switzerlanddeath2


Father: Heinrich Naef

Mother: A. Barbara Peyer

Regula Naef - 1734 to 1736

Birth: 31 Oct 1734 Hausen, Bern, Switzerlandbirth3

Death: 26 Sep 1736


Father: Hans Naef

Mother: Huber Barbara

Regula Naef - 1672 to 1734

Birth: 21 Jun 1672 Zell, Zurich, Switzerlandbirth4

Death: 28 Dec 1734 Zell, Zurich, Switzerlanddeath4


Father: Hanes Balthaser Neff/Naef

Mother: Cleopha Kleopha Isler

Regula Naef - 1824

Birth: 23 November 1824 Wangen, Dubendorf, Zurich, Switzerlandbirth5

Death: Not Available


Father: Hans Jacob Naef Näf von Wangen ZH

Mother: Regula Schmid

Regula Naef - 1721 to 1787

Birth: 20 Apr 1721 Dübendorf, Zurich, Switzerlandbirth6

Death: 18Mar1787


Father: Ulrich Naef

Mother: Barbara Hug

Regula Naef - 1679

Birth: 19 January 1679 Wangen, Dubendorf, Zurich, Switzerlandbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Hans Heinrich Naef

Mother: Verena Reutlinger

Regula Naef - 1824

Birth: 23 November 1824 Wangen, Dubendorf, Zurich, Switzerlandbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Hans Jacob Naef

Mother: Regula Schmid

Regula Naef

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Johann Naeff

Mother: Anna Frischknecht

Regula Naef - 1662

Birth: 1662 Zurich, Zürich, Switzerlandbirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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