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Results for "Raymond Janusz"

1 - 11 of 11 Records

Raymond Joseph Janusz - 1926 to 2014

Birth: 17 Feb 1926 West Allis, Wisconsinbirth0

Death: 25 Oct 2014 West Allis, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, United States of Americadeath0


Father: Joseph J Janusz

Mother: Gertrude Koprowski

Raymond Joseph Janusz - 1926 to 2014

Birth: 17 Feb 1926 West Allis, Wisconsinbirth1

Death: 25 Oct 2014 West Allis, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Joseph J Janusz

Mother: Gertrude Koprowski

Raymond Vincent Janusz - 1921 to 1995

Birth: 27 Dec 1921 Wisconsinbirth2

Death: 15 Mar 1995 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsindeath2


Father: Roy Wladislaus Janusz

Mother: Marianne Milosz

Raymond A Janusz - 1909 to 1993

Birth: 25 Aug 1909 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United Statesbirth3

Death: 31 Aug 1993 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USAdeath3


Father: Wojciech (Albert) "George" Janusz

Mother: Victoria Majerowski

Raymond J "ray" Janusz - 1917 to 1981

Birth: 5 Aug 1917 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USAbirth4

Death: 3 February 1981 Amherst Junction, Portage, Wisconsindeath4


Father: Ignatius Ignatz T Janusz Janiaz Janosch

Mother: Anna Wiatrowski

Raymond H Janusz - 1915 to 1963

Birth: 07 Sep 1915 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAAPRIL 1963birth5

Death: 3 Apr 1963 Cook, Illinois, United Statesdeath5


Father: Victor Joseph Janusz

Mother: Violet (Volly) Porozinska

Raymond Janusz - 1909

Birth: 1909 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsinbirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Stephen Joseph Janusz

Mother: Anna J. Sawinski

Raymond Doug Janusz - 1948

Birth: 11 Jun 1948

Death: Not Available


Father: Raymond Vincent Janusz

Mother: Irmgard Rose Frederick

raymond janusz - 1928 to 1996

Birth: 1928 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USAbirth8

Death: 1996


Father: raymond janusz

Mother: Not Available

raymond janusz - 1928 to 1996

Birth: 1928 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USAbirth9

Death: 1996


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Raymond Janusz

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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