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Results for "Raymond Bassett"

1 - 25 of 174 Records

Raymond Bassett - 1904 to 1968

Birth: 14 Aug 1904 Johnstown, Pennsylvaniabirth0

Death: Jan 1968 Memorial Hosp. Johnstown, Cambria, PAdeath0


Father: Arthur Bassett

Mother: Gertrude Keiper

Raymond Everett Bassett - 1878 to 1957

Birth: 11 Dec 1878 Seymour, New Haven, Connecticut, USAbirth1

Death: 2 Sep 1957 Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USAdeath1


Father: Noyes E. Bassett

Mother: Ida Louise Terrill

Raymond Everett Bassett - 1878 to 1957

Birth: 11 Dec 1878 Seymour, New Haven, Connecticut, USAbirth2

Death: 2 Sep 1957 Waterbury, New Haven, Connecticut, USAdeath2


Father: Noyes E. Bassett

Mother: Ida Louise Terrill

Raymond C. Bassett - 1913 to 1983

Birth: 6 OCT 1913 Morocco , Newton Co. Ind.birth3

Death: 13 Aug 1983 Newton Countydeath3


Father: Oscar Sylvanis Bassett

Mother: Lucy Maude Morton

Raymond Bassett - 1904 to 1968

Birth: 14 Aug 1904 Johnstown, Pennsylvaniabirth4

Death: Jan 1968 Memorial Hosp. Johnstown, Cambria, PAdeath4


Father: Arthur Bassett

Mother: Gertrude Keiper

Raymond Bassett - 1925 to 1991

Birth: 26 November 1925 New York, USAbirth5

Death: 1991 Florida, USAdeath5


Father: John J Bassett

Mother: Eunice Wanser

Raymond Dale Bassett - 1937 to 1975

Birth: 26 MAY 1937 Morocco , Newton Co. Ind.birth6

Death: 21 Jul 1975 Valparaiso, Porter, Indiana, USAdeath6


Father: Raymond Carroll Bassett

Mother: Lorene Evelyn Zoborosky

Raymond K Bassett - 1896 to 1984

Birth: 4 Jul 1896 Fremont, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USAbirth7

Death: 12 Feb 1984 Sandown, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USAdeath7


Father: Joseph Peasley Bassett*

Mother: Eva Mehitable Kimball+

Raymond Bassett - 1925 to 1991

Birth: 26 November 1925 New York, USAbirth8

Death: 1991 Florida, USAdeath8


Father: John J Bassett

Mother: Eunice Wanser

Raymond Bassett - 1901 to 1964

Birth: 1 Mar 1901 Kansasbirth9

Death: Nov 1964 , , California, United Statesdeath9


Father: Emmett Bassett

Mother: Ida Belle pickrell

Raymond Bassett - 1901 to 1964

Birth: 1 Mar 1901 Kansasbirth10

Death: Nov 1964 , , California, United Statesdeath10


Father: Emmett Bassett

Mother: Ida Belle pickrell

Raymond Bassett - 1925 to 2007

Birth: 12 June 1925 Monticello J, Floridabirth11

Death: 17 May 2007 Ocala, Marion, Florida, USAdeath11


Father: Wilmer Wilson Bassett

Mother: Ruby Henry Burt

Raymond Bassett - 1925 to 2007

Birth: 12 June 1925 Monticello J, Floridabirth12

Death: 17 May 2007 Ocala, Marion, Florida, USAdeath12


Father: Wilmer Wilson Bassett

Mother: Ruby Henry Burt

Raymond A Bassett - 1948 to 2017

Birth: 1 Jan. 1948 New York, United States of Americabirth13

Death: 4 January 2017 Pinellas Park, Pinellas County, Florida, United States of Americadeath13


Father: Raymond Martin Bassett

Mother: Magdeline Federer

Raymond E Bassett - 1895 to 1984

Birth: 4 Jan 1895 Vicky, Maries, Missouribirth14

Death: 21 May 1984 Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States of Americadeath14


Father: Joseph O. Bassett

Mother: Ina May Love

Raymond E Bassett - 1895 to 1984

Birth: 4 Jan 1895 Vicky, Maries, Missouribirth15

Death: 21 May 1984 Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States of Americadeath15


Father: Joseph O. Bassett

Mother: Ina May Love

Raymond Otto Bassett - 1921 to 2003

Birth: 4 Apr 1921 Holden, Worcester, Massachusettsbirth16

Death: 30 May 2003 Atlantic City, Atlantic, New Jerseydeath16


Father: Otto Hampleton Bassett

Mother: Mary Emma Hachey

Raymond Louis Bassett - 1912 to 1993

Birth: 22 Sep 1912 Connecticutbirth17

Death: 3/17/1993 Meriden, New Haven, Connecticut, USAdeath17


Father: Louis J. Bessette

Mother: Lillian Collins

Raymond Morden Bassett - 1908 to 2004

Birth: 12 Aug 1908 Wahpeton, Richland, North Dakota, USAbirth18

Death: 1 June 2004 Davenport, Lincoln, Washington, USAdeath18


Father: Elmer Ellsworth Bassett

Mother: Annie Teressa Morden

Raymond Bassett - 1900 to 1945

Birth: 17 Jan 1900 Romaniabirth19

Death: 10 Sep 1945 La Guardia Birpart, Queens, New York City, New York, USAdeath19


Father: Aaron Bassman

Mother: Sonia Weintraub

Raymond L Bassett - 1921 to 1986

Birth: 12 Mar 1921 Washington, USAbirth20

Death: 24 Jun 1986 Seattle, Washington, USAdeath20


Father: Harvey Casher Bassett

Mother: Ethel May Davies / Davis

Raymond Orville BASSETT - 1893 to 1968

Birth: 1 Dec 1893 Tallmadge, Ottawa County, Michigan, USAbirth21

Death: 16 Aug, 1968 Lansing, Ingham, Michigan, USAdeath21


Father: Henry Wilson Bassett


Raymond L Bassett - 1921 to 1986

Birth: 12 Mar 1921 Washington, USAbirth22

Death: 24 Jun 1986 Seattle, Washington, USAdeath22


Father: Harvey Casher Bassett

Mother: Ethel May Davies / Davis

raymond henry bassett - 1935 to 2001

Birth: 10 july 1935 devonbirth23

Death: 26 june 2001 crediton devondeath23


Father: Samuel Henry Bassett

Mother: Emily Harris

Raymond Bassett - 1916 to 1985

Birth: abt 1916 Illinoisbirth24

Death: Nov 1985


Father: Claude Quincy Wheelock

Mother: Vernice Irene Dutton

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