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Results for "Raymond Bass"

1 - 25 of 211 Records

Raymond C Bass - 1885 to 1930

Birth: 27 Jun 1885 Gilchrist Co Bell, Floridabirth0

Death: 11 February 1930 Gilchrist Co Bell, Floridadeath0


Father: Quincey Bass

Mother: Arternissa Stringer

Raymond Bass - 1929 to 1998

Birth: 14 June 1929 Crosbyton, Crosby County, Texas, United States of Americabirth1

Death: May 1998 Midland, Midland, Texas, USAdeath1


Father: Melvin Griffin Bass

Mother: Laura Lucille Reynolds

Raymond Bass - 1905 to 1979

Birth: 2 Jan 1905 Massachusettsbirth2

Death: 29 Jun 1979 North Adams, Berkshire, Massachusetts, United States of Americadeath2


Father: Adelbert Ephraim Bass

Mother: Lela Bell Card

Raymond Charles Bass - 1930 to 2002

Birth: 22 Mar 1930 Buffalo, Erie, New York, USAbirth3

Death: 22 Apr 2002 Morrisville, New Yorkdeath3


Father: Glenn McKinley Bass

Mother: Harriet Phillips

Raymond VanBuren Bass - 1894 to 1964

Birth: 07 Sep 1894 Bassville, Greene, Missouri, USAbirth4

Death: 25 May 1964 Springfield, Greene Co, Missourideath4


Father: William Edward Bass

Mother: Phoebe Snider-Bass

Raymond Daniel Bass - 1928 to 2002

Birth: 04 Apr 1928 Chadbourn, Columbus County, North Carolina, USAbirth5

Death: 09 May 2002 Burnet, Burnet County, Texas, USAdeath5


Father: Raymond Bass

Mother: Eldes Eunice Atkison

Raymond C Bass - 1885 to 1930

Birth: 27 Jun 1885 Gilchrist Co Bell, Floridabirth6

Death: 11 February 1930 Gilchrist Co Bell, Floridadeath6


Father: Quincey Bass

Mother: Arternissa Stringer

Raymond Perry Bass - 1915 to 1993

Birth: 8 Dec 1915 Texasbirth7

Death: 13 Mar 1993 Fort Worth, Tarrant, Texas, USAdeath7


Father: Thomas Livingston Bass

Mother: Viola E Cray

Raymond Elmo BASS - 1908 to 1970

Birth: 18 Dec 1908 Black Creek, Wilson, North Carolina, USAbirth8

Death: Jan 1970 Wilson Co NCdeath8


Father: Elisha (LP) Bass

Mother: Lena Rivers (Pittman)Bass

Raymond E Bass - 1914 to 1985

Birth: 22 AUG 1914 Georgiabirth9

Death: 29 July 1985


Father: Pink M Bass

Mother: Anna Belle Blizzard

Raymond Dewitt Bass - 1929 to 2006

Birth: 10 Sep 1929 Virginiabirth10

Death: 3 March 2006 Deerfield Beach, Broward, Florida, USAdeath10


Father: John Wesley Bass

Mother: Mamie Florence Horton

Raymond Wilson Bass - 1919 to 2008

Birth: 9 June 1919 Louisianabirth11

Death: 29 August 2008


Father: Hosea Josiah Bass

Mother: Leila (Boyett) Bass

Raymond Leon Bass - 1921 to 2001

Birth: 14 Feb 1921 Kissimmee, Osceola Co., FLbirth12

Death: 1 Aug 2001 Sanford, Seminole Co., FLdeath12


Father: Leon Raymond BASS

Mother: Frieda Bertha Reidel

Raymond Leon Bass - 1921 to 2001

Birth: 14 Feb 1921 Kissimmee, Osceola Co., FLbirth13

Death: 1 Aug 2001 Sanford, Seminole Co., FLdeath13


Father: Leon Raymond BASS

Mother: Frieda Bertha Reidel

Raymond Dewitt Bass - 1929 to 2006

Birth: 10 Sep 1929 Virginiabirth14

Death: 3 March 2006 Deerfield Beach, Broward, Florida, USAdeath14


Father: John Wesley Bass

Mother: Mamie Florence Horton

Raymond N. Bass - 1938 to 1968

Birth: 22 Oct 1938 Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland, USAbirth15

Death: 21 Sep 1968 Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland, USAdeath15


Father: James Emmanuel Bass

Mother: Edna Ester Kraft

Raymond Bass - 1912 to 1965

Birth: 20 May 1912 Monett, Barry, Missouri, USAbirth16

Death: 29 Mar 1965 Joplin, Jasper, Missouri, USAdeath16


Father: Otto "Frank" Bass

Mother: Edna Jessie Roark Bass Welton

Raymond Richard Bass - 1918 to 1942

Birth: 23 Feb 1918 Wisconsin, USAbirth17

Death: 30 Sep 1942 Palmyra, Jefferson, -Wisconsin, USAdeath17


Father: Richard Bass

Mother: Inez Dobratz

Raymond H Bass - 1926 to 2005

Birth: 13 November 1926 Crittenden County, Kentucky, United States of Americabirth18

Death: 1 Nov 2005 Evansville, Vanderburgh, Indiana, USAdeath18


Father: Clyde Miller Bass

Mother: Thelma Etta Bass

Raymond Douglas Bass - 1913 to 1992

Birth: abt 1913 Kansasbirth19

Death: 17 June 1992 Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas, United States of Americadeath19


Father: William Bass

Mother: Ellen Agnes Douglass

Raymond Leroy Bass - 1926 to 1979

Birth: 9 Nov 1926 Henrico, Virginia, USAbirth20

Death: 21 Sep 1979


Father: James J Bass

Mother: Verna Driscoll

Raymond Douglas Bass - 1913 to 1992

Birth: abt 1913 Kansasbirth21

Death: 17 June 1992 Topeka, Shawnee County, Kansas, United States of Americadeath21


Father: William Bass

Mother: Ellen Agnes Douglass

Raymond Bass - 1933 to 1959

Birth: 28 Jul 1933 West Ham, Essex, Englandbirth22

Death: Dec 1959 Chatham, Kent, Englanddeath22


Father: Arthur Frederick Bass

Mother: Rose Emily Osman

Raymond Bass - 1925

Birth: 1925 Ohiobirth23

Death: ? Pa?death23


Father: Raymond Bass

Mother: Marie White

Raymond John Bass - 1894 to 1971

Birth: 16 Mar 1894 Baltimore, Maryland, USAbirth24

Death: 1 Jun 1971 Yountville, Napa, California, USAdeath24


Father: Charles D. Bass

Mother: Gertrude L

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