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Results for "Raymond Barran"

1 - 25 of 237 Records
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Raymond F. Barron - 1888 to 1947

Birth: 1 Jan 1888 Brainerd, Crow Wing, Minnesota, United Statesbirth0

Death: 1947 Ramsey, Minnesotadeath0


Father: William Denallo Barron

Mother: Honora Edith Ryan

Raymond J Barron - 1905 to 1970

Birth: 23 May 1905 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USAbirth1

Death: 12 Jan 1970 , Cook, Illinois, USA death1


Father: James Harry Barron

Mother: Katherine Lynch

Raymond Howard Barron - 1920 to 1999

Birth: 20 Dec 1920 Cumberland KYbirth2

Death: 19 April 1999 Milton, Trimble County, Kentucky, United States of Americadeath2


Father: George Thomas Barron

Mother: Lula Mae Perciful

Raymond Francis Barron - 1917 to 1997

Birth: 4 March 1917 Sheppton, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, United States of Americabirth3

Death: Sep 11, 1997 Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath3


Father: Peter Charles Barron

Mother: Kathyrn Abeln

Raymond J Burran - 1935 to 1984

Birth: abt 1935 Georgiabirth4

Death: 28 Jan 1984 DeKalb, Georgiadeath4


Father: David Burran

Mother: Zula Mae Shaw

Raymond Barron - 1932 to 2012

Birth: 1932 Ironton, Lawrence, Ohio, USAbirth5

Death: 16 Feb 2012 New Jersey, USAdeath5


Father: Richard Edward BARRON

Mother: Mary Margaret Cronin

Raymond Barron - 1924 to 2010

Birth: 24 feb 1924 Texasbirth6

Death: 4 Apr 2010 Plainview (Hale County) Hale County Texas, USAdeath6


Father: Pete Barron

Mother: Eloisa Martinez

Raymond Charles Barron - 1935 to 2019

Birth: 17 March 1935 Monroe, Monroe County, Michigan, United States of Americabirth7

Death: 30 December 2019 Monroe, Monroe County, Michigan, United States of Americadeath7


Father: Earl Edward Barron

Mother: Hazel Christine Blanchett

Raymond Charles Bardan - 1948 to 2014

Birth: 31 Aug 1948 Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts, United Statesbirth8

Death: 12 Oct 2014 Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts, United Statesdeath8


Father: Michael Bardan

Mother: Elsa Gurris

Raymond W Barron - 1902 to 1965

Birth: 24 Jul 1902 Ecorse, Wayne, Michiganbirth9

Death: 06 DEC 1965


Father: Daniel D Barron

Mother: Margaret Victoria Henrion

Raymond Gonzalez Barron - 1917 to 1997

Birth: 15 Apr 1917 Sanders, Apache, Arizona, USAbirth10

Death: 17 Jan 1997 Fresno, Fresno, California, USAdeath10


Father: Apolonio Barron

Mother: Gregoria González

Raymond Barron - 1877 to 1907

Birth: 01 Dec 1877 Cherokee County, Georgiabirth11

Death: 11 Feb 1907 LaGrange, Troup County, Georgiadeath11


Father: Benjamin Franklin Barron

Mother: Gracy Kitchen

Raymond Barron - 1912 to 1975

Birth: 19 Jul 1912 Iowabirth12

Death: 27 Jul 1975


Father: * Barron

Mother: Etta Esther Hughes Barron

Raymond Gonzalez Barron - 1917 to 1997

Birth: 15 Apr 1917 Sanders, Apache, Arizona, USAbirth13

Death: 17 Jan 1997 Fresno, Fresno, California, USAdeath13


Father: Apolonio Barron

Mother: Gregoria González

Raymond Barron - 1920 to 2001

Birth: 16 Nov 1920 Massachusettsbirth14

Death: 12 Sep 2001 Falmouth, Massachusettsdeath14


Father: alfred j barron

Mother: Annette L Ledoux

Raymond Parker Barron - 1885 to 1962

Birth: 29 Jul 1885 Annandale, Wright, Minnesota, USAbirth15

Death: 1 Jun 1962


Father: Andrew J. Barron

Mother: Carrie Stedge - Barron

Raymond Barron - 1890 to 1964

Birth: abt 1890 Michiganbirth16

Death: 1964


Father: Gilbert Felix Barron

Mother: Angeline Mary Cecil

Raymond Ellis Barron - 1928 to 2003

Birth: 27 Sep 1928 Elena, Harris County, Texas, USAbirth17

Death: 2 Mar 2003 Harris County, TXdeath17


Father: George Lawrence Barron

Mother: Ethel Beatrice Hopper

Raymond Ellis Barron - 1928 to 2003

Birth: 27 Sep 1928 Elena, Harris County, Texas, USAbirth18

Death: 2 Mar 2003 Harris County, TXdeath18


Father: George Lawrence Barron

Mother: Ethel Beatrice Hopper

Raymond Barrans - 1900 to 1953

Birth: abt 1900 Liversedge, Yorkshire, Englandbirth19

Death: Mar 1953 Spen Valley, Yorkshire West Riding, Englanddeath19


Father: John Barrans

Mother: Maria Beeby

Raymond Craig CARRAN - 1909 to 1999

Birth: 18 Apr 1909 Dome Valley, Mahurangi, Rodney, Auckland, New Zealandbirth20

Death: 1999 Edmonton ABdeath20


Father: Avalin Sutherland Carran

Mother: Alice Derecourt

Raymond Barron - 1906 to 1975

Birth: 21 Mar 1906

Death: 22 Apr 1975 Charleston, Kanawha, West Virginia, USAdeath21


Father: William Patrick Barron

Mother: Anna Kennedy

Raymond Barron - 1906 to 1975

Birth: 21 Mar 1906

Death: 22 Apr 1975 Charleston, Kanawha, West Virginia, USAdeath22


Father: William Patrick Barron

Mother: Anna Kennedy

Raymond Barron - 1932 to 1932

Birth: 5 JAN 1932 Newcastle on Tynebirth23

Death: JUN 1932 Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, Englanddeath23


Father: Robert Cowper Barron

Mother: Hilda Hutley

Raymond Barron - 1909 to 1990

Birth: 23 Jun 1909 Cudworthbirth24

Death: Jun 1990 Barnsley, South Yorkshire, Englanddeath24


Father: Walter Marton Barron

Mother: Blanche Wilson

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