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Results for "Raymond Bainbridge"

1 - 25 of 31 Records

Raymond G. Bainbridge - 1912 to 2003

Birth: 1 Oct 1912 Wisconsinbirth0

Death: 02 Jan 2003 Milltown, Polk, WI, USAdeath0


Father: John Burton Bainbridge

Mother: Agnes Augusta Kosmoski

Raymond Bainbridge - 1900 to 1964

Birth: 22 Feb 1900 Lebanon, Pennsylvania, USAbirth1

Death: 1964


Father: George Bainbridge

Mother: Anna Elizabeth Zerbe

Raymond Bainbridge - 1900 to 1951

Birth: 05 Jan 1900 Rajmahal, Indiabirth2

Death: 19 Nov 1951 Calcutta, Indiadeath2


Father: Reginald Balipuria Bainbridge

Mother: Ethel Stuart Heward

Raymond Gordon Bainbridge - 1926 to 2010

Birth: 13 Jan 1926 Sunderland, Durham, Englandbirth3

Death: 28 Sep 2010 Gatesheaddeath3


Father: Arthur Bainbridge

Mother: Frank BAINBRIDGE

Raymond Bainbridge - 1916 to 1981

Birth: Sep 1916 Wigton, Cumberlandbirth4

Death: 3 May 1981 Raughton Head Carlisledeath4


Father: George Bainbridge

Mother: Rachel Roper

Raymond Bainbridge - 1900 to 1951

Birth: 05 Jan 1900 Rajmahal, Indiabirth5

Death: 19 Nov 1951 Calcutta, Indiadeath5


Father: Reginald Balipuria Bainbridge

Mother: Ethel Stuart Heward

Raymond Bernard Bainbridge - 1927 to 1971

Birth: 10 Apr 1927 Bergen Park, Evergreen, Colorado, United Statesbirth6

Death: 26 Sep 1971 Los Angeles, Californiadeath6


Father: John William Bainbridge

Mother: Grace E Bainbridge

Raymond Bainbridge - 1897 to 1982

Birth: 21 November 1897 Kingsley, Plymouth County, Iowa, USAbirth7

Death: 20 November 1982 Kingsley, Plymouth, Iowa, United States of Americadeath7


Father: John Bainbridge

Mother: Annie Rowe

Raymond Neil Bainbridge - 1911 to 1984

Birth: 06 May 1911 Prahran Victoria Australiabirth8

Death: 29 September 1984 Heidelberg Victoria Australiadeath8


Father: Albert Frederick Bainbridge

Mother: Emilia (Nemi) Prebois ASTARITA

Raymond W Bainbridge - 1934 to 1935

Birth: 22 Aug 1934 Houghton-le Spring, Co Durhambirth9

Death: 29 Mar 1935 Houghton-le Spring, Co Durhamdeath9


Father: George Bainbridge

Mother: Agnes Green

Raymond Bainbridge - 1926 to 1980

Birth: 1 Feb 1926 1 Wear Road, Stanley, Durham, England

Death: 27 12 1980 Stanley, Durham, Englanddeath10


Father: James Bainbridge

Mother: Hannah Harris

Raymond John Bainbridge - 1924 to 2001

Birth: 3 Apr 1924 Sculcoates, Yorkshire North Ridingbirth11

Death: Nov 2001 Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, Englanddeath11


Father: John Richard Bainbridge

Mother: Rachel M Briggs

Raymond Ernest bainbridge - 1924 to 2013

Birth: July 12 1924 Preston Vicbirth12

Death: 26 august 2013 melb austdeath12


Father: Ernest Bainbridge

Mother: Lydia Armitage Clarke

Raymond J Bainbridge - 1924 to 2001

Birth: 3 Apr 1924

Death: Nov 2001 Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, Englanddeath13


Father: John Richard Bainbridge

Mother: Rachel M Briggs

Raymond Bainbridge - 1902

Birth: 1902 Rotherhambirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: William Watson Bainbridge

Mother: Agnes Bainbridge

Raymond A Bainbridge - 1923 to 1996

Birth: 10 Jul 1923 Oregonbirth15

Death: June 14, 1996 Springfield, Lane Co., ORdeath15


Father: Myron Herald Bainbridge

Mother: Eva May Myhres

Raymond F Bainbridge - 1919 to 1933

Birth: Bef 31 Dec 1919 London, London, Englandbirth16

Death: 1933 Sussex County, Western Australiadeath16


Father: Frederick Charles Bainbridge

Mother: Hilda May Tindall

Raymond Eric Bainbridge - 1933 to 2005

Birth: 1933 leedsbirth17

Death: 2005 Leeds, Yorkshire, Englanddeath17


Father: Francis Robert Bainbridge

Mother: Ethel Nussey

Female IconMale Icon

Raymond Bainbridge

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: James Bainbridge

Mother: Joan

Raymond Leslie BAINBRIDGE - 1875

Birth: 27 JUN 1875

Death: Not Available


Father: John William Bainbridge

Mother: Louise Jenkins

Raymond Lesslie Bainbridge - 1875 to 1966

Birth: 1875/06/27

Death: 29 Jun 1966


Father: John William Bainbridge

Mother: Louise Jenkins

raymond bainbridge - 1920 to 1980

Birth: 1920 stanley co durham englandbirth21

Death: 1980


Father: james bainbridge

Mother: Not Available

Raymond John Bainbridge - 1958 to 1976

Birth: 7 Feb 1958 Salford, Lancashirebirth22

Death: Mar 1976 South Glamorgan, South Glamorgan, Walesdeath22


Father: John E Bainbridge

Mother: Not Available

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