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Results for "Ray Barker"

1 - 25 of 281 Records

Ray Barker - 1908 to 1966

Birth: 09 04 1908 Altus, Jackson, Oklahoma, USAbirth0

Death: 08 28 1966 Frederick, Tillman, Oklahoma, USAdeath0


Father: Anthony Elmore Barker

Mother: Samantha Montgomery

Ray William Barker - 1893 to 1993

Birth: 7 Mar 1893 Mentor, Polk, Minnesota, USAbirth1

Death: 3 Oct 1993 Eugene, Lane, Oregon, USAdeath1


Father: Rufus Ingalls Barker

Mother: Jessie Van Gordon

Ray Barker - 1903 to 1957

Birth: abt 1903 Arkansasbirth2

Death: 22 Sep 1957 Forth Worth, Tarrant County, Texasdeath2


Father: Edward Lewis Barker

Mother: Fannie Flurry

Ray Eugene Barker - 1932 to 1999

Birth: 9 Sep 1932 Blyson City, North Carolinabirth3

Death: 5 Nov 1999 Swain, North Carolina, United Statesdeath3


Father: Thurmon Lee Barker

Mother: Minnie Rosetta Cochran

Ray J. Barker - 1894 to 1980

Birth: abt 1894 Indianabirth4

Death: 1980 Marion, Indianadeath4


Father: Jesse Jacob Barker

Mother: Atlanta Pierce

Ray Wehnes Barker - 1889 to 1974

Birth: 10 Dec 1889 Elmira, New York, USAbirth5

Death: 28 June 1974 Southern Pines, Moore, North Carolina, United States of Americadeath5


Father: George Arthur Barker

Mother: Mary W Barker

Ray Eugene Barker - 1932 to 1999

Birth: 9 Sep 1932 Blyson City, North Carolinabirth6

Death: 5 Nov 1999 Swain, North Carolina, United Statesdeath6


Father: Thurmon Lee Barker

Mother: Minnie Rosetta Cochran

Ray J. Barker - 1894 to 1980

Birth: abt 1894 Indianabirth7

Death: 1980 Marion, Indianadeath7


Father: Jesse Jacob Barker

Mother: Atlanta Pierce

Ray William Barker - 1893 to 1993

Birth: 7 Mar 1893 Mentor, Polk, Minnesota, USAbirth8

Death: 3 Oct 1993 Eugene, Lane, Oregon, USAdeath8


Father: Rufus Ingalls Barker

Mother: Jessie Van Gordon

Ray Gordon Barker - 1885 to 1969

Birth: 23 Dec 1885 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USAbirth9

Death: 26 July 1969 Contra Costa, California, United Statesdeath9


Father: Albert A Barker

Mother: Bessie Merka

Ray J Barker - 1910 to 1965

Birth: 1910 Oklahomabirth10

Death: 22 Dec 1965 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath10


Father: William Franklin Barker

Mother: Jane Louisa King

Ray Barker - 1889 to 1971

Birth: 29 Oct 1889 Johnson, Indiana, USAbirth11

Death: 27 Nov 1971 Franklin, Johnson, Indiana, USAdeath11


Father: Edward Barker

Mother: Lillie May Davis

Ray J Barker - 1910 to 1965

Birth: 1910 Oklahomabirth12

Death: 22 Dec 1965 Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath12


Father: William Franklin Barker

Mother: Jane Louisa King

Ray Merrell BARKER - 1919 to 1970

Birth: 22 November 1919 Corrine, Box Elder County, Utahbirth13

Death: 1 June 1970 Pleasantview, Oneida, Idaho, USAdeath13


Father: Orson Lorenzo Barker

Mother: Eliza Melinda Merrell

Ray Merrell BARKER - 1919 to 1970

Birth: 22 November 1919 Corrine, Box Elder County, Utahbirth14

Death: 1 June 1970 Pleasantview, Oneida, Idaho, USAdeath14


Father: Orson Lorenzo Barker

Mother: Eliza Melinda Merrell

Ray Barker - 1922 to 1999

Birth: 26 Dec 1922 Ashe County, North Carolina, USAbirth15

Death: 25 Jan 1999 North Wilkesboro, Wilkes, North Carolinadeath15


Father: William Edward Barker

Mother: Lillie Edna Hartsoe

Ray O. Barker - 1919 to 1956

Birth: 02 APR 1919 Pettigrew, Arkansasbirth16

Death: 6 Jan 1956


Father: Charles Lawrence Barker

Mother: Fanny Barker

Ray R Barker - 1926 to 1975

Birth: 1 February 1926 Indianabirth17

Death: 7 Apr 1975 Marion, Grant, Indiana, USAdeath17


Father: Ray Herman Barker

Mother: Ruth Elizabeth Lloyd

Ray Edgar Barker - 1917 to 1999

Birth: 15 Oct 1917 Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohiobirth18

Death: 29 Aug 1999 Dayton, Montgomery Cty, OHdeath18


Father: Ray Edgar Barker

Mother: Grace Browne

Ray Barker - 1944 to 2010

Birth: 07/04/1944 Gaston County, NCbirth19

Death: 02/02/2010 Gaston County, NC, USAdeath19


Father: Jack Barker

Mother: Ruby Jenkins

Ray R Barker - 1926 to 1975

Birth: 1 February 1926 Indianabirth20

Death: 7 Apr 1975 Marion, Grant, Indiana, USAdeath20


Father: Ray Herman Barker

Mother: Ruth Elizabeth Lloyd

ray earl Barker - 1918 to 1978

Birth: 26 Aug 1918 Arkansasbirth21

Death: May 1978 Malvern, Hot Spring, Arkansas, USAdeath21


Father: Robert Lee Barker

Mother: Stella Elizabeth Tucker

Ray Coleman Barker - 1889 to 1936

Birth: 21 Jun 1889 St. Cloud, Stearns Co, MNbirth22

Death: 29 Jan 1936 Proviso Twp, Cook Co, ILdeath22


Father: Morris Lusk Barker

Mother: Ella Elizabeth Van Norman

Ray Coleman Barker - 1889 to 1936

Birth: 21 Jun 1889 St. Cloud, Stearns Co, MNbirth23

Death: 29 Jan 1936 Proviso Twp, Cook Co, ILdeath23


Father: Morris Lusk Barker

Mother: Ella Elizabeth Van Norman

Ray Barker - 1919 to 1998

Birth: 24 November 1919 Elliott County, Kentucky, United States of Americabirth24

Death: 31 Aug 1998 Fairborn, Greene, Ohio, USAdeath24


Father: Sanford Barker

Mother: Sarah Jane Conley

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