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Results for "Randolph Barnett"

1 - 25 of 40 Records

Randolph W Barnett - 1854 to 1932

Birth: Jun 1854 Kentucky, United Statesbirth0

Death: 9 May 1932 Gypsum Saline County Kansas, USAdeath0


Father: John Henry Barnett

Mother: Mahala Jane Henson

Randolph Barnett - 1907 to 1983

Birth: 21 Sep 1907 Dare County, North Carolina, USAbirth1

Death: 24 Nov 1983 Buxton, NCdeath1


Father: Walter Lambeth Barnett

Mother: Chloe Beasley Midgett

Randolph S Barnett - 1836 to 1907

Birth: May 1836 Wilkes, North Carolina, USAbirth2

Death: 4 Sep 1907 Wilkes, North Carolina, USAdeath2


Father: James Barnett

Mother: Nancy Alice Holder

Randolph Gordon Barnett - 1909 to 1980

Birth: 30 Sep 1909 Charlottesville, Virginiabirth3

Death: 23 Sep 1980 Charlottesville, Virginiadeath3


Father: Ernest Cleveland Barnett

Mother: Willie Belle Shipp

Randolph Raymond Barnett - 1926 to 1965

Birth: 24 May 1926 Greenville, Greenville, SC, USAbirth4

Death: 2 Aug 1965 Camden, NJ, USAdeath4


Father: Weston Thomas (Jack) Barnett

Mother: Allowee Grace Prince

Randolph Miller Barnett - 1929 to 2016

Birth: 3 June 1929 Ascension Parish, Louisiana, USAbirth5

Death: 22 August 2016 Houston, Harris County, Texas, United States of Americadeath5


Father: Earl S Barnett

Mother: Mary Marguerite Richardson

Randolph Barnett - 1880 to 1952

Birth: 2 February 1880 Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohiobirth6

Death: 8 November 1952 Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio at the Good Samaritan Hospitaldeath6


Father: John G Barnett

Mother: Elizabeth Lucy Smith

Randolph Jefferson Barnett - 1875 to 1956

Birth: 7 Oct 1875 Taylor County, Kentuckybirth7

Death: 10 Nov 1956 East Moline, Rock Island County, Illinoisdeath7


Father: Jefferson Barnett

Mother: Sarah Fleming Benningfield

Randolph W Barnett - 1923

Birth: abt 1923 Virginiabirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: John Wesley Barnett

Mother: Stella Conway

Randolph Barnett - 1888 to 1941

Birth: 15 Dec 1888 Texasbirth9

Death: 3 Jan 1941 Robstown, Nueces, Texas, USAdeath9


Father: Mose Barnett

Mother: Julia Houston

Randolph Little Pete Barnett - 1921 to 1951

Birth: 25 Aug 1921 Burkett, Coleman, Texas, United Statesbirth10

Death: 5 September 1951 Coleman, Coleman, Texas, United Statesdeath10


Father: Lonzo McMann Barnett

Mother: Melissa Elizabeth Lawrence

Randolph Barnett - 1843 to 1864

Birth: 22 Jan 1843 Harrison County, Ohiobirth11

Death: 10 Apr 1864 Pleasant Hill, Sabine Parish, Louisanadeath11


Father: Henry Barnett

Mother: Jane ♣ Haverfield Barnett

Randolph Barnett - 1930

Birth: abt 1930 Louisianabirth12

Death: Not Available


Father: Earl Shyrigh Barnett

Mother: Mary Marguerite Richardson

Randolph Barnett

Birth: Not Available Georgia, USAbirth13

Death: Not Available Georgia, USAdeath13


Father: William Smith

Mother: Callie Lee Barnett

Randolph Barnett - 1870

Birth: abt 1870 Kingston On Hull, Yorkshire, Englandbirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Albert Barnett

Mother: Ann Elizabeth Lee

Randolph BARNETT - 1933 to 1999

Birth: 4 Feb 1933 Bedwellty, Monmouthshire, Walesbirth15

Death: 13 Feb 1999 Caerphilly, Mid Glamorgandeath15


Father: Reginald Leonard Charles Barnett

Mother: Elizabeth May Thomas

Randolph Theophilus Barnett - 1900

Birth: abt 1900 Englandbirth16

Death: Not Available


Father: Albert R Barnett

Mother: Caroline Franklin

Randolph Barnett - 1927 to 2005

Birth: 19 Apr 1927 Larding Cald, Texasbirth17

Death: 9 Sep 2005 Corpus Christi, Nueces, Texasdeath17


Father: Randolph Barnett

Mother: Leola Watson

Randolph BARNETT - 1907 to 1983

Birth: 21 Sep 1907 Hatteras, Dare Co. N.Cbirth18

Death: 24 Nov 1983 Hatteras, Dare Co. N.Cdeath18


Father: Walter Lambeth Barnett

Mother: Chloe Beasley Midgett

Randolph E. Barnett - 1917 to 1918

Birth: 13 Jun 1917

Death: 24 Jun 1918 Charles City County, Virginia, United States of Americadeath19


Father: Aubrey B Barnett

Mother: Susie Allanson

Randolph Barnett - 1843

Birth: 1843 Perry, Alabama, United Statesbirth20



Father: Glenn Barnett

Mother: Priscilla Day

Randolph R. Barnett

Birth: Not Available Greenvillebirth21

Death: 5 Jul 2016


Father: Randolph R. Barnett

Mother: Not Available

Randolph BARNETT - 1813 to 1900

Birth: 1813 Kentucky, United States of Americabirth22

Death: after 1900 Springfield, Clark, OHdeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Randolph Barnett

Birth: 17 May Birmingham, Warwickshire, Englandbirth23

Death: Not Available Kidderminster, Worcestershire, Englanddeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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