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Results for "Ralph Naugle"

1 - 21 of 21 Records

Ralph E Naugle - 1878 to 1972

Birth: 20 Mar 1878 Iowa, USAbirth0

Death: 11 Jan 1972 Sarasota, Sarasota, Floridadeath0


Father: John Frederick Naugle

Mother: Emma Naugle

Ralph T Naugle - 1905 to 1989

Birth: 07/May/1905 Salem, Washington, Indiana, USAbirth1

Death: 8 July 1989 Paoli, Orange, Indiana, USAdeath1


Father: Noah Andrew Naugle

Mother: Ida Belle Gorman

Ralph Theodore Naugle - 1904 to 1962

Birth: 24/Feb/1904 Shickshinny, Luzerne Co., Pa.birth2

Death: 21/Mar/1962 Nanticoke, Luzerne Co., Pa.death2


Father: Charles C Naugle

Mother: Clara E Shaw

Ralph Theodore Naugle - 1904 to 1962

Birth: 24/Feb/1904 Shickshinny, Luzerne Co., Pa.birth3

Death: 21/Mar/1962 Nanticoke, Luzerne Co., Pa.death3


Father: Charles C Naugle

Mother: Clara E Shaw

Ralph Ridgeley Naugle - 1905 to 1985

Birth: 16 Dec 1905 Pennsylvaniabirth4

Death: May 1985 Sweet Valley, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USAdeath4


Father: Joseph Torrence Naugle

Mother: Leona Florence Cease

Ralph Marshall Naugle - 1888 to 1964

Birth: 29 Jun 1888 Oakville, North Newton Twp, Cumberland Co, Pennsylvania, USA

Death: 24 Jul 1964 Walnut Bottom, Cumberland, Pennsylvania, USAdeath5


Father: Emanuel Kohr Naugle

Mother: Sadie Baer Kahlor

Ralph Warden Naugle - 1901 to 1982

Birth: 20 Dec 1901 Paint Twp, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth6

Death: 24 January 1982 Johnstown, Cambria, Pennsylvania, USAdeath6


Father: Edward D. Naugle

Mother: Emma A Brubaker

Ralph William Naugle - 1918 to 1991

Birth: 13 Aug 1918 Mount Union, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth7

Death: 26 Apr 1991 Pennsylvania, USAdeath7


Father: Chester Arthur Naugle

Mother: Matilda Lucinda (Lucy) Parsons

Ralph Raymond Naugle - 1894 to 1940

Birth: 30 Mar 1894 Freeburg, Pennsylvaniabirth8

Death: 20 Sep 1940 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAdeath8


Father: William Werner Naugle

Mother: Virginia M Walburn

Ralph 'Buddy' James Naugle - 1935 to 2003

Birth: 18 August 1935 Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia, Canadabirth9

Death: 23 July 2003 Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canadadeath9


Father: Roy Edward Naugle

Mother: Arietta Hazel york

Ralph Naugle - 1895 to 1961

Birth: 20 Oct 1895 Trucksville, Kingston Township, Luzerne, Pennsylvania

Death: Jan 1961


Father: George W Naugle

Mother: Lucy Naugle

Ralph Naugle - 1919

Birth: abt 1919 Pennsylvaniabirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: Matilda Parsons

Mother: Arthur Chester Naugle

Ralph Theodore Naugle - 1904 to 1989

Birth: 12 Sep 1904 Nescopeck, Luzerne, Pennsylvania, USAbirth12

Death: 09 Feb 1989 Blackstone, Nottoway Co., Virginiadeath12


Father: William Arvin Naugle

Mother: Adaline Beishline

Ralph Naugle - 1921 to 1979

Birth: 27 Jun 1921 Pennsylvania, USAbirth13

Death: 4 Aug 1979 Chambersburg, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath13


Father: Clarence Beltz Naugle

Mother: Leona Sayre Dykeman

Ralph Naugle - 1906 to 1992

Birth: Nov 1906 Nova Scotiabirth14

Death: 04 Dec 1992 Dartmouth, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Canadadeath14


Father: David Naugle

Mother: Alice Maude Rogers

Ralph E Naugle - 1907 to 1954

Birth: 05 Oct 1907 Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth15

Death: 06 Dec 1954 Shippensburg, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath15


Father: Clarence Oscar Naugle

Mother: Margaret Roberta Hippensteel

Ralph Burnely Naugle - 1902

Birth: 21 OCT 1902 Blanchard Township, Hancock Co., Ohio USA

Death: Not Available


Father: Dewitt Beers Naugle

Mother: Lydia Ann Kepler

Ralph Naugle

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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