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Results for "Ralph Jarvis"

1 - 25 of 197 Records

Ralph Raymond Jarvis - 1907 to 1992

Birth: 18 Sep 1907 Montgomery County, Indiana, USAbirth0

Death: 1 Mar 1992 of Crawfordsville, Montgomery, Indianadeath0


Father: Newton E Jarvis

Mother: Minnie Alice Cox

Ralph Raymond Jarvis - 1907 to 1992

Birth: 18 Sep 1907 Montgomery County, Indiana, USAbirth1

Death: 1 Mar 1992 of Crawfordsville, Montgomery, Indianadeath1


Father: Newton E Jarvis

Mother: Minnie Alice Cox

Ralph Jarvis - 1924 to 1979

Birth: 24 Oct 1924 Crossett, Ashley, Arkansas, USAbirth2

Death: 4 Dec 1979 Reno, Washoe, Nevada, USAdeath2


Father: Hosea William Jarvis

Mother: Lona May McKinney

Ralph J. Jarvis - 1913 to 1967

Birth: abt 1913 Michiganbirth3

Death: 12 Jun 1967 Hines, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath3


Father: Zadock Jarvis

Mother: Myrtle Babcock

Ralph J Jarvis - 1912 to 1985

Birth: abt 1912 , Jefferson, Alabama, USAbirth4

Death: Jan 1985 Watson, Jefferson, Alabama, USAdeath4


Father: Will Jarvis

Mother: Samantha Abney

Ralph J Jarvis - 1912 to 1985

Birth: abt 1912 , Jefferson, Alabama, USAbirth5

Death: Jan 1985 Watson, Jefferson, Alabama, USAdeath5


Father: Will Jarvis

Mother: Samantha Abney

Ralph Jarvis - 1915 to 1996

Birth: 10 Jan 1915 Beaufort, North Carolinabirth6

Death: 30 Oct 1996 Washington, Beaufort, North Carolina, USAdeath6


Father: Fenner Jarvis

Mother: Esther O Burbage (Jarvis)(Tingle)

Ralph Jarvis - 1915 to 1996

Birth: 10 Jan 1915 Beaufort, North Carolinabirth7

Death: 30 Oct 1996 Washington, Beaufort, North Carolina, USAdeath7


Father: Fenner Jarvis

Mother: Esther O Burbage (Jarvis)(Tingle)

Ralph S Jarvis - 1929 to 2009

Birth: abt 1929 Oklahoma, USAbirth8

Death: 7 Dec 2009 Peyton, El Paso, Coloradodeath8


Father: Thomas Jarvis

Mother: Nellie F Leaton

Ralph Spurgeon Jarvis - 1915 to 1976

Birth: 12 Oct 1915 Guilford, North Carolinabirth9

Death: 7 Feb 1976 Falls Church, Fairfax, Virginia, USAdeath9


Father: Eugene Jackson Jarvis

Mother: Myrtle M Scarborough

Ralph Dale Jarvis - 1936 to 1991

Birth: Apr 29, 1936 Illinoisbirth10

Death: 15 Mar 1991 Illinois, USAdeath10


Father: Earl Raymond Jarvis

Mother: Helen Marie Elliot

Ralph Jarvis - 1916 to 1998

Birth: 10 Feb 1916 Reivesville, Virginiabirth11

Death: 26 September 1998 Saint Albans, Kanawha, West Virginia, USAdeath11


Father: Curtis C. Jarvis

Mother: Mary Shawver

Ralph Jarvis - 1916 to 1998

Birth: 10 Feb 1916 Reivesville, Virginiabirth12

Death: 26 September 1998 Saint Albans, Kanawha, West Virginia, USAdeath12


Father: Curtis C. Jarvis

Mother: Mary Shawver

Ralph Jarvis - 1934 to 2006

Birth: 2 May 1934 Evarts, Alberta, Canadabirth13

Death: 2006 Red Deer, Alberta, Canadadeath13


Father: Lester Sylvester Jarvis

Mother: Cecil Fay Kidwell

Ralph Jarvis - 1919 to 2009

Birth: 17 Jul 1919 Mississippibirth14

Death: 13 Mar 2009 Parma,Cuyahoga,Ohiodeath14


Father: Harmon Alonzo Jarvis

Mother: Grace Truman Combs

Ralph H Jarvis - 1872 to 1958

Birth: abt 1872 Finsbury, London, Englandbirth15

Death: 19 Aug 1958 Camberwell, Londondeath15


Father: Samuel Jarvis

Mother: Susannah Jarvis

Ralph Alexander Jarvis - 1890 to 1936

Birth: 22 JAN 1890 Diagonal, Ringgold Co. IAbirth16

Death: 4 Sep 1936 Clearfield, Taylor, Iowa, United States of Americadeath16


Father: Simon A Jarvis

Mother: Laura Belle Parkinson

Ralph Alexander Jarvis - 1890 to 1936

Birth: 22 JAN 1890 Diagonal, Ringgold Co. IAbirth17

Death: 4 Sep 1936 Clearfield, Taylor, Iowa, United States of Americadeath17


Father: Simon A Jarvis

Mother: Laura Belle Parkinson

Ralph Henry jarvis - 1905 to 1981

Birth: Mar 1905 Plymouth, Devonbirth18

Death: 21 May 1981 Plymstock Plymouthdeath18


Father: William Henry Jarvis

Mother: Lucy Browning

Ralph William Jarvis - 1897 to 1971

Birth: 17 Apr 1897 Fulham, Londonbirth19

Death: 15 Nov 1971 St. Pancras.death19


Father: Ralph Henry Jarvis

Mother: Emma Worcester

Ralph Henry jarvis - 1905 to 1981

Birth: Mar 1905 Plymouth, Devonbirth20

Death: 21 May 1981 Plymstock Plymouthdeath20


Father: William Henry Jarvis

Mother: Lucy Browning

Ralph Jarvis - 1918 to 2011

Birth: 23 Jul 1918 Kelwood, Manitobabirth21

Death: 5 Mar 2011 Spirit Riverdeath21


Father: Lyle Harscott Young

Mother: Ida Letitia Pockett

Ralph Linwood Jarvis - 1935 to 2015

Birth: 1935 NCbirth22

Death: 10 Dec 2015 NCdeath22


Father: Heber Latham Jarvis

Mother: Janie Sadler

Ralph Jarvis - 1947 to 1989

Birth: Abt. 1947 orpington kentbirth23

Death: 1989 Doverdeath23


Father: Walter J. Jarvis

Mother: Betty Edith Eldridge

Ralph Alan Jarvis - 1917 to 1978

Birth: 7 Jan 1917 Hamilton Ontario Canadabirth24

Death: 8 January 1978 Kissimmee, Florida, USAdeath24


Father: Robert Osborne Jarvis

Mother: Edna Mae Fowler

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