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Results for "Ralph Barkley"

1 - 25 of 42 Records

Ralph Sherman Barkley - 1919 to 1982

Birth: 17 Jun 1919 Prospect, Butler, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth0

Death: 17 Dec 1982 United States death0


Father: Sherman Bloom Barkley

Mother: Mary Ina Snyder

Ralph F Barkley - 1910 to 1963

Birth: 24 Aug 1910 Somerset, Somerset, Pennsylvaniabirth1

Death: 04 May 1963 Berlin, Somerset Co., PAdeath1


Father: William Lohr Barkley

Mother: Verna Gertrude Hay

Ralph Leverne Barkley - 1917 to 2008

Birth: abt 1917 Michiganbirth2

Death: 30 Jul 2008 Palm Harbor, Pinellas, Floridadeath2


Father: Edson Joseph Barkley

Mother: Ethel Pearl Dorrance

Ralph F Barkley - 1910 to 1963

Birth: 24 Aug 1910 Somerset, Somerset, Pennsylvaniabirth3

Death: 04 May 1963 Berlin, Somerset Co., PAdeath3


Father: William Lohr Barkley

Mother: Verna Gertrude Hay

Ralph Barkley - 1838 to 1892

Birth: ABT 1838 Lancashirebirth4

Death: 1892 Liverpool, Lancashire, Englanddeath4




Ralph Barkley - 1917 to 1990

Birth: abt 1917 Ontariobirth5

Death: 6 March 1990 Ontario, Canadadeath5


Father: Christopher John Barkley

Mother: Mary Alena Barkley

Ralph William Barkley - 1895 to 1991

Birth: 20 Jun 1895 Nowata, Oklahoma, USAbirth6

Death: 22 Jun 1991 Canton, Lewis, Missouri, USAdeath6


Father: Alfred Greer Barkley

Mother: Blanche M Clark

Ralph S Barkley - 1894 to 1940

Birth: 2 May 1894 Pomeroy, Calhoun, Iowa, United Statesbirth7

Death: 16 Apr 1940 Pipestone, Pipestone, Minnesota, United Statesdeath7


Father: Ambrose Barkley

Mother: Louisa Jane Bowley

Ralph Edgar Boss Barkley - 1895 to 1967

Birth: 31 Mar 1895 Union County, Mississippibirth8

Death: Sep 18, 1967 New Albany, Union, Mississippi, USAdeath8


Father: Samuel Thomas Barkley

Mother: Annie Arabella Kelly

Ralph Ingersol Barkley - 1882 to 1965

Birth: 9 Jun 1882 Jonesborough, Washington, Tennessee, USAbirth9

Death: 23 Feb 1965 Johnson City, Carter, Tennessee, USAdeath9


Father: Samuel Keebler Barkley

Mother: Elizabeth Achsah "Bettie" Bowman

Ralph Wallace Barkley - 1911 to 1950

Birth: 9 May 1911 Sioux Falls, Minnehaha, South Dakotabirth10

Death: 22 Mar 1950 Yamhill, Yamhill, Oregon, United Statesdeath10


Father: George Enfield Barkley

Mother: Caroline "Cara" "Carrie" Hanson

Ralph West Barkley - 1909 to 1997

Birth: 17 May 1909 Genoa, Lincoln, Colorado, USAbirth11

Death: 2 Sep 1997 Lincolnton, Lincoln, North Carolina, USAdeath11


Father: James Ralph Barkley

Mother: Luella Susan West

Ralph Oliver Barkley - 1894 to 1970

Birth: 18 Sep 1894 Middle Lancaster, Butler, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth12

Death: 12 Jan 1970 Harmony, Butler, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath12


Father: Samuel Oliver Barkley

Mother: Elizabeth Bhame

Ralph Ingersol Barkley - 1912 to 1980

Birth: 7 Jan 1912 Lynchburg, Virginiabirth13

Death: 27 Dec 1980 Silver Spring, Montgomery, Maryland, USAdeath13


Father: Ralph Ingersol Barkley

Mother: Susan Leftwich Smith

Ralph Gordon Barkley - 1907 to 1955

Birth: 25 Dec 1907 Illinoisbirth14

Death: 4 Jan 1955 Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, USAdeath14


Father: Erwin Elwood Barkley

Mother: Alta Belle Chapman

Ralph Gilbert Barkley - 1925 to 2000

Birth: 21 Apr 1925 Iredell, North Carolina, USAbirth15

Death: 18 Dec 2000 Statesville, Iredell, North Carolina, USAdeath15


Father: Joseph Washington Barkley

Mother: Dora Portus Holdsclaw (Barkley)

Ralph A Barkley - 1950 to 1994

Birth: 1950

Death: 1994


Father: Daniel Ralph Barkley

Mother: Margaret M. Jackson

Ralph Lawrence Barkley - 1909 to 1990

Birth: 20 January 1909 Quitman, Georgiabirth17

Death: 22 November 1990 Clear Spring, Washington, Maryland, USAdeath17


Father: Henry Redman Barkley

Mother: Roberta Wilson-Barkley

Ralph Agustus Barkley - 1887 to 1948

Birth: 8 Dec 1887 Monroville, Allen, Indaina, U.S.Abirth18

Death: 03 Mar 1948 Fort Wayne, Allen, Indiana, USAdeath18


Father: Jeremiah "Jerry" Barkley

Mother: Sarepta Anna May

Ralph Linard Barkley - 1901 to 1988

Birth: 9 May 1901 Monroeville, Allen, Indiana, USAbirth19

Death: 11 Nov 1988 Homestead, Miami-Dade, Floridadeath19


Father: Joseph Henry Barkley

Mother: Clara E. Cook

Ralph Eugene Barkley - 1913 to 1916

Birth: 26 Dec 1913 Allen, Indiana, USAbirth20

Death: 21 September 1916 Porter County, Indiana, USAdeath20


Father: John Charles Barkley

Mother: Ida Eleanor Weddle

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