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Results for "Ralph Bair"

1 - 25 of 77 Records

Ralph Waldo BAIR - 1875 to 1933

Birth: 10 Jun 1875 Tuscarawas, Ohio, USAbirth0

Death: 5 April 1933 Crestline, Crawford, Ohio, USAdeath0


Father: George Bair

Mother: Mary Bash

Ralph LaVere Bair - 1896 to 1967

Birth: 9 NOV 1896 Pocatello, Bannock, Idaho, USAbirth1

Death: Apr 1967 Pocatello, Bannock, ID, USdeath1


Father: Howard Lester BAIR

Mother: Elizabeth Thomas

Ralph Bair - 1926 to 1979

Birth: 3 Aug 1926 Montanabirth2

Death: 10 OCT 1979 Miles City, Custer, Montanadeath2


Father: Elmer Bair

Mother: Mary Alvira Baker

Ralph BAIR - 1912 to 1984

Birth: abt 1912 Pennsylvaniabirth3

Death: Aug 1984 Saltsburg, Indiana, Pennsylvania, USAdeath3


Father: George Bair

Mother: Florence Brown

Ralph Jerome BAIR - 1906 to 1988

Birth: 27 Nov 1906 Plainville, Rooks, Kansas, USAbirth4

Death: 28 Dec 1988 Albany, Linn, Oregon, USAdeath4


Father: MIchael Theodore Bair

Mother: Mary Jane Andrus

Ralph O Bair - 1887 to 1960

Birth: Oct 1887 Indianabirth5

Death: 1960/05/02 Illinoisdeath5


Father: Orville Theodore Bair

Mother: Luella Grace Moore

Ralph Jerome BAIR - 1906 to 1988

Birth: 27 Nov 1906 Plainville, Rooks, Kansas, USAbirth6

Death: 28 Dec 1988 Albany, Linn, Oregon, USAdeath6


Father: MIchael Theodore Bair

Mother: Mary Jane Andrus

Ralph S Bair - 1907 to 1967

Birth: 1907 Ohiobirth7

Death: May 25 1967 Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath7


Father: Samuel L Bair

Mother: Katherine Lee Price

Ralph Bair - 1923 to 2014

Birth: 27 December 1923 Saxton, Bedford County, Pennsylvania, United States of Americabirth8

Death: 7 July 2014 Blair County, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath8


Father: Charles McKinley Bair

Mother: Sarah Jane Phipps

Ralph Bair - 1923 to 2014

Birth: 27 December 1923 Saxton, Bedford County, Pennsylvania, United States of Americabirth9

Death: 7 July 2014 Blair County, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath9


Father: Charles McKinley Bair

Mother: Sarah Jane Phipps

Ralph Charles Bair - 1948 to 1983

Birth: 10 October, 1948 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth10

Death: 23 October 1983 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USAdeath10


Father: Ralph C. Bair

Mother: Dolores Lucille Weidman

Ralph B Bair - 1892 to 1942

Birth: 2 October 1892 Oklahoma, USAbirth11

Death: 15 Dec 1942 Yolo, Californiadeath11


Father: Jonathon Daniel Bair

Mother: Marie Harris

Ralph Andreas Bair - 1922 to 2008

Birth: 5 Feb 1922 Kellerville, Dubois, Indiana, USAbirth12

Death: 7 Apr 2008 Jasper, Dubois, Indiana, USAdeath12


Father: Martin John Bair

Mother: Anna Kunigunda Bauernfiend

Ralph Emerson Bair - 1896 to 1949

Birth: 03/04 Jul 1896 Mason, Bibb Co., Ga., USA

Death: 1 November 1949 Rushville, Rush County, Indiana, United States of Americadeath13


Father: Charles Hale Bair

Mother: Mattie Jo King

RALPH HENRY Bair - 1927 to 1992

Birth: 11 Jun 1927 Bainbridge, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USAbirth14

Death: 09 Sep 1992 Mount Joy, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USAdeath14


Father: Benjamin Ellsworth Bair


Ralph Bair - 1911 to 1984

Birth: 30 Nov 1911 Tunnelton, Pennsylvania, USAbirth15

Death: 3 Aug 1984 Saltsburg, Indiana, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath15


Father: George McClelland Bair

Mother: Florence Matilda 'Flossie' Brown

Ralph Raymond Bair - 1917 to 1919

Birth: 11 SEP 1917 Guernsey County, Ohio, USAbirth16

Death: 14 Feb 1919 Guernsey, Ohio, USAdeath16


Father: William Bair

Mother: Bessie May Gray

Ralph Raymond Bair - 1907 to 1961

Birth: 28 Jun 1907 Dover, Tuscarawas, Ohiobirth17

Death: 28 Aug 1961 Dover, Tuscarawas, Ohiodeath17


Father: Austin Ellsworth Bair

Mother: Sarah Alice Elizabeth Levengood

Ralph Leroy Bair - 1921 to 1921

Birth: 31 Jul 1921 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisbirth18

Death: 2 Aug 1921 Cook, Illinois, United Statesdeath18


Father: Lee Bair

Mother: Lillian R. Schenzer

Ralph Waldo Bair - 1896 to 1956

Birth: May 22 1896 Tuscarawas, Ohio, United Statesbirth19

Death: 23 June 1956 Tuscarawas County, Ohio, USAdeath19


Father: John A Bair

Mother: Mary L McBride

Ralph Leslie Bair - 1903 to 1974

Birth: 30 SEP 1903 Princeton, Franklin, Kansas, United States of Americabirth20

Death: 13 JAN 1974 Sandpoint, Bonner, Idaho, United States of Americadeath20


Father: Ephraim B Bair

Mother: Verda Zoe Carpenter

Ralph Charles Bair - 1906 to 1984

Birth: 16 Jul 1906 Washington County, Maryland, United States of Americabirth21

Death: Mar 1984 Williamsport, Washington, Maryland, USAdeath21


Father: Charles Noor Bair

Mother: Annie L SMITH Bair

Ralph Melville Bair - 1899 to 1941

Birth: 19 Jul 1899 New Cumberland, Cumberland, Pennsylvania, USAbirth22

Death: 27 Jul 1941 East Hanover Tsp, Lebanon, Pennsylvania, USAdeath22


Father: Harvey Benjamin Bair

Mother: Nettie E Writer

Ralph K. Bair - 1928 to 2015

Birth: 24 May 1928 Kinzers, Pennsylvania, USAbirth23

Death: 3 Aug 2015 Akron, PAdeath23


Father: Not Available

Mother: Ralph Kling Bair

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