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Results for "Ralfh Barkar"

1 - 25 of 777 Records
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Ralph Rensselaer Barker - 1901 to 1957

Birth: 2 Jun 1901 Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United Statesbirth0

Death: 17 Apr 1957 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United Statesdeath0


Father: Charles Austin Barker

Mother: Grace May Hammond

Ralph Edward Barker - 1921 to 2004

Birth: 17Nov1921 Pennsylvaniabirth1

Death: 25 June 2004 North East, Erie County, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath1


Father: Liberty McKinley Barker

Mother: Grace E. Barker

Ralph Leslie Barker - 1896 to 1933

Birth: 25 Mar 1896 Sioux Rapids, Iowabirth2

Death: 13 Jul 1933 Nebraska, United Statesdeath2


Father: George Washington Barker

Mother: Mary Ethylene Mahaffey

Ralph Barker - 1921 to 1983

Birth: 7 Aug 1921 Indianabirth3

Death: 22 Jul 1983 Indianapolis Marion County Indiana, USAdeath3


Father: John Paris Barker

Mother: Minnie Mae Roach

Ralph Norris Bargar - 1913 to 1986

Birth: 6 Oct 1913 West Virginiabirth4

Death: 27 Jul 1986 Sylva, Jackson, North Carolina, USAdeath4


Father: Ezra Barger

Mother: Ethel Simmons

Ralph Earl Barker - 1917 to 2006

Birth: 27 DEC 1917 Californiabirth5

Death: 13 September 2006 Bakersfield, Kern County, California, United States of Americadeath5


Father: George Fell Barker

Mother: Lenita Irene Hayes

Ralph E Barker - 1888 to 1974

Birth: 24 Aug 1888 Missouri, USAbirth6

Death: 15 Nov 1974 Taney, Missouri, United Statesdeath6


Father: Rufus C. Barker

Mother: Martha Edith Compton

Ralph Barker - 1890 to 1969

Birth: 14 Jan 1890 Ohiobirth7

Death: 21 Jul 1969 Athens, Ohio, USAdeath7


Father: Joseph Barker

Mother: Hariett Amanda Baker

Ralph D Barker - 1877 to 1968

Birth: abt 1877 New Hampshirebirth8

Death: 30 Oct 1968 Stratham, Rockingham, New Hampshire, USAdeath8


Father: Levi Barker

Mother: Hannah Moore Jewell

Ralph William Barker - 1923 to 1977

Birth: 23 Jan 1923 Westphalia, Clinton, Michigan, USAbirth9

Death: Apr 1977 Portland, Ionia, Michigan, USAdeath9


Father: Louis Frederick Barker

Mother: Mary Anna Fernholz

Ralph O Barker - 1906 to 1980

Birth: abt 1906 North Dakotabirth10

Death: 1980 Arizona, United Statesdeath10


Father: Fred William BARKER

Mother: Eleanor Mahala Bobier

Ralph Edward Barker - 1921 to 2004

Birth: 17Nov1921 Pennsylvaniabirth11

Death: 25 June 2004 North East, Erie County, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath11


Father: Liberty McKinley Barker

Mother: Grace E. Barker

Ralph Ashton Barker - 1907 to 1958

Birth: 23/Aug/1907 Texasbirth12

Death: 11 Mar 1958 Dallas, Texas, United Statesdeath12


Father: John Thomas Barker

Mother: Caroline H Heilhecker

RALPH BARKER - 1701 to 1780

Birth: Mar 1701 Billinge, Lancashire, Englandbirth13

Death: 1780 WIGAN, LANCS.death13


Father: John Barker

Mother: Ann Marsden

Ralph Webster Barker - 1915 to 1991

Birth: 5 January 1915 Iowabirth14

Death: 30 Jun 1991 Ottumwa, Wapello, Iowadeath14


Father: Jess F Barker

Mother: MARY L Webster

Ralph C Barker - 1909 to 1976

Birth: 07 Feb 1909 Fulton, Fountain, Indiana, USAbirth15

Death: 31 Jul 1976 Covington, Fountain, Indiana, USAdeath15


Father: John Willard Barker

Mother: Cora Hackler

Ralph E. Barker - 1885 to 1967

Birth: Dec 1885 Holmes, Menominee, Michigan, USAbirth16

Death: Jul 1967 Port Orchard, Kitsap, Washington, United States of Americadeath16


Father: Ralph E Barker

Mother: Sarah McCann

Ralph Barker - 1921 to 1983

Birth: 7 Aug 1921 Indianabirth17

Death: 22 Jul 1983 Indianapolis Marion County Indiana, USAdeath17


Father: John Paris Barker

Mother: Minnie Mae Roach

Ralph H Barker - 1880 to 1932

Birth: 14 Nov 1880 Waben Sands, Bedfordsire England birth18

Death: 05 Jul 1932 Middlesex, Ontario, Canadadeath18


Father: George Barker

Mother: Elizabeth Carr

Ralph E Barker - 1888 to 1974

Birth: 24 Aug 1888 Missouri, USAbirth19

Death: 15 Nov 1974 Taney, Missouri, United Statesdeath19


Father: Rufus C. Barker

Mother: Martha Edith Compton

Ralph Norris Bargar - 1913 to 1986

Birth: 6 Oct 1913 West Virginiabirth20

Death: 27 Jul 1986 Sylva, Jackson, North Carolina, USAdeath20


Father: Ezra Barger

Mother: Ethel Simmons

Ralph R Barker - 1883 to 1948

Birth: 18 Nov 1883 Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USAbirth21

Death: 16 Apr 1948 Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USAdeath21


Father: Ralph Randolph Barker

Mother: Minerva Stone

Ralph H Barker - 1880 to 1932

Birth: 14 Nov 1880 Waben Sands, Bedfordsire England birth22

Death: 05 Jul 1932 Middlesex, Ontario, Canadadeath22


Father: George Barker

Mother: Elizabeth Carr

Ralph Earl Barker - 1917 to 2006

Birth: 27 DEC 1917 Californiabirth23

Death: 13 September 2006 Bakersfield, Kern County, California, United States of Americadeath23


Father: George Fell Barker

Mother: Lenita Irene Hayes

Ralph William Barker - 1923 to 1977

Birth: 23 Jan 1923 Westphalia, Clinton, Michigan, USAbirth24

Death: Apr 1977 Portland, Ionia, Michigan, USAdeath24


Father: Louis Frederick Barker

Mother: Mary Anna Fernholz

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