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Results for "Ragnhild Nas"

1 - 25 of 63 Records
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MAGNHILD Pauline Aas - 1891 to 1973

Birth: 12 Dec 1891/17 Jan 1892 Kongsberg, Kongsberg, Buskerud, Norwaybirth0

Death: 26 Nov 1973


Father: PETER Jensen Aas

Mother: Maren Larsdatter Sporen

Ragnhild Sigrid Aas - 1917 to 1968

Birth: 16 Oct 1917 Norwaybirth1

Death: 3 Oct 1968 Norwaydeath1


Father: Emil Larsen Aas

Mother: Anna Christensen Granskogen

Ragnhild Aas - 1922 to 2012

Birth: 16 Sep 1922 Svestad, Løten, Hedmark, Norwaybirth2

Death: 7 Aug 2012 Hamar, Hedmark, Norwaydeath2


Father: Olaf Berntsen Aas

Mother: Helene Helmersdatter

Ragnhild Sigrid Aas - 1917 to 1968

Birth: 16 Oct 1917 Norwaybirth3

Death: 3 Oct 1968 Norwaydeath3


Father: Emil Larsen Aas

Mother: Anna Christensen Granskogen

Ragnhild Larsdtr Aas - 1849 to 1898

Birth: 1849 Åsdal, Tydal, Norwaybirth4

Death: 1898 Marken, Tydal, Norwaydeath4


Father: Lars Olsen Ostby

Mother: Ragnhild Evensdtr Ostby

Ragnhild Torsteinsdtr Aas - 1896 to 1982

Birth: 08 Jan 1896 Selbu, Sør-Trøndelag, Norwaybirth5

Death: 03 APR 1982


Father: Simen Torstensen

Mother: Ingeborg J. Tanem

Ragnhild Larsdtr Aas - 1849 to 1898

Birth: 1849 Åsdal, Tydal, Norwaybirth6

Death: 1898 Marken, Tydal, Norwaydeath6


Father: Lars Olsen Ostby

Mother: Ragnhild Evensdtr Ostby

Ragnhild Tomasdtr Aas - 1839 to 1910

Birth: Nov 1839 Norwaybirth7

Death: Aft. 1910 Fortier, Yellow Medicine, Minnesota, USAdeath7


Father: Tomas Jonsen Aas

Mother: Gidsken Ellefsdtr Aas

Magnhild Aas - 1918 to 1987

Birth: 19 APR 1918 Trysil, Hedmarkbirth8

Death: 1987


Father: Karl Aas

Mother: Marie Østerhaug

Ragnhild Elvira Aas - 1916 to 1994

Birth: 20 NOV 1916 Solum, Norwaybirth9

Death: 16 JAN 1994 Hokksund, Norwaydeath9


Father: Albert Leonard Aas

Mother: Grenbang Elisabeth Klvholt

Ragnhild Svendsdtr Aas - 1834 to 1912

Birth: 1834 Aas, Tydal, Sor Trondelag, Norwaybirth10

Death: 1912 Aas, Tydal, Sør-Trøndelag, Norwaydeath10


Father: Svend Olsen Jenhauggjardet Aas

Mother: Kari Pedersdtr Brendas

Ragnild Olsdatter Naes - 1734 to 1824

Birth: 1734 Volden, Adal, Buskerud, Norwaybirth11

Death: 23 Jan 1824 Enger, Buskerud, Norwaydeath11


Father: Ole Nielsen


Ragnhild Knudsdatter naes - 1817 to 1858

Birth: jan 1817 nes hafslobirth12

Death: 5 apr 1858 nes hafslodeath12


Father: Knud Johannesen

Mother: Kari Ellendsdatter

Ragnvold Aas - 1877 to 1946

Birth: 23 Oct 1877

Death: 1 Feb 1946 Rotvoll, Trondheim, Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norwaydeath13


Father: Peter Anton Aas

Mother: Oline Olsdtr Tonsker

Ragnhild Jonsdtr Aas - 1793 to 1837

Birth: 1793/4 Ol-Olsgarden, Tydal, Sor Trondelag, Norwaybirth14

Death: 04 Dec 1837 Meraker, Norwaydeath14


Father: Jon Olsen Aas

Mother: Ingeborg Pedersdtr

Ragnhild Rasmusdotter Naes - 1805 to 1902

Birth: 1805 Sogn, Oppland, Norwaybirth15

Death: 1902 Nes, Arnland, Friesland, Netherlands


Father: Rasmus Andersen naess

Mother: Eli Johansdatter kvam

Ragnhild Aas - 1894

Birth: 1894 Asker, Akershus, Norwaybirth16

Death: Unknown


Father: Olaus (HaralstuaAas) Hansen

Mother: Maren Gurine Svendsdatter


Birth: Aug 9, 1907 Alta, Finnmark, Norwaybirth17

Death: Not Available Alta, Finnmark, Norwaydeath17


Father: Johan Erik Svendsen Aas

Mother: Oline Berntine Karoline Sivertsen

Ragnhild Taraldsdtr Aas - 1879 to 1959

Birth: 1879 Berget Vestre, Tydal, Norway

Death: 1959 Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norwaydeath18


Father: Tarald Pedersen Aas

Mother: Anne Petersdtr Aas

Ragnhild Knudsdtr Johnson (Naes) - 1879 to 1907

Birth: 20 Dec 1879 Sogn og Fjordane, Norwaybirth19

Death: 06 Oct 1907 DeForest, WIdeath19


Father: Knud Johannessen (Naes)

Mother: Mari Knudsdtr Jordal

Magnhild Aas - 1896 to 1973

Birth: 15.04.1896

Death: 18.10.1973


Father: Aage Vengstad

Mother: Otilie Berre

Ragnhild Aas - 1909

Birth: 26 Aug 1909 Aasnes

Death: Not Available


Father: Einar Aas

Mother: Maria Aas

Ragnhild Svendsdtr Aas - 1852

Birth: 1852 Aasgard Ostre, Norwaybirth22

Death: Not Available


Father: Svend Olsen Østby

Mother: Kjersti Olsdtr Aas

Ragnhild Svendsdtr Aas - 1852

Birth: 1852 Aasgard Ostre, Norwaybirth23

Death: Not Available


Father: Svend Olsen Østby

Mother: Kjersti Olsdtr Aas

Female IconMale Icon

Ragnhild Aas - 1911

Birth: 10/ /1911 Fet

Death: Not Available


Father: Gustav Aas

Mother: Not Available

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