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Results for "Raffaele Balzano"

1 - 12 of 12 Records

Raffaele Giuseppe Balzano - 1861 to 1936

Birth: 26 Jun 1861 Boca, Novara, Piemonte, Italybirth0

Death: 24 Apr 1936 Boca, Novara, Piemonte, Italydeath0


Father: Angelo Giovanni Balzano

Mother: Maria Anna Del Boca

Raffaele Balzano - 1879 to 1947

Birth: 1879 Italybirth1

Death: 3 Jun 1947 2344 Beaumont Ave, Bronx, New York City, New York, USAdeath1


Father: Vincent Balzano

Mother: Theresa Baia Balzano

Raffaele Balzano - 1879 to 1947

Birth: 1879 Italybirth2

Death: 3 Jun 1947 2344 Beaumont Ave, Bronx, New York City, New York, USAdeath2


Father: Vincent Balzano

Mother: Theresa Baia Balzano

Raffaele Balzano - 1879 to 1883

Birth: 12 Sept 1879

Death: 15 Jun 1883 Castel di Sangro, L'Aquila, Abruzzo, Italydeath3


Father: Eliseo Balzano

Mother: Genuina Milano

Raffaele Balzano

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Giuseppe Balzano

Mother: Teresa Landriscina

Raffaele Balzano - 1901

Birth: 1901 Campolasso

Death: Not Available


Father: Gelonimo Jannotta

Mother: Not Available

Raffaele Balzano - 1876

Birth: 1876 Italybirth6

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Raffaele Balzano - 1920 to 1986

Birth: 1920 Boscotrecase, Napoli, Campania, Italiabirth7

Death: 1986 Boscotrecasedeath7


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Raffaele Balzano - 1913 to 1978

Birth: 20 Jan 1913 Brooklyn, New York, USAbirth8

Death: 8 March 1978 Staten Island, New York, USAdeath8


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Raffaele Balzano - 1882 to 1937

Birth: 1882 Italybirth9

Death: 1937


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Raffaele Balzano

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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