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Results for "Rachel Neely"

1 - 25 of 103 Records

Rachel Cohen Neely - 1883 to 1980

Birth: 23 Nov 1883 Atlanta, GAbirth0

Death: 14 Jan 1980 Atlanta, GAdeath0


Father: Harry Lionel Schlesinger

Mother: Sara Ella Cohen

Rachel Neely - 1820 to 1893

Birth: 3 Nov 1820 Monongalia, Virginia, United Statesbirth1

Death: 6 May 1893 Windy, Wirt, West Virginia, United Statesdeath1


Father: James Edward Neely

Mother: Sarah Jane Mason

Rachel Minema Neely - 1867

Birth: Feb 1867 Venango County, Pennsylvaniabirth2

Death: 30 Feb 1940 Conewango, Warren, Pennsylvania, USAdeath2


Father: George Washington Neely

Mother: Amelia M Persing

Rachel Anna Neely - 1860 to 1948

Birth: 9 February 1860 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAbirth3

Death: 27 April 1948 Collier, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath3


Father: Hugh Neely*

Mother: Margaret Rachel Skiles

Rachel Anna Neely - 1860 to 1948

Birth: 9 February 1860 Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAbirth4

Death: 27 April 1948 Collier, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAdeath4


Father: Hugh Neely*

Mother: Margaret Rachel Skiles

Rachel A Neely - 1866 to 1956

Birth: Jul 6 1866 Killygullib Glebe, Tamlaght O'Crilly Pa., Co. Londonderry, Irebirth5

Death: 8 Dec 1956 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAdeath5


Father: James Kirkwood

Mother: Elizabeth "Eliza" YOUNG

Rachel Neely - 1832 to 1906

Birth: abt 1832 Ohiobirth6

Death: 1906 Buchanan, Iowa, USAdeath6


Father: Lewis Morgan

Mother: Catherine Biddinger

Rachel Neely - 1790 to 1851

Birth: 1790 On voyage from Ireland, Ontario, Canadabirth7

Death: 6 January 1851 Madison County, North Carolina, USAdeath7


Father: Bryan Coyle

Mother: Margret Neeley

Rachel Neely - 1790 to 1851

Birth: 1790 On voyage from Ireland, Ontario, Canadabirth8

Death: 6 January 1851 Madison County, North Carolina, USAdeath8


Father: Bryan Coyle

Mother: Margret Neeley

Rachel A Neely - 1866 to 1956

Birth: Jul 6 1866 Killygullib Glebe, Tamlaght O'Crilly Pa., Co. Londonderry, Irebirth9

Death: 8 Dec 1956 Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USAdeath9


Father: James Kirkwood

Mother: Elizabeth "Eliza" YOUNG

Rachel Neely - 1790 to 1851

Birth: 1790 On voyage from Ireland, Ontario, Canadabirth10

Death: 6 January 1851 Madison County, North Carolina, USAdeath10


Father: Bryan Coyle

Mother: Margret Neeley

Rachel Olivia Neely - 1840 to 1859

Birth: 02 OCT 1840 York, S.Carolina, USAbirth11

Death: 18 May 1859 Rock Hill, York Co., South Carolinadeath11


Father: Jonathan Milton Neely

Mother: Rachael Elizabeth Choate

Rachel Neely - 1926 to 2012

Birth: 16 December 1926 Mesquite, Dallas County, Texas, United States of Americabirth12

Death: 31 May 2012 Rockwall, Rockwall County, Texas, United States of Americadeath12


Father: Herman Polk Neely

Mother: Elvie Demaris Wall

Rachel Neely - 1890 to 1972

Birth: abt 1890 Irelandbirth13

Death: 1972 USAdeath13


Father: Robert Graham

Mother: Isabella Dunlop

Rachel Neely - 1732 to 1769

Birth: 1732 Peekskill, Westchester, New York, USAbirth14

Death: bef 1769 New Yorkdeath14


Father: Capt. Neely

Mother: Ellenor Uknown

Rachel James Neely - 1862 to 1900

Birth: 15 JUL 1862 Hardeman Co., TNbirth15

Death: BEF 1900 Hardeman County, Tennesseedeath15


Father: Richard James Neely

Mother: Mary Emily Hull

Rachel NEELY - 1837 to 1904

Birth: 10 May 1837 Monongalia County, West Virginia, United States of Americabirth16

Death: 15 Nov 1904 Doddridge, West Virginia, USAdeath16


Father: Samuel Neely

Mother: Nancy Stafford

Rachel I Neely - 1877 to 1955

Birth: 30 Nov 1877 Butler, Clarion County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth17

Death: 16 April 1955 West View, Allegheny County, Pennsylvaniadeath17


Father: Richard Theophilus Neely

Mother: Susanna M Shoup

Rachel A Neely - 1846 to 1923

Birth: 23 Apr 1846 Butler County, Pennsylvaniabirth18

Death: 22 Feb 1923 Scioto County Ohiodeath18


Father: Joseph Neely

Mother: Maria Rachel Ruby

Rachel Hazel Neely - 1888

Birth: Jan 1888 Illinoisbirth19

Death: Not Available


Father: William F Neely

Mother: Nellie Reynolds

Rachel Frances Neely - 1862 to 1926

Birth: 16 Dec 1862 Clarion, Clarion, Pennsylvania, United Statesbirth20

Death: 3 May 1926 Disese, Katanga, Congo


Father: Israel Shupe Neely

Mother: Rachel Linderman

Rachel Ann Neely - 1841 to 1874

Birth: 1841 College, Knox, Ohio, United Statesbirth21

Death: 12 Sep 1874 Knox County, Ohiodeath21


Father: John Neely

Mother: Rebecca Beaty

Rachel Elizabeth Neely - 1857 to 1939

Birth: 10 October 1857 Clarion County, Pennsylvania, USAbirth22

Death: 5 Aug 1939 Wichita, Kansas, USAdeath22


Father: William Heinrich Neely

Mother: Ellen Elvira Heeter

Rachel Neely - 1785 to 1853

Birth: 1785 South Carolina, United Statesbirth23

Death: 04/13/1853 South Carolina USA (buried in Concord Cemetery)death23


Father: Thomas Neely

Mother: Not Available

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