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Results for "Rachel January"

1 - 12 of 12 Records

Rachel January - 1864 to 1951

Birth: abt 1864 Louisianabirth0

Death: 24 Feb 1951 Port Arthur, Jefferson, Texas, USAdeath0


Father: Anderson January

Mother: Rachel January

Rachel Christine January - 1907 to 1994

Birth: 23 July 1907 Norman, Cleveland, Oklahoma, USAbirth1

Death: 21 Nov 1994 Cleveland, Oklahoma, United Statesdeath1


Father: William Dock January

Mother: Emily Elizabeth Caldwell

Rachel January - 1796 to 1871

Birth: 1796 Tulbagh, Western Cape, South Africabirth2

Death: 26 Apr 1871 Robertson, Western Cape, South Africadeath2


Father: January January

Mother: (Mother)

Rachel January - 1865 to 1896

Birth: 1865

Death: 1896


Father: James January

Mother: Mary January

Rachel January - 1865 to 1896

Birth: 1865

Death: 1896


Father: James January

Mother: Mary January

Rachel January - 1805

Birth: Abt. 1805

Death: Not Available


Father: Isaac January

Mother: Margaret Garrett

Rachel January - 1847 to 1848

Birth: Abt. 1847

Death: Bet. 1848–1941


Father: John Wales January

Mother: Elizabeth Ellen Spruce

Rachel January - 1870

Birth: june 1870 Louisiana, USAbirth7

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Rachel January

Rachel January - 1867

Birth: 1867 Louisianabirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Rachel January - 1840

Birth: abt 1840 South Carolinabirth9

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Rachel January - 1840

Birth: abt 1840 South Carolinabirth10

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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