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Results for "Polly Gentry"

1 - 25 of 129 Records
Female IconMale Icon

Polly Elizabeth Gentry

Birth: 1739 Lunenburg, Lunenburg, Virginia, United States

Death: 1800 North Carolina, United States


Father: Joseph Gentry

Mother: Agnes Shelton

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Elizabeth Gentry

Birth: 1739 Lunenburg, Lunenburg, Virginia, United States

Death: 1800 North Carolina, United States


Father: Joseph Gentry

Mother: Agnes Shelton

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Ann Gentry

Birth: 12 MAR 1872 Wood Co., Texas

Death: 13 Aug 1890 Erath, Texas, United States


Father: William George Gentry

Mother: Mary Isabella GROGAN

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Ida Gentry

Birth: 4 Jan 1919 Alamance County, North Carolina, USA

Death: 26 Jul 2002 Burnsville, Virginia, USA


Father: John Andrew Johnnie GENTRY

Mother: Ida Margaret Tingen Gentry

Female IconMale Icon

Polly (Mary) Gentry

Birth: 14 Jun 1800 Wilkes, North Carolina, United States

Death: Aft. 1870 North Carolina, USA


Father: Jonathan Gentry

Mother: Sarah Sally Fender

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Gentry

Birth: 2 Apr 1781 Albermarle Co, , Virginia, USA

Death: 1849 Tennessee, United States


Father: Martin Gentry

Mother: Mary Gentry Timberlake

Female IconMale Icon

Polly M Gentry

Birth: 2 Feb 1822 Tennessee, United States

Death: 31 Jan 1882


Father: John W. Gentry

Mother: Priscilla "Prissy" Graham

Female IconMale Icon

Polly N Gentry

Birth: 10 Oct 1884 North Carolina

Death: 10 Dec 1914


Father: John N. Gentry

Mother: Arry May Alman

Female IconMale Icon

Polly C. Gentry

Birth: 1806 Adair Co., KY

Death: Not Available


Father: James Richard Gentry

Mother: May 'Mickey' Dameron (Damron)

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Gentry

Birth: 1806 Boonesboro, Madison, Kentucky, United States

Death: 13 Jun 1869 Boonesboro, Madison, Kentucky, United States


Father: James Gentry

Mother: Elizabeth Tooley

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Gentry

Birth: Abt. 1794 Person County, North Carolina

Death: Not Available


Father: Shadrack Gentry NC

Mother: Susanna Davis

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Priscilla Gentry

Birth: 10 Sep 1900 Taupiri, Waikato, New Zealand

Death: 2 Sep 1903 New Zealand


Father: William Charles Gentry

Mother: Polly Jane Hadden (Haddon)

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Gentry

Birth: 1825 Tennessee, United States

Death: Not Available


Father: Richard Gentry


Female IconMale Icon

Polly Gentry

Birth: 1833 South Carolina

Death: Not Available


Father: Wiley R Gentry

Mother: Mariah Hardin

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Gentry

Birth: 1833 South Carolina

Death: Not Available


Father: Wiley R Gentry

Mother: Mariah Hardin

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Ann Gentry

Birth: Jun 1848 Jackson, Madison, Tennessee, United States

Death: 12 Jul 1860 Gainesboro, Jackson County, Tennessee


Father: William Riley Gentry

Mother: Derusha Hampton

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Gentry

Birth: 1789 Albemarle County, Virginia

Death: Not Available


Father: James Gentry, RWS.

Mother: mary hicks

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Jane Gentry

Birth: 1882 Jackson County, United States of America

Death: 1962 Jackson County, United States of America


Father: Arthur P Chaffin

Mother: Martha Dee Hensley

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Gentry

Birth: 1794 Albemarle, Virginia, USA

Death: 1802 Madison, Kentucky, USA


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Nunn Gentry

Birth: 17 MAR 1785 Unknown

Death: BET 1823 AND 1880 unknown


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Launa Gentry

Birth: 14 February 1905 Marshall, North Carolina, USA

Death: 8 December 1987 Burke County, North Carolina, USA


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Gentry

Birth: Sep 1877 Tennessee

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Ann Gentry

Birth: 14 Apr 1830 Tennessee

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Polly Gentry

Birth: Not Available Overton Co. Tn. USA

Death: Not Available Overton Co. Tn. USA


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Polly A Gentry

Birth: Abt 1828 Alabama

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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