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Results for "pollie quarles"

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Name: Ollie Pearl Charles

Birth: 28 Apr 1897 Texas

Death: 04 Mar 1961 Honey Grove, Fannin, Texas, United States

Father: George Bostwick

Mother: Frances Josephine Bostwick

Name: Mollie Charles

Birth: May 1858 Mississippi

Death: after 1920 Prentiss County, Mississippi, USA

Father: Arthur Charles

Mother: Nancy Morgan

Name: Vollie Charles

Birth: 10 Mar 1897 Indiana, United States

Death: 5 September 1931 Williams, Lawrence, Indiana, USA

Father: Seymour H Charles

Mother: Emma Burks

Name: Ollie Mae Quarles

Birth: abt 1911 Georgia

Death: 7 Mar 1984 Sumter Co., South Carolina, USA

Father: Thomas Charles Quarles

Mother: Mattie Lou O'Kelley

Name: Ollie Sidney Charles

Birth: 14 Nov 1889 Lanagan, McDonald County, Missouri, United States of America

Death: 5 March 1965 Lanagan, McDonald County, Missouri, United States of America

Father: Louis Samuel Charles

Mother: Arena Belle Charles

Name: Mollie Quarles

Birth: 26 Aug 1871 Wilson Co, Tennessee

Death: 9 Jun 1946 Wilson, Tennessee

Father: Littleberry Jackson Quarles

Mother: Virginia Frances Hill

Name: Vollie Edward Charles

Birth: 21 Oct 1931 Bedford, Lawrence, Indiana, USA

Death: 09 Mar 2000 Bedford, Lawrence, Indiana, USA

Father: Vollie Edward Charles

Mother: Ocie Louise Tucker

Name: Ollie M Charles

Birth: abt 1884 Kentucky

Death: 15 Sep 1968 Daniel Drake Memorial Hospital, Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio, USA

Father: Louis Leonard Peak

Mother: Levina Baynum

Name: Pollie Charles

Birth: 1924 Wagoner County, Oklahoma, USA

Death: 2014 oklahoma

Father: Yahola Mike Charles

Mother: Pinkie Scott

Name: Mollie Charles

Birth: abt 1861 Pennsylvania

Death: January 21, 1960

Father: John Charles

Mother: Mary Williams

Name: Mollie Charles

Birth: Apr 1858 Arkansas

Death: Not Available Chidester, Ouachita, Arkansas, USA

Father: Jesse Moore

Mother: Judy Price

Name: mollie may charles

Birth: 31 Jan 1925 Burnie, Tasmania, Australia

Death: Not Available Burnie, Tasmania, Australia

Father: Thomas John Charles

Mother: Lillian 'Lily' Buckingham

Name: Mollie Quarles

Birth: 8 Jan 1856 Clinton, Henry, Missouri

Death: 19 Jan 1935 Ardmore, Carter, Oklahoma

Father: Benjamin Lampton Quarles

Mother: Emily Margarette Swindell

Name: Ollie Jane Charles

Birth: 13 May 1895 ky

Death: 8 Aug 1988 Wheelersburg, Scioto, Ohio, USA

Father: Fredrick Charles

Mother: Louisa Eliza Helvey

Name: Dollie May Quarles

Birth: 11 Mar 1878 Putnam, Tennessee, USA

Death: 20 Oct 1979 Putnam, Tennessee, USA

Father: William Braxton Quarles

Mother: Celia (Selia) Ann White

Name: Ollie Charles

Birth: 01 Oct 1899 Pike County, Kentucky, USA

Death: Jun 1986 Williamson, Mingo, West Virginia

Father: Callahan Charles

Mother: Nancy Goff (Charles)

Name: Ollie May Charles

Birth: 13 Jan 1897 Campbell County, Kentucky, USA

Death: 23 Sep 1983 Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, USA

Father: Oliver M. Charles

Mother: Melvina Frances "Bina" Greenwood

Name: Hollie Charles

Birth: 16 Mar 1927 Ohio, USA

Death: 1 Oct 1950 Vets Adm. Springfield, MO.

Father: Frank Charles

Mother: Ida Blankenship

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