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Results for "Pierre Humbert"

1 - 25 of 532 Records

Pierre HUMBERT - 1762 to 1846

Birth: 1762 Vanclans,25,Fbirth0

Death: 11 MAR 1846 Vanclans,25,Fdeath0


Father: Claude Etienne HUMBERT

Mother: Jeanne Marguerite CORDIER

Pierre François HUMBERT - 1822 to 1906

Birth: 19 AUG 1822 Verrieres de Joux,25,Fbirth1

Death: 26 Janv 1906 La Cluse-et-Mijoux, Doubs, Doubs, Francedeath1


Father: Antoine HUMBERT

Mother: Marie Françoise Depierre

Pierre Humbert - 1788 to 1844

Birth: 11 Aug 1788 Beutal, Doubs, Franche-Comte, Francebirth2

Death: 8 Apr 1844 Beutal, Doubs, Franche-Comte, Francedeath2


Father: Etienne Humbert

Mother: Catherine Dormoy

Pierre Joseph HUMBERT - 1780 to 1855

Birth: 1780 Brotte-lès-Luxeuil, Francebirth3

Death: 26 DEC 1855 Brotte-lès-Luxeuil, Francedeath3


Father: Jean HUMBERT

Mother: Anne Marie PARIN

Pierre Auguste Humbert - 1849 to 1905

Birth: 1 Nov 1849 Maubertbirth4

Death: 2 Juin 1905 Wasigny, Francedeath4


Father: Andre Ernest Hubert

Mother: Joséphine Loth

Pierre HUMBERT - 1666 to 1741

Birth: ABT 1666 Beckerholtz - Cne de Filstroff,57213,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,birth5

Death: 22 OCT 1741 Petite Bibiche - Cne de Bibiche,57079,Moselle,Lorraine,FRANCE,death5


Father: Jean HUMBERT

Mother: Suzanne BRAUN

Pierre Joseph HUMBERT - 1780 to 1855

Birth: 1780 Brotte-lès-Luxeuil, Francebirth6

Death: 26 DEC 1855 Brotte-lès-Luxeuil, Francedeath6


Father: Jean HUMBERT

Mother: Anne Marie PARIN

Pierre HUMBERT - 1747 to 1807

Birth: ABT 1747 Hombourg Budange, 57920, Moselle, Lorraine, FRANCEbirth7

Death: 24 APR 1807 Hombourg Budange, 57920, Moselle, Lorraine, FRANCEdeath7


Father: Mickaël HUMBERT

Mother: Marie JUNGMANN

Pierre HUMBERT - 1754 to 1813

Birth: 2 JUL 1754 Natzwiller,67130,Bas-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE,birth8

Death: 29 OCT 1813 Natzwiller,67130,Bas-Rhin,Alsace,FRANCE,death8


Father: Claude HUMBERT

Mother: Marie CHARTON

Pierre HUMBERT - 1873 to 1960

Birth: 13 MAR 1873 Saint-Jean-de-Belleville,73440,Savoie,Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes,FRANCE,birth9

Death: 4 DEC 1960 Saint-Jean-de-Belleville,73440,Savoie,Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes,FRANCE,death9


Father: Hippolyte Antoine HUMBERT

Mother: Marie MERMOZ

Pierre Humbert - 1721 to 1771

Birth: 15 JAN 1721 51269,Giffaumont,marne,francebirth10

Death: 26 MAY 1771 51269,Giffaumont,marne,francedeath10


Father: Pierre Humbert

Mother: Magdeleine Person

Pierre HUMBERT - 1749 to 1817

Birth: 09 APR 1749 Cutry, 54151, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Lorraine, Francebirth11

Death: 08 OCT 1817 cutrydeath11


Father: Jean HUMBERT

Mother: Elisabeth HENRION

Pierre Humbert - 1721 to 1771

Birth: 15 JAN 1721 51269,Giffaumont,marne,francebirth12

Death: 26 MAY 1771 51269,Giffaumont,marne,francedeath12


Father: Pierre Humbert

Mother: Magdeleine Person

Pierre Emile Humbert - 1846 to 1912

Birth: 24 décembre 1846 Chatelot doubs Francebirth13

Death: 19 Déc 1912 Audincourt, Doubs, Doubs, Francedeath13


Father: Etienne Humbert

Mother: Marianne Menegaux

Pierre Humbert - 1805 to 1878

Birth: 1805 Colombier Chatelot, Doubs, Francebirth14

Death: 5 May 1878 L'isle Sur Le Doubs, Doubs, Francedeath14


Father: Etienne Humbert

Mother: Catherine Dormoy

Pierre Nicolas Humbert - 1819 to 1897

Birth: 16 Déc 1819 Ville En Soissons

Death: 16 Sept 1897 Soissons, Soissons, Aisne, Francedeath15


Father: Jean Pierre Humbert

Mother: Marie Garnier

Pierre Humbert - 1721 to 1771

Birth: 15 JAN 1721 51269,Giffaumont,marne,francebirth16

Death: 26 MAY 1771 51269,Giffaumont,marne,francedeath16


Father: Pierre Humbert

Mother: Magdeleine Person

Pierre Humbert - 1691 to 1751

Birth: abt 1691 Hennemont Meuse, Lorraine, Francebirth17

Death: 6 June 1751 Hennemont, Meuse Lorraine Francedeath17


Father: Jean Humbert

Mother: Georgette Simon

Pierre Humbert - 1855 to 1888

Birth: 13 Août 1855 Levoncourt, Haut-Rhin, Alsace, Francebirth18

Death: 7 Avr 1888 Pleujouse, commune de Charmoille, Jura, Suissedeath18


Father: Jean Pierre Humbut

Mother: Marianne GAUTHIER

Pierre Humbert - 1836 to 1880

Birth: 6 Avril 1836 Paris Cinquième Arrondissement, Francebirth19

Death: 16 Nov 1880 Francedeath19


Father: Pierre Humbert

Mother: Françoise Dillion

Pierre Humbert - 1861 to 1905

Birth: 16 Mars 1861 Cinquiéme Arrondissement De Paris

Death: 21 Janv 1905 Francedeath20


Father: Pierre Humbert

Mother: Marguerite Pirol

Pierre Humbert - 1849 to 1921

Birth: 29 Mars 1849 Bibiche (Moselle)birth21

Death: 22 Mars 1921 Paris, Francedeath21


Father: Michel Humbert

Mother: Catherine Perquin

Pierre Humbert - 1764 to 1839

Birth: 19 Juin 1764 Frelandbirth22

Death: 13 Mars 1839 Fréland, Colmar-Ribeauvillé, Francedeath22


Father: Dominique Humbert

Mother: Anne Frautz

Pierre Humbert - 1821 to 1901

Birth: Abt. 1821 New Yorkbirth23

Death: 15 May 1901 New Yorkdeath23


Father: Auguste Humbert

Mother: Augustine Perret

Pierre Humbert - 1624

Birth: 22/09/1624 Ouroux-en-Morvan,Département de la Nièvre,Bourgogne,Francebirth24

Death: Not Available


Father: Léger Humbert

Mother: Claude Duvernoy

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