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Results for "Otto Zink"

1 - 25 of 69 Records

Otto A Zink - 1912 to 2001

Birth: 27 May 1912 Kenosha, Kenosha, Wisconsin, USAbirth0

Death: 30 Jun 2001 Kenosha, Kenosha, Wisconsin, USAdeath0


Father: August Zink

Mother: (Kreh) ZinK

Otto ZINK - 1907 to 1943

Birth: 4 September 1907 Germanybirth1

Death: 1943 Germanydeath1


Father: Andreas Zink

Mother: Theresa BOHNERT

Otto Zink - 1892 to 1942

Birth: 23 September 1892 Ixheim, Zweibrücken, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschlandbirth2

Death: 12 September 1942 Kirchheimbolanden, Donnersbergkreis, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschlanddeath2


Father: Ludwig Zink

Mother: Ida Fuhrmann

Otto Zink - 1894 to 1945

Birth: 1894 Illinoisbirth3

Death: 26 Sep 1945 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisdeath3


Father: Frank Zink

Mother: Maria Kempfh

Otto Cyrus Zink - 1869 to 1966

Birth: 31 December 1869 Salem, Washington, Indiana, USAbirth4

Death: 17 Oct 1966 Salem, Washington, Indiana, United Statesdeath4


Father: Jacob Dawson Zink

Mother: Martha Elizabeth "Mattie" Crim

Otto John Zink - 1872 to 1929

Birth: Dec 1872 Marylandbirth5

Death: 7 Mar 1929 Baltimore City, Maryland, United Statesdeath5


Father: Gerhardt Zink

Mother: Sebela Zink

Otto Zink - 1879 to 1900

Birth: abt 1879 Michiganbirth6

Death: Bef. 1900 Wayne County, Michigan, USAdeath6


Father: Herman Fredrick Zink

Mother: Eva Teschke

Otto Albert Zink - 1918 to 2009

Birth: 9 Feb 1918 Greene County, Ohio, USAbirth7

Death: 13 Jul 2009 Fairborn, Greene, Ohio, USAdeath7


Father: Otto Albert Zink

Mother: Margaret Ann Wolffe

Otto Glenn Zink - 1908 to 1994

Birth: 14 Mar 1908 Richland Center, Fulton County, Indiana, USAbirth8

Death: 11 Jul 1994 Wabash, Wabash, Indiana, USAdeath8


Father: Enoch Gilbert Zink

Mother: Anna Viola Andrews

Otto Albert Zink - 1890 to 1964

Birth: abt 1890 Ohiobirth9

Death: 12 Aug 1964 Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, United Statesdeath9


Father: Anton Zink

Mother: Maria Anna Ketterer

Otto Conrad Raymond ZINK - 1885 to 1959

Birth: 20 Apr 1885 Boston, Somerville, Massachusettsbirth10

Death: 22 Sep 1959 Medford, Massachusettsdeath10


Father: August ZINK

Mother: Minna RAUHE

Otto Albert Zink - 1873 to 1970

Birth: 16 July 1873 Michiganbirth11

Death: Jun 1970 Detroit, MIdeath11


Father: Friedrich Wilhelm Zinke

Mother: Auguste Emilie Radzom

Otto ZINK - 1880 to 1936

Birth: 18 DEC 1880 Saalfeldbirth12

Death: 10 OCT 1936 Wallerfangendeath12


Father: Ernst ZINK

Mother: Therese POSSIN

Otto Zink - 1890

Birth: abt 1890 New Jerseybirth13

Death: Not Available


Father: Leonhard Zink

Mother: Elsie Zink

Otto Zink - 1873

Birth: 7 Dec 1873 Ulmet, Bayern, Germanybirth14

Death: Not Available


Father: Friedrich Zinck

Mother: Philippine Wilking

Otto Zink - 1893

Birth: 18 Feb 1893 Erfurt, Thuringen, Deutschlandbirth15

Death: Not Available


Father: Ernst Christian Zink

Mother: Marie Schmidt Zink

Otto Zink - 1906 to 1991

Birth: 4 JAN 1906 Sasbachwalden, Illengrund 163, heute Schönbüchstr. 3, Baden, Germanybirth16

Death: 13 JUL 1991 Pforzheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germanydeath16


Father: Karl Anton Zink

Mother: Justina Schmelzle

Otto Zink - 1881 to 1935

Birth: 15 October 1881 Illinoisbirth17

Death: 25 November 1935 5th Road Dist , Union, Illinoisdeath17


Father: Wilhem Melchor Zink

Mother: Anna Eva Gipfel Zink

Otto Cyrus Zink - 1894 to 1894

Birth: 16 Nov 1894 Salem, Washington, Indiana, USAbirth18

Death: 16 Nov 1894 Washington County, Indiana, USAdeath18


Father: Otto Cyrus Zink

Mother: Lera Iris Berkey

Otto Zink - 1875

Birth: 14 Apr 1875

Death: Not Available


Father: Heinrich Wilhelm Zink

Mother: Friederike Luise Marx

Otto Zink - 1891 to 1967

Birth: 19 Dec 1891 Germanybirth20

Death: 24 Jul 1967 Germanydeath20


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Otto Zink - 1878 to 1959

Birth: 8 1878 Schweinfurt, Bavaria, Germanybirth21

Death: 1 1959 Schweinfurt, Bavaria, Germanydeath21


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Otto Zink - 1853 to 1913

Birth: abt 1853 Germanybirth22

Death: 08 March 1913 Petaluma, Sonoma County, California, USAdeath22


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Otto Carl Zink - 1888 to 1972

Birth: abt 1888 Michiganbirth23

Death: 1972


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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