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Results for "Olof Zimmerman"

1 - 18 of 18 Records

Olof Peter Zimmerman - 1691 to 1776

Birth: 1691 Strømstad, Swedenbirth0

Death: 23 NOV 1776


Father: Ambrosius Zimmerman

Mother: Ingierd Sigollsdotte

Olof Peter Zimmerman - 1691 to 1776

Birth: 1691 Strømstad, Swedenbirth1

Death: 23 NOV 1776


Father: Ambrosius Zimmerman

Mother: Ingierd Sigollsdotte

Olof Herman Zimmerman - 1842 to 1921

Birth: 7 Jul 1842 Tjärnö, Swedenbirth2

Death: 10 Apr 1921 Chicago, Cook, Illinoisdeath2


Father: Johan Petter Zimmerman

Mother: Sophia Matilda Engström

Olof Zimmerman - 1764 to 1839

Birth: 10 DEC 1764 Strömstad, Obirth3

Death: 20 FEB 1839 Strömstaddeath3


Father: Peter Olofsson Zimmerman

Mother: Lisa Zimmerman f Klodt

Olof Kristian Zimmerman - 1890 to 1967

Birth: 1890/03/07 Arbrå, Gävleborgs län, Sverigebirth4

Death: 1967/03/31 Offerdal, Jämtlands län, Sverigedeath4


Father: Anders Olsen

Mother: Kristina Zimmerman

Olof Zimmerman - 1856 to 1902

Birth: 1 OCT 1856 Farila, Gavleborg, Swedenbirth5

Death: 6 Dec 1902 Harlan County, Nebraska, USAdeath5


Father: Olof Jakob Zimmerman

Mother: Brita MICHELSSON

Olof Jakob Zimmerman - 1825 to 1902

Birth: 25Jan1825 Tannas, Jmtlnd., Swdn

Death: 28 Apr 1902 V. Fone, Farila, Gavleborg, Swedendeath6


Father: Jakob ZIMMERMAN

Mother: Anna Goransson Jorgensen

Olof Zimmerman - 1777 to 1854

Birth: 28 SEP 1777 Strömstadbirth7

Death: 23 SEP 1854


Father: IV Ambrosius Zimmerman

Mother: Maria Sandberg

Olof Andreas Zimmerman - 1830

Birth: 10 AUG 1830 Hedemora, Jamtland, Swedenbirth8

Death: Not Available


Father: Jakob ZIMMERMAN

Mother: Sigrid Olovsdotter

Olof Zimmerman - 1761 to 1764

Birth: 13 DEC 1761 Strömstadbirth9

Death: 10 SEP 1764 Strömstaddeath9


Father: Peter Olofsson Zimmerman

Mother: Lisa Zimmerman f Klodt

Olof (Olaus) Zimmerman - 1729 to 1785

Birth: 17 MAR 1729 Göteborgs Kristinebirth10

Death: 29 APR 1785 Göteborgs Kristinedeath10


Father: Johan Martin d.y. Zimmerman

Mother: Christina Ahlqvist

Olof Zimmerman - 1775

Birth: 28 NOV 1775 Strömstadbirth11

Death: Not Available


Father: IV Ambrosius Zimmerman

Mother: Maria Sandberg

Olof Zimmerman - 1915 to 1975

Birth: 2 DEC 1915 Johannes (ABbirth12

Death: 24 NOV 1975 Bangatan 39 A, Västerås Skerike-Gideonsberg (U


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Olof Gabriel Fredrik Zimmerman - 1890 to 1963

Birth: 29 Jul 1890 Tyska Sankta Gertrud, Stockholm, Sverigebirth13

Death: 25 Apr 1963 Nacka, Stockholm, Sverigedeath13


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Olof Anders Zimmerman - 1825 to 1895

Birth: ABT 1825 Järvsö (Xbirth14

Death: ABT 1895 Järvsö (Xdeath14


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Olof Andreas Zimmerman

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Olof Gabriel Fredrik Zimmerman - 1890

Birth: 23 Jul 1890

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Olof Zimmerman

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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