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Results for "Olive Zietz"

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OLIVER DIETZ - 1912 to 1985

Birth: 12 Jan 1912 ST LOUIS, ST LOUIS CO, Missouri, USAbirth0

Death: Aug 1985 ST LOUIS, St Louis, Missouri, USAdeath0



Mother: Anna Kettlegardes

OLIVER DIETZ - 1912 to 1985

Birth: 12 Jan 1912 ST LOUIS, ST LOUIS CO, Missouri, USAbirth1

Death: Aug 1985 ST LOUIS, St Louis, Missouri, USAdeath1



Mother: Anna Kettlegardes

Olive dietz - 1907 to 1992

Birth: 1907 Trumbull, Ohio, USAbirth2

Death: August 12, 1992 Trumbull County, Ohio, USAdeath2


Father: Christian Leo Dietz

Mother: Grace Isabel Peterman

Olive Mae Zeitz - 1905 to 1974

Birth: 14 Jun 1905 New Yorkbirth3

Death: May 1974 Jersey City, Hudson, New Jersey, United States of Americadeath3


Father: Louis Zietz

Mother: Susan A Craft

Olive Mae Zeitz - 1905 to 1974

Birth: 14 Jun 1905 New Yorkbirth4

Death: May 1974 Jersey City, Hudson, New Jersey, United States of Americadeath4


Father: Louis Zietz

Mother: Susan A Craft

Olive Mae Zeitz - 1905 to 1974

Birth: 14 Jun 1905 New Yorkbirth5

Death: May 1974 Jersey City, Hudson, New Jersey, United States of Americadeath5


Father: Louis Zietz

Mother: Susan A Craft

Olive Elizabeth Dietz - 1922 to 1986

Birth: 27 Mar 1922 Erving Twp, Jewell Co., Kansasbirth6

Death: 14 December 1986 Beloit, Mitchell, Kansas, USAdeath6


Father: John Edward Dietz

Mother: Elsie Azalea Colson

Olive Elizabeth Dietz - 1922 to 1986

Birth: 27 Mar 1922 Erving Twp, Jewell Co., Kansasbirth7

Death: 14 December 1986 Beloit, Mitchell, Kansas, USAdeath7


Father: John Edward Dietz

Mother: Elsie Azalea Colson

olive clara zeitz - 1894 to 1985

Birth: 11 oct 1894 queenstown south australiabirth8

Death: 1985 Werribee, Victoriadeath8


Father: Herbert William ZEITZ

Mother: Sarah Ann Bawden

Oliver B. Dietz - 1849 to 1884

Birth: 21 Jan 1849 Pennsylvania, USAbirth9

Death: 9 April 1884 York County, Pennsylvania, United States of Americadeath9


Father: George Dietz

Mother: Catharine Bowman

Oliver Levan Dietz - 1880 to 1950

Birth: 13 MAR 1880 Jackson County, Illinois, United Statesbirth10

Death: 3 Jan 1950 Jackson Co. Levan Twp. ILdeath10


Father: Noah Dietz

Mother: Harriet Levan

Oliver Charles DIETZ - 1907 to 1974

Birth: 17 August 1907 Ohiobirth11

Death: 10 Jun 1974 Lorain County, Ohio, USAdeath11


Father: Edward Dietz

Mother: Sophia A Oster

Olive R Nietz - 1913 to 1996

Birth: 23 Feb 1913 Wood, Ohio, United Statesbirth12

Death: 6 Aug 1996 Perrysburg, Wood, Ohio, USAdeath12


Father: Edward Ernest Nietz

Mother: Ruth O Mandell

Olive Dietz - 1894 to 1972

Birth: 1894 Cleveland Heights, Cuyahoga, Ohiobirth13

Death: 14 April 1972 DeSoto County, Florida, United States of Americadeath13


Father: Herman Carl Dietz

Mother: Annie Louise Knapp

Olive Dietz - 1895 to 1965

Birth: 13 Nov 1895 Merton, Surrey, Englandbirth14

Death: Jun 1965 Wandsworth, Greater London, Englanddeath14


Father: William John Dietz

Mother: Nora Frederika Hatchard

Olive Dietz - 1904 to 1999

Birth: 16 Mar 1904 Pennsylvaniabirth15

Death: 29 Apr 1999 Sunbury, Northumberland, Pennsylvania, USAdeath15


Father: Henry Wellington Dietz

Mother: Susan Jane Dunkelberger

Olive C Lietz - 1902 to 1983

Birth: abt 1902 Indianabirth16

Death: 27 Oct 1983 Erath, Texasdeath16


Father: Julius Christian Lietz

Mother: Laura Henrietta Anna Klute

Oliver Augustus Rietz - 1881 to 1934

Birth: 25 MAR 1881 Waconia, Carver, Minnesota, USAbirth17

Death: 28 JUL 1934 Sioux Falls, Lincoln, South Dakota, United Statesdeath17


Father: Heinrich Rietz

Mother: Caroline Sophia Bachman

Oliver Christian Dietz - 1871 to 1933

Birth: 25 May 1871 Catawba County, NCbirth18

Death: 29 Jun 1933 Hickory, Catawba County, NCdeath18


Father: Christian Frederick Deitz

Mother: Lucinda Caroline Reitzel

Olive G. DIETZ - 1906 to 1988

Birth: 04 Jun 1906 Hellam, York, Pennsylvania, USAbirth19

Death: 27 Feb 1988 York, York, Pennsylvaniadeath19


Father: Harvey K. Dietz

Mother: Elizabeth (Lizzie) BURG

Olive Carolyn Rietz - 1912 to 1915

Birth: 19 September 1912 Sioux Falls, Minnehaha, SDbirth20

Death: 09 Aug 1915 Sioux Falls, Minnehaha Co., SDdeath20


Father: Oliver Augustus Rietz

Mother: Hattie Stone

Oliva Mary Pietz - 1918 to 1987

Birth: 26 Feb 1918

Death: Abt 1987 Parkstondeath21


Father: Jacob H Pietz

Mother: Kathrina Mehlhaff

Oliver Louis Carl Dietz - 1901 to 1917

Birth: 06 Mar 1901 St Charles, St Charles, Missouri, USAbirth22

Death: 09 May 1917 Dardenne, St Charles, Missouri, USAdeath22


Father: Charles Dietz

Mother: Theresia Zerr

Olive Catherine Dietz - 1921 to 2002

Birth: 26 JAN 1921 Crofton, Knox, Nebraska, United Statesbirth23

Death: 4 Feb 2002 Seattle, King, Washington, United States of Americadeath23


Father: Jacob David Dietz

Mother: Francis Mary Huennekens

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