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Results for "ola zimmerman"

Name: Ola Agnes Zimmerman

Birth: 22 Nov 1894 Cooke County, Texas, USA

Death: 8 July 1985 Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, United States of America

Father: John Haney Zimmerman

Mother: Laura Pate

Name: Ola E Zimmerman

Birth: May 1892 Ohio

Death: 15 Feb 1980 Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio, USA

Father: WILLIAM Henry Zimmerman

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Blair

Name: Ola May Zimmerman

Birth: 14 May 1887 Texas

Death: 11 May 1988 Brady, McCulloch County, Texas, United States of America

Father: John Wesley Tabor

Mother: Frances Jane KELLETT

Name: Ola Vir Zimmerman

Birth: 29 Apr 1902 Kansas

Death: 30 Sep 1982 The Dalles, Wasco, Oregon, United States

Father: Floyd Logan Zimmerman

Mother: Myrtle May Kimball

Name: Ola Pauline Zimmerman

Birth: 24 Aug 1910 Worth County, Missouri, USA

Death: 2 November 2005 Independence, Jackson, Missouri

Father: Francis Cleveland Zimmerman

Mother: Alta Florence Goodwin

Name: Ola Beatrice ZIMMERMAN

Birth: 27 May 1903 Jackson, Wyandot, Ohio, USA

Death: 14 Sep 1985 Kenton, Hardin, Ohio, USA

Father: Conrad Theodore Zimmerman

Mother: Sarah Elnora "Sadie" McKinley

Name: Ola Elizabeth ZIMMERMAN

Birth: 30 Nov 1908 Rockingham, Virginia, USA

Death: 14 Nov 1987 Bridgewater, Rockingham, Virginia, USA

Father: Ira Cline ZIMMERMAN

Mother: Louella "Ella" Gertrude Wright

Name: Ola Zimmerman

Birth: abt 1905 South Carolina

Death: Not Available

Father: Gaines Zimmerman

Mother: Leila Zimmerman

Name: Ola Dell ZIMMERMAN

Birth: Feb 1891 La Belle, Lewis County, Missouri, USA

Death: Not Available

Father: William W ZIMMERMAN

Mother: Margaret M. Calhoun

Name: Ola Zimmerman

Birth: abt 1906 Kansas

Death: Not Available

Father: Isaac William "Ike" Brown

Mother: Charlotte Alcestor Mills

Name: Ola C. Zimmerman

Birth: abt 1866 Indiana

Death: Not Available

Father: Joseph F Zimmerman

Mother: Catharine Shrek

Name: Ola V. Zimmerman

Birth: 29 Apr 1902

Death: 30 Sep 1982

Father: Floyd Logan Zimmerman

Mother: Myrtle May Kimball

Name: Ola Dale Zimmerman

Birth: 8 February 1891 Missouri

Death: 29 Oct 1977 Martinez, Contra Costa Co., California

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Ola Zimmerman

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Ola Zimmerman

Birth: 13 January 1901

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Ola Virgil Zimmerman

Birth: 1901 Smith Co., Kan

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

Name: Ola V Zimmerman

Birth: Not Available

Death: Not Available

Father: Private

Mother: Private

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