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Results for "Mary Ziliak"

1 - 22 of 22 Records
Female IconMale Icon

Mary Vivian ZILIAK

Birth: Abt. 1903 Indiana

Death: 30 Sep 1991 Mt Vernon, Indiana, USA


Father: Lorenz A Ziliak

Mother: Emma Magdeline Weidel

Female IconMale Icon

Mary Catherine Ziliak

Birth: Nov 1878 Indiana

Death: 21 Apr 1932 Evansville Vanderburgh Co IN


Father: Frank A Ziliak

Mother: Mary Catherine Karr

Female IconMale Icon

Mary Catherine Ziliak

Birth: Nov 1878 Indiana

Death: 21 Apr 1932 Evansville Vanderburgh Co IN


Father: Frank A Ziliak

Mother: Mary Catherine Karr

Female IconMale Icon

Mary A Ziliak

Birth: 3 Nov 1883 St James, Indiana, USA

Death: 24 Oct 1912 Ferdinand, Dubois, Indiana, USA


Father: Frank A Ziliak

Mother: Mary Catherine Karr

Female IconMale Icon

Mary Anna Ziliak

Birth: 8 May 1857 Indiana

Death: 11 Jun 1921 Wadesboro, Tangipahoa, Louisiana


Father: Lorentz Xavier Ziliak

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Diemer

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Mary Elizabeth Ziliak

Birth: 01 Aug 1879 Haubstadt, Gibson, Indiana, USA

Death: 21 Apr 1971 Vincennes, Indiana


Father: Alois Joseph Ziliak

Mother: Caroline Julliah Wolf

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Mary E Ziliak

Birth: 22 MAR 1893 Vanderburgh, Indiana

Death: Not Available


Father: Philip Jacob Ziliak

Mother: Matilda Mexal

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Birth: Jan 1880 IN

Death: 27 Feb 1967 Evansville Vanderburgh Co IN


Father: Joseph Ziliak

Mother: Mary Ann Dewig

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Mary Louise 'Lou' Ziliak

Birth: 31 Jan 1928 Armstrong, Vanderburgh, Indiana, USA

Death: 18 Sep 2018 At Home, Evansville, Indiana


Father: Anton Frank Ziliak

Mother: Mary Applonia Adler

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Mary Margaret ZILIAK

Birth: 28 Oct 1881 Indiana

Death: 2 Jul 1969 Haubstadt, Gibson, Indiana, United States


Father: Alois Joseph Ziliak

Mother: Caroline Julliah Wolf

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Mary Magdalene Ziliak

Birth: 11 Aug 1916 Indiana

Death: 27 Dec 2016


Father: James Jacob Ziliak

Mother: Genevieve Mary Martin

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Mary Mathilda "Tillie" Ziliak

Birth: 17 Nov 1877 St James, Indiana, USA

Death: 3 Feb 1948 Evansville, Vanderburgh, Indiana, USA


Father: Frank A Ziliak

Mother: Mary Catherine Karr

Female IconMale Icon

Mary Magdalene Ziliak

Birth: 4 Aug 1952 Indiana

Death: 4 Aug 1952 Evansville, Vanderburgh, Indiana, USA


Father: John W Ziliak

Mother: Dora Isabell Mattingly

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Birth: 1857 Indiana

Death: Bet. 1858–1951


Father: Lorentz Xavier Ziliak

Mother: Mary Elizabeth Diemer

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Mary A Ziliak

Birth: DEC 1895

Death: Not Available


Father: Joseph Ziliak

Mother: Mary Carr Kempf

Female IconMale Icon

Mary Louise ZILIAK

Birth: Abt. 1928 Indiana, USA

Death: 20 May 2006


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Mary Louise Ziliak

Birth: 1928 Vanderburgh, Indiana, United States

Death: 20 May 2006 Indiana, United States


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Mary E. Ziliak

Birth: Abt 1820 Elsas

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

Female IconMale Icon

Mary Margaret ZILIAK

Birth: 28 Oct 1881

Death: Not Available


Father: Not Available

Mother: Not Available

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