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Results for "Mary Gaynor"

1 - 25 of 1,337 Records

Mary Ellen Gaynor - 1909 to 1988

Birth: 13 Apr 1909 Lexington, Middlesex, Massachusetts, USAbirth0

Death: 4 Dec 1988 Brookline, Norfolk, Massachusetts, USAdeath0


Father: Giuseppe ‘Joseph’ Maiorana

Mother: Rose Conti

Mary Elizabeth Gaynor - 1882 to 1967

Birth: 22 Feb 1882 Liverpool, Lancashire, Englandbirth1

Death: 20 Aug 1967 Sechelt, British Columbiadeath1


Father: William Gaynor

Mother: Sarah Kilshaw

Mary Catherine Gaynor - 1863 to 1922

Birth: 03 Aug 1863 Woodstock, Oxford County, Canada West, Canadabirth2

Death: 18 Jul 1922 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USAdeath2


Father: James E. Gainer/Gaynor

Mother: Rosanna Arnell / Arnold Gaynor

Mary Agnus Gaynor - 1914 to 2011

Birth: 20 August 1914 Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, United States of Americabirth3

Death: 1 November 2011 Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, United States of Americadeath3


Father: James Elvin Gaynor

Mother: Mary Agnes Leavy

Mary Gaynor - 1739 to 1818

Birth: 1739 Gaynors, Saint Philip, Antigua and Barbudabirth4

Death: 13 Aug 1818 Hampstead, Middlesex, London, Englanddeath4


Father: Patrick/Peter GAYNOR

Mother: Mary Ambrose

Mary E Gaynor - 1896 to 1962

Birth: 5 Dec 1896 New York, New Yorkbirth5

Death: 1962 New Yorkdeath5


Father: Laurence Gaynor

Mother: Ellen Hynes

Mary Gaynor - 1860 to 1912

Birth: abt 1860 Irelandbirth6

Death: 16 Sep 1912 St. Clairdeath6


Father: Patrick Gainor

Mother: Bridget Carden

Mary Gaynor - 1848 to 1923

Birth: 23 Apr 1848 Waterford, Irelandbirth7

Death: 26 Apr 1923 Springfield, Illinoisdeath7


Father: Michael Gaynor

Mother: Margaret Smith

Mary Agnus Gaynor - 1914 to 2011

Birth: 20 August 1914 Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, United States of Americabirth8

Death: 1 November 2011 Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, United States of Americadeath8


Father: James Elvin Gaynor

Mother: Mary Agnes Leavy

Mary Agnus Gaynor - 1914 to 2011

Birth: 20 August 1914 Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, United States of Americabirth9

Death: 1 November 2011 Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, United States of Americadeath9


Father: James Elvin Gaynor

Mother: Mary Agnes Leavy

Mary Catherine Gaynor - 1863 to 1922

Birth: 03 Aug 1863 Woodstock, Oxford County, Canada West, Canadabirth10

Death: 18 Jul 1922 Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, USAdeath10


Father: James E. Gainer/Gaynor

Mother: Rosanna Arnell / Arnold Gaynor

Mary J Gaynor - 1840 to 1915

Birth: Jun 1840 Irelandbirth11

Death: 24 May 1915 Clayton County, Iowadeath11


Father: Tom Gainer

Mother: Bridget Sheehan

Mary M Gaynor - 1899 to 1937

Birth: May 1899 Brooklyn NY USAbirth12

Death: 7 Aug 1937 Brooklyn USAdeath12


Father: James J Gaynor

Mother: Mary McBride

Mary M Gaynor - 1899 to 1937

Birth: May 1899 Brooklyn NY USAbirth13

Death: 7 Aug 1937 Brooklyn USAdeath13


Father: James J Gaynor

Mother: Mary McBride

Mary R Gaynor - 1897 to 1944

Birth: 2 Aug 1897 Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, USAbirth14

Death: 30 Jun 1944 Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USAdeath14


Father: Edward F. Gaynor

Mother: Margaret Virginia McDonald

Mary R Gaynor - 1897 to 1944

Birth: 2 Aug 1897 Syracuse, Onondaga, New York, USAbirth15

Death: 30 Jun 1944 Watertown, Jefferson, New York, USAdeath15


Father: Edward F. Gaynor

Mother: Margaret Virginia McDonald

Mary Gaynor - 1872 to 1947

Birth: abt 1872 New Yorkbirth16

Death: 1947 New Yorkdeath16


Father: Michael Gaynor

Mother: Margaret Smith

Mary Agnes Gaynor - 1867 to 1936

Birth: 17 Mar 1867 Saratoga Springs Ward 4, Saratoga, New Yorkbirth17

Death: 11 Jan 1936 Saratoga Springs, Saratoga Co, New Yorkdeath17


Father: James Gaynor

Mother: Eunice McDonald

Mary Alice Gaynor - 1899 to 1978

Birth: 21 oct 1899 Kershaw, South Carolinabirth18

Death: 08 Apr 1978 Rock Hill, York, South Carolina, USAdeath18


Father: Julius Caesar Gaynor

Mother: Lizzie Baker

Mary A Gaynor - 1838 to 1912

Birth: 24 Jan 1838 New York, New Yorkbirth19

Death: Sep 1912 Haverstraw, Rockland, New York, United Statesdeath19


Father: Peter J Gaynor

Mother: Mary Gaynor

Mary Alice Gaynor - 1899 to 1978

Birth: 21 oct 1899 Kershaw, South Carolinabirth20

Death: 08 Apr 1978 Rock Hill, York, South Carolina, USAdeath20


Father: Julius Caesar Gaynor

Mother: Lizzie Baker

Mary Gaynor - 1907 to 1989

Birth: abt 1907 Illinoisbirth21

Death: 26 Mar 1989 Palatine, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath21


Father: James John Gaynor

Mother: Elizabeth Clara Klein

Mary Gaynor - 1907 to 1989

Birth: abt 1907 Illinoisbirth22

Death: 26 Mar 1989 Palatine, Cook, Illinois, USAdeath22


Father: James John Gaynor

Mother: Elizabeth Clara Klein

Mary Gaynor - 1895 to 1979

Birth: 24 Sep 1895 Bridgeport, Fairfield, Connecticut, USAbirth23

Death: 17 May 1979 Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California, USAdeath23


Father: Michael Gaynor

Mother: Ellen Gaynor

Mary Gaynor - 1819 to 1884

Birth: 1819 Irelandbirth24

Death: 9 Oct 1884 Dushore, Sullivan, Pennsylvania, United Statesdeath24


Father: Johannis Gaynor

Mother: Maria Davis

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